objeção de consciência portugués (Q2930613)

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individual who refuses to do something on the grounds of freedom of thought, conscience, and/or religion inglés
Lingua Etiqueta Descrición Tamén coñecido como
predeterminado para todas as linguas
Non hai ningunha etiqueta definida
    objeção de consciência
    Non hai ningunha descrición definida
      conscientious objector
      individual who refuses to do something on the grounds of freedom of thought, conscience, and/or religion


        0 referencias
        0 referencias
        1 referencia
        Developments from the 17th to the 19th century / North America / Beginning in [...] Their main concern was to be allowed to worship God according to their conscience and pacifist tradition. [...] In 1783 [...] The Mennonites’ refusal to serve in the military led to hardships during World War I, but many were legally able to avoid service under generous conditions for conscientious objector status during World War II. (inglés)
        objectrice de conscience (francés)
        0 referencias
        odpíračka vojenské služby (checo)
        0 referencias
        ugovornica vesti (esloveno)
        0 referencias
        сознательная отказчица (ruso)
        0 referencias
        Conscientious objectors
        0 referencias


        0 referencias
        Military Science--Military administration--Compulsory service. Conscription and exemption--Conscientious objectors
        Conscientious objectors (Military administration)
        0 referencias
        0 referencias
        0 referencias
        0 referencias