The Pickwick Papers ingelesa (Q460583)
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1837 novel by Charles Dickens ingelesa
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ingelesa | The Pickwick Papers |
1837 novel by Charles Dickens |
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The Pickwick Papers (ingelesa)
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The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, Containing a Faithful Record of the Perambulations, Perils, Travels, Adventures and Sporting Transactions of the Corresponding Members (ingelesa)
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Pickwick in America! ingelesa
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apirila 1836egutegi gregorianoa
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first line ingelesa
The first ray of light which illumines the gloom, and converts into a dazzling brilliancy that obscurity in which the earlier history of the public career of the immortal Pickwick would appear to be involved, is derived from the perusal of the following entry in the Transactions of the Pickwick Club, which the editor of these papers feels the highest pleasure in laying before his readers, as a proof of the careful attention, indefatigable assiduity, and nice discrimination, with which his search among the multifarious documents confided to him has been conducted. (ingelesa)
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last line ingelesa
Every year he repairs to a large family merry-making at Mr. Wardle’s; on this, as on all other occasions, he is invariably attended by the faithful Sam, between whom and his master there exists a steady and reciprocal attachment which nothing but death will terminate. (ingelesa)
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The Pickwick Club
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Libris-URI ingelesa
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AusStage work ID ingelesa
De Agostini ID ingelesa
Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, The-
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FantLab work ID ingelesa
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Freebase Data Dumps ingelesa
28 urria 2013
Goodreads work ID ingelesa
IDU original ID ingelesa
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23 abuztua 2024
Internet Archive ID ingelesa
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31 abuztua 2022
NNL item ID ingelesa
OCLC work ID ingelesa
Erreferentzia bat
The posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club by Charles Dickens | Open Library (ingelesa)
24 abuztua 2023
Project Gutenberg ebook ID ingelesa
TV Tropes ID ingelesa
Wikipedia(31 sarrera)
- arwiki مذكرات بكوك
- avkwiki Yona eluxa ke Pickwick (suterot)
- azbwiki پیکویک خاطرات دفتری
- brwiki The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
- cawiki Els papers pòstums del Club Pickwick
- cowiki The Pickwick Papers
- cswiki Kronika Pickwickova klubu
- dawiki Pickwick Klubben
- dewiki Die Pickwickier
- enwiki The Pickwick Papers
- eowiki The Pickwick Papers
- eswiki Los papeles póstumos del Club Pickwick
- fawiki یادداشتهای پیکویک
- fiwiki Pickwick-kerhon jälkeenjääneet paperit
- frwiki Les Papiers posthumes du Pickwick Club
- hewiki רשומות מועדון הפיקוויקים
- huwiki A Pickwick Klub
- hywiki Պիկվիկյան ակումբի հետմահու հուշերը
- itwiki Il Circolo Pickwick
- kawiki პიკვიკის კლუბის ჩანაწერები
- kwwiki An Paperyow Pickwick
- nlwiki The Pickwick Papers
- nnwiki Pickwick-klubben
- nowiki Pickwick-klubben
- pawiki ਦ ਪਿਕਵਿਕ ਪੇਪਰਜ਼
- plwiki Klub Pickwicka
- ptwiki The Pickwick Papers
- ruwiki Посмертные записки Пиквикского клуба
- svwiki Pickwickklubben
- ukwiki Посмертні записки Піквікського клубу
- zhwiki 匹克威克外传
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- enwikiquote The Pickwick Papers
- ruwikiquote Посмертные записки Пиквикского клуба
Wikiteka(2 sarrera)
- enwikisource The Pickwick Papers
- ukwikisource Посмертні записки Піквікського клубу
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- commonswiki Category:The Pickwick Papers