prevere catòlic de ritu romà catalan (Q1469535)

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ministre en l'Església catòlica romana que han rebut el segon grau de el sagrament de l'ordre. Poden administrar cinc dels set sagraments, llevat de la confirmació i l'ordenació, reservats a bisbe catalan
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prevere catòlic de ritu romà
Cap de descripcion pas provesida
    Latin Catholic priest
    minister in the Catholic Church of the West, of the Roman rite, who have received the second degree of the sacrament of orders. They can administer five of the seven sacraments, except confirmation and ordination, reserved for the bishop
    • Roman rite catholic priest
    • priest in the roman catholic church
    • catholic priest
    • roman rite catholic presbyter
    • communion priest
    • Roman Rite Catholic priest
    • priest
    • Roman Catholic priest
    • presbyter
    • catholic presbyter
    • roman catholic presbyter


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    ritu romà catalan
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    pas cap de valor
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    sacerdote cattolico di rito latino (italian)
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    Roman Catholic priests
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