Xenoblade Wiki

Marna Garaffas (Japanese: マーマ・ギラフェ, Māma Girafe) are minor enemies in Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna ~ The Golden Country. They are members of the Garaffa family and can be found at level 40-42 at Loftin Nature Preserve in the Dannagh Region of the Kingdom of Torna. They only appear during the day, replacing the Astle Ellook that appear at night. Three must be defeated to unlock Mythra's level 5 Twilight Striker Blade Special.


Name Type Rarity Rate
Water Def Up III Aux Core Rare (rarity 2) 9.6%
Healing Amulet Accessory Rare (rarity 2) 8.4%
Healing Amulet Accessory Legendary (rarity 3) 5.6%
Brachinite Chip Core Chip Common (rarity 1) 10.8%
Golden Sash Accessory Rare (rarity 2) 6.0%
Golden Sash Accessory Legendary (rarity 3) 6.0%