Celebrate the summer. In the city, in the park, on the quayside or on the beach. Celebrate the long sultry summer nights. Soak up the atmosphere. The beautiful city of Nijmegen. The music. Get together with your friends. And with respect. Dance, laugh, eat and drink. Enjoy to the full. Every day. Enjoy the festival: the seven most amazing days of the year.
Over the past 50 years we have grown into the largest event in the NetherÂlands and one of the largest in Europe: spread over sevÂen days more than 1.5 milÂlion visÂiÂtors find their way to Nijmegen. But our ambiÂtion is not to conÂtinÂue to grow indefÂiÂniteÂly. We are far more proud of the fact that among the 50 largest events in the NetherÂlands, we rank highÂest in terms of atmosÂphere: The VierÂdaagseÂfeesten is the event with the best vibe in the Netherlands!
Our misÂsion is to bring peoÂple togethÂer in a safe, friendÂly setÂting where everyÂone can be themÂselves and embrace new expeÂriÂences. We want to creÂate the space you need to enjoy, be at your best, and broadÂen your horizons.
Our ambition is not only to continue to join forces with our partners and visitors to create the event with the best vibe in the Netherlands, but also to grow into an event of significance, one with an important social impact.
That is why we work with our partÂners based on the folÂlowÂing core values:
ParÂties for everyÂone: all ages, backÂgrounds and prefÂerÂences are welÂcome with us, we proÂgram as broadÂly as posÂsiÂble and ensure that everyÂone feels at home
ParÂtyÂing responÂsiÂbly: we limÂit our ecoÂlogÂiÂcal footÂprint and parÂty as susÂtainÂably as posÂsiÂble, which is what we ask of ourÂselves, our orgaÂnizÂers and our audience
ParÂties focused on the future: we like to give imporÂtant innoÂvaÂtions a place, as a testÂing ground for innoÂvaÂtion, in order to be a fesÂtiÂval for the genÂerÂaÂtions of now and tomorrow

Our secret?
The VierÂdaagseÂfeesten is not a sinÂgle event, but 40 fesÂtiÂvals rolled into one: every podiÂum is its own fesÂtiÂval. Some 15 event organÂisÂers, caterÂers and culÂturÂal instiÂtuÂtions are each responÂsiÂble for the proÂgramme of one or more podiÂums. They all have their own speÂcialÂties: pop, clasÂsic, rock, techÂno, urban, jazz, songs about life. Big names, upcomÂing talÂent from the NetherÂlands and abroad, covÂer bands, but also theÂatre, dance, workÂshops and lectures.
This means every street corÂner has a difÂferÂent atmosÂphere and attracts a difÂferÂent audiÂence: all ages and layÂers of sociÂety come togethÂer. The VierÂdaagseÂfeesten conÂnects genÂerÂaÂtions: feel comÂfortÂable celÂeÂbratÂing with your mothÂer, grandÂpa or young cousin.
The VierÂdaagseÂfeesten is an inviÂtaÂtion to get out of your comÂfort zone and be surÂprised. There where you least expect it you’ll find the best perÂforÂmances and the greatÂest peoÂple. Make new friends, get out of your bubÂble and into the filÂter bubÂble and celÂeÂbrate with an open mind!
Our role
Catalyst, director and developer
We are the directors of this event. Directors who think along, join in the work, and act as a catalyst. We believe in renewal and think it’s important to introduce you to new ideas and innovations. This is why we consciously choose to involve the local business and scientific community in the Vierdaagsefeesten. So we can create a festival for the generations of today and those of tomorrow. More about our partnerships.
An event on this scale has a tremendous impact on the surroundings. We take full responsibility for this, both in front of and behind the scenes. This also means engaging our power as a large podium to contribute to a healthier society, together with our partners and sponsors. For example, we are always looking for better ways to work together in creating an event that makes a difference. Self-evidently sustainable and responsible.
Our backdrop: Nijmegen
We are proud of the fact that our event takes place in the heart of Nijmegen: during the third week of July, the entire city centre is infused with the Vierdaagsefeesten. For a little while, we are the capital of the country and more than hundreds of thousands of people make their home every day on the Waal.
The city slogan of Nijmegen as the oldest Dutch city is: ‘Old city, young vibe.’ And you can really feel this as you stroll from podium to podium during the Vierdaagsefeesten. Podiums pop up in the most unlikely places: shopping streets, churches, parks, museums, even parking garages. As you discover the festival, you also explore the city. So it’s hardly surprising that more than half of the festival visitors say they want to come back to Nijmegen after the Vierdaagsefeesten!

Choice stress and hidden gems
With more than 1000 acts on more than 40 podiums, the Vierdaagsefeesten truly has something to offer everyone! If you’re looking for special highlights and hidden gems, follow one of our themes, in which we’ve bundled our programmers’ favourite acts. Which of these suits your taste best?
Feestmuziek van nu
The most famous hits of the moment
I ♥ Music
Indie, pop, rock, metal, singer-songwriter
Hits van alle tijden
From the 80's to the present, the finest classics
Conscious time-out, experience, beach, green, classic, workshop, lecture
Uit je plaat
Dance, techno, disco, house, hip hop, R&B
Grenzeloos genieten
Salsa, world music, reggae, funk, ska, blues, soul and jazz
From children's disco to djembe workshop, and from running on the obstacle course to playing in the children's circus
Vier de nacht
Party till the early hours!
VierÂdaagse and Vierdaagsefeesten
The VierÂdaagseÂfeesten began in 1970 under the name ​‘ZomerÂfeesten’ to offer all the walkÂers of the 54th ediÂtion of InterÂnaÂtionÂal Four Day MarchÂes some enterÂtainÂment in the city. Although the VierÂdaagseÂfeesten is now an indeÂpenÂdent event and many visÂiÂtors come to the city for the fesÂtiÂval atmosÂphere and proÂgramme alone, the Four Day MarchÂes and the VierÂdaagseÂfeesten are still inexÂtriÂcaÂbly linked. Despite being two sepÂaÂrate organÂiÂsaÂtions, we share comÂmon valÂues such as vitalÂiÂty, health, solÂiÂdarÂiÂty and sustainability.
On SunÂday and MonÂday, when the walkÂers come to pick up their startÂing numÂbers the city is filled with fresh walkÂers on the eve of the marchÂes. On TuesÂday and WednesÂday, the Four Day MarchÂes route runs through the city cenÂtre, and fesÂtiÂval visÂiÂtors enjoy cheerÂing on the walkÂers from the side lines. On WednesÂday, many fesÂtiÂval visÂiÂtors wear pink as a symÂbol of accepÂtance and diverÂsiÂty. Our Pink WednesÂday dress code has also been adoptÂed by many Four Day MarchÂes walkÂers. And after the FriÂday finÂish on the Via GladÂiÂoÂla, fesÂtiÂval visÂiÂtors can share a beer with the tired, but hapÂpy walkÂers. InciÂdenÂtalÂly, the more seriÂous parÂty-goers will also have covÂered quite a bit of disÂtance by then: a tour past all the fesÂtiÂval podiÂums is approxÂiÂmateÂly 7 km long, and takes sevÂen days to complete!