Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
![]() | This user script seems to have a documentation page at User:GregU/dashes. |
// Fix hyphens, dashes, and minus signs per [[MOS:DASH]].
// See talk page for instructions.
// The user can disable these conversions by putting "nodashes" somewhere
// in the text — either temporarily or permanently. You can similarly add
// "scores" if the score-detection heuristic doesn't trigger automatically.
// This tool can be used standalone until it is added to AutoEd and wikEd.
// This module should follow unicodify.js if it is used.
// Testing page is at [[User:GregU/dashes.js/tests]].
// Please report false positives on the talk page.
function autoEdDashes (str)
if ( >= 0)
return str;
var scpat = /\bscores?\b|\[\[Category:.*\b(sport|athlet|players|teams|games|league|champion|tournament|competit|cup\b|\w+ball\b|hockey|lacrosse|cricket|rugby|tennis|golf|polo|boxing|boxers||chess)/i;
var scoresAreLikely = ( >= 0);
// Ensure the replacement isn't a link such as [[FOO - BAR]] before
// replacing it, so that we don't break the link. But we do want to
// replace dashes used in the right-side label part of links. Also,
// don't break templates, URLs, DOIs, {{#expr:}}, <math> equations,
// source code, or <ref name="13-70">.
function ifNotLink (str)
var pos = arguments[ arguments.length - 2 ];
var string = arguments[ arguments.length - 1 ];
var pat = /\[\[[^|\]]*$|\{\{[^|}]*$|[:\/%][^\s|>]+$|<[^>]*$|#\w*expr:.*$/i;
if (string.substring(pos-260,pos+1).search(pat) >= 0)
return str; // it's a link, so don't change it
var pat2 = /\{\{(main|see|detail|about|for\b|other|redir|conv|coor|sort|anchor|DNB(?: [Cc]ite|)|[Cc]ite DNB)[^}]*$/i;
if (string.substring(pos-260,pos+1).search(pat2) >= 0)
return str; // likely templates with page-name or neg params
var pat3 = /\|\s*(CAS_number)\s*=\s*/i;
if (string.substring(pos-260,pos+1).search(pat3) >= 0)
return str; // drugbox CAS_number
var pat4 = /\|\s*(doi|isbn)\s*=\s*/i;
if (string.substring(pos-260,pos+1).search(pat4) >= 0)
return str; // doi or isbn
var m = string.slice(pos).search(/<\/?(math|pre|code|tt|source|syntaxhighlight|gallery)\b/i);
if (m >= 0 && string.charAt(pos+m+1) == '/')
return str; // don't break a <math> equation, or source code
if (string.slice(pos).search(/^[^|{}[\]<>\n]*\.([a-z]{3,4}\s*[|}]|jpg|png|svg)|^.*hyphen/i) >= 0)
return str; // it's a file name parameter, or <!--sic hyphen-->
if ([ |(>][-–]\b/) >= 0)
return str.replace(/[-–]/, "−"); // minus sign
return str.replace(/--+\b/g, "—") . replace(/[-–−]+/g, "–"); // dash
str = str.replace(/\s--?\s/g, ifNotLink); // en dash looks better
str = str.replace(/[a-z\d]---?[a-z\d]/ig, ifNotLink); // em dash
str = str.replace(/\d\d\d]*}*[-−](present|current)\b/ig, ifNotLink); // 1973-present
str = str.replace(/[^\w−-](18|19|20)\d\d]*}*[-−][^\w−-]/g, ifNotLink); // (1973-)
str = str.replace(/\d(s|%|\?|''')[-−]\d/g, ifNotLink); // 1950s-1960s, 40%-50%
str = str.replace(/\d[-−](\$|'+)\d/g, ifNotLink); // $40-$50, 7-'''4''', '49-'53
str = str.replace(/[½⅓⅔¼¾⅛⅜⅝⅞]%?[-−][\d½⅓⅔¼¾⅛⅜⅝⅞]/g, ifNotLink); // 3½-6
str = str.replace(/\d(st|nd|rd|th)?[-−]\d+(st|nd|rd|th)\b/g, ifNotLink); // 2nd-3rd
str = str.replace(/([a-z,'"”\]>] +|\(|^\| *|\|\| *)[-–]\d/mig, ifNotLink); // minus -35
str = str.replace(/<((sup|sub|td)>\s*)[-–](\d)/ig, "<$1−$3"); // 10<sup>-3</sup>
str = str.replace(/,*(?=.? ) *[-–—−] *(\d*:\d\d[\s*<])/g, " – $1"); // album track listings
// November 15, 2005-March 7, 2006; [[March 18]]-[[April 4]]
str = str.replace(/(\d\]*)[-–—−](\[*(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)[a-z]* +\d)/g, "$1 – $2");
// July-August 2007
str = str.replace(/\b((Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)[a-z]*[-−]?\b){2,}/g, ifNotLink);
// [[266]]-[[283]]
str = str.replace(/(\d(?: BC)?\]\])[-−]((ca?\.|AD ?)?\[\[\d+[^\d-])/g, "$1–$2");
// (1984 – 1992)
str = str.replace(/([(|=] *\[*\d+\]*) +[–—−] +(\[*\d+\]*\s*[)|}])/g, "$1–$2");
// iv-xii
str = str.replace(/[ ;(=](?=\w+-)(m*(cm|cd|d?c*)(xc|xl|l?x*)(ix|iv|v?i*)-?\b){2}[^\w-]/g, ifNotLink);
if (scoresAreLikely) // W-L-D or 73–70–67–70=280, but not castling
str = str.replace(/[^\w−–-](?!0-0-0)(\d\d?\d?[-–−]){2,}\d\d?[^\w\/−–-]/g, ifNotLink);
str = str.replace(/\b(\d+)[–−](year|month|day|hour|minute|mile|yard|foot|inch|bit|door|speed|gun|page|seat|way|point|ton|man)\b/g, "$1-$2"); // hyphen
// Number ranges and scores should use en dashes, per [[MOS:DASH]].
// This has been well-tested and false positives (e.g., ID nos.) are rare.
function range (str, from,to, pos,string)
var dash = true;
var except = /\b(fig(ure)?|table|example|exhibit|circular|section|part|number|no|nr|id|model|pub|std|report|rpt|law|[P.]L|p|page|date|IS\wN\b[ a-z]*|SCOTUS)[^\w(,;]*$/i;
var rpat = /^([^A-Za-z]|nbsp)*(AD|BC|B?CE|BP|[kMG]a|km|mi|kg|lb|\w?Hz|vote|decision|record|odds|scor\w*|win|loss|tie|draw|lead|victory|defeat|upset|run|deficit|start|finish|season|game)\b/;
var lpat = /\b(pages|pp|rp|nos|\d+\)?'*[:,]|(w[io]n|lost?|tie|dr.w|lea?d|f.ll|vot|rul|decid|pass|fail|defeat|scor|gam|match|trail|finish|end)e?[ds]?|\w\w+ing|ahead|behind|up|down|from|to|is|are|was|were|of|out|by|an?|at|it|went|go|gone|beaten|between)([^a-z]|nbsp)*$/i;
var inorder = (to-0 > from.slice(-to.length)); // pp 362-5
var precision = Math.max(*$/),*$/) );
if (string.substring(pos-20,pos+1).search(except) >= 0) {
return str; // based on preceding word, looks like a ref number
if (from == 9 && to == 11) {
dash = false; // 9-11 is a common special case
if (from-0 >= to) {
dash = false; // values don't look like a range
if (to-from > 120 && from * (precision > 2 ? 5 : 50) < to && from > 1) {
dash = false; // values don't look like a range
if (scoresAreLikely && from <= 900 && to <= 900) {
dash = true; // likely a score or wins-losses
if (from < 2-to &&*\bChess\b/i) >= 0) {
dash = false; // chess notations 0-0, 0-1, 1-0
if (str.charAt(0) == '(' && string.charAt(pos + str.length) == ')') {
dash = true; // scores often seen as (8-4)
if (^0./) >= 0 ||^0./) >= 0) {
dash = false; // 3-07 and 0123-4567 look like ref numbers
if (string.substr(pos-1,15).search(/^\d([:,.])\d+.\d+\1\d/) >= 0) {
dash = true; // 10:30-11:30, 35,000-40,000, 2.5-4.0
if (string.substr(pos,30).search(rpat) >= 0) {
dash = true; // 12-5 BC, 5-5000 km, 6-4 win, 73-50 vote
if (string.substring(pos-80,pos).search(lpat) >= 0) {
dash = true; // pp. 8, 25, 270-74, 313-7; won 6-4, 6-2
if (from > 1000 && from < 2100 && to.length == 2 && inorder) {
dash = true; // 1994-95 year range
return dash ? ifNotLink(str,pos,string) : str;
str = str.replace(/[^\w\/+−–-](\d{1,4})[-−](\d{1,4})(?!'*[\w\/+−–-])/g, range);
return str;
// Hook to allow using this tool "standalone"
if (importScript("Wikipedia:AutoEd/core.js")) // if not otherwise using AutoEd
function autoEdFunctions() {
var txt = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
var str = txt.value.
replace(/—/g, '—').
replace(/–/g, '–'). // simplify core regexes
replace(/−/g, '−');
var newstr = autoEdDashes( str );
if (newstr != str) { // don't alter encoding style if no fixes
txt.value = newstr;
autoEdTag = "fixed [[MOS:DASH|dashes]] using a [[User:GregU/dashes.js|script]]";
autoEdLinkName = "–";
autoEdLinkHover = "Fix dashes, hyphens, and minus signs";
autoEdTag = "";