12-18 juli 2025nijmegen
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Our ambition

Celebrate the summer. In the city, in the park, on the quayside or on the beach. Celebrate the long sultry summer nights. Soak up the atmosphere. The beautiful city of Nijmegen. The music. Get together with your friends. And with respect. Dance, laugh, eat and drink. Enjoy to the full. Every day. Enjoy the festival: the seven most amazing days of the year.

Over the past 50 years we have grown into the largest event in the Nether­lands and one of the largest in Europe: spread over sev­en days more than 1.5 mil­lion vis­i­tors find their way to Nijmegen. But our ambi­tion is not to con­tin­ue to grow indef­i­nite­ly. We are far more proud of the fact that among the 50 largest events in the Nether­lands, we rank high­est in terms of atmos­phere: The Vier­daagse­feesten is the event with the best vibe in the Netherlands!

Our mis­sion is to bring peo­ple togeth­er in a safe, friend­ly set­ting where every­one can be them­selves and embrace new expe­ri­ences. We want to cre­ate the space you need to enjoy, be at your best, and broad­en your horizons. 

Our ambition is not only to continue to join forces with our partners and visitors to create the event with the best vibe in the Netherlands, but also to grow into an event of significance, one with an important social impact.

That is why we work with our part­ners based on the fol­low­ing core values:

Par­ties for every­one: all ages, back­grounds and pref­er­ences are wel­come with us, we pro­gram as broad­ly as pos­si­ble and ensure that every­one feels at home

Par­ty­ing respon­si­bly: we lim­it our eco­log­i­cal foot­print and par­ty as sus­tain­ably as pos­si­ble, which is what we ask of our­selves, our orga­niz­ers and our audience

Par­ties focused on the future: we like to give impor­tant inno­va­tions a place, as a test­ing ground for inno­va­tion, in order to be a fes­ti­val for the gen­er­a­tions of now and tomorrow

Placeholder for Donderdag 4dfen2019 Hanenkamp CA1 0044Donderdag 4dfen2019 Hanenkamp CA1 0044

Our secret?

The Vier­daagse­feesten is not a sin­gle event, but 40 fes­ti­vals rolled into one: every podi­um is its own fes­ti­val. Some 15 event organ­is­ers, cater­ers and cul­tur­al insti­tu­tions are each respon­si­ble for the pro­gramme of one or more podi­ums. They all have their own spe­cial­ties: pop, clas­sic, rock, tech­no, urban, jazz, songs about life. Big names, upcom­ing tal­ent from the Nether­lands and abroad, cov­er bands, but also the­atre, dance, work­shops and lectures. 

This means every street cor­ner has a dif­fer­ent atmos­phere and attracts a dif­fer­ent audi­ence: all ages and lay­ers of soci­ety come togeth­er. The Vier­daagse­feesten con­nects gen­er­a­tions: feel com­fort­able cel­e­brat­ing with your moth­er, grand­pa or young cousin. 

The Vier­daagse­feesten is an invi­ta­tion to get out of your com­fort zone and be sur­prised. There where you least expect it you’ll find the best per­for­mances and the great­est peo­ple. Make new friends, get out of your bub­ble and into the fil­ter bub­ble and cel­e­brate with an open mind! 

Our role

Catalyst, director and developer

We are the directors of this event. Directors who think along, join in the work, and act as a catalyst. We believe in renewal and think it’s important to introduce you to new ideas and innovations. This is why we consciously choose to involve the local business and scientific community in the Vierdaagsefeesten. So we can create a festival for the generations of today and those of tomorrow. More about our partnerships.

An event on this scale has a tremendous impact on the surroundings. We take full responsibility for this, both in front of and behind the scenes. This also means engaging our power as a large podium to contribute to a healthier society, together with our partners and sponsors. For example, we are always looking for better ways to work together in creating an event that makes a difference. Self-evidently sustainable and responsible.

Our backdrop: Nijmegen

We are proud of the fact that our event takes place in the heart of Nijmegen: during the third week of July, the entire city centre is infused with the Vierdaagsefeesten. For a little while, we are the capital of the country and more than hundreds of thousands of people make their home every day on the Waal.

The city slogan of Nijmegen as the oldest Dutch city is: ‘Old city, young vibe.’ And you can really feel this as you stroll from podium to podium during the Vierdaagsefeesten. Podiums pop up in the most unlikely places: shopping streets, churches, parks, museums, even parking garages. As you discover the festival, you also explore the city. So it’s hardly surprising that more than half of the festival visitors say they want to come back to Nijmegen after the Vierdaagsefeesten!

Placeholder for De Kaaij Vierdaagsefeesten2020 Jan Willem de Venster 7De Kaaij Vierdaagsefeesten2020 Jan Willem de Venster 7
Placeholder for 14 07 2018 SMKMRKT Labyrinth Jan Willem de Venster 8 214 07 2018 SMKMRKT Labyrinth Jan Willem de Venster 8 2

Choice stress and hidden gems

With more than 1000 acts on more than 40 podiums, the Vierdaagsefeesten truly has something to offer everyone! If you’re looking for special highlights and hidden gems, follow one of our themes, in which we’ve bundled our programmers’ favourite acts. Which of these suits your taste best?

Feestmuziek van nu
The most famous hits of the moment

I ♥ Music
Indie, pop, rock, metal, singer-songwriter

Hits van alle tijden
From the 80's to the present, the finest classics

Conscious time-out, experience, beach, green, classic, workshop, lecture

Uit je plaat
Dance, techno, disco, house, hip hop, R&B

Grenzeloos genieten
Salsa, world music, reggae, funk, ska, blues, soul and jazz

From children's disco to djembe workshop, and from running on the obstacle course to playing in the children's circus

Vier de nacht
Party till the early hours!

Vier­daagse and Vierdaagsefeesten

The Vier­daagse­feesten began in 1970 under the name ​‘Zomer­feesten’ to offer all the walk­ers of the 54th edi­tion of Inter­na­tion­al Four Day March­es some enter­tain­ment in the city. Although the Vier­daagse­feesten is now an inde­pen­dent event and many vis­i­tors come to the city for the fes­ti­val atmos­phere and pro­gramme alone, the Four Day March­es and the Vier­daagse­feesten are still inex­tri­ca­bly linked. Despite being two sep­a­rate organ­i­sa­tions, we share com­mon val­ues such as vital­i­ty, health, sol­i­dar­i­ty and sustainability. 

On Sun­day and Mon­day, when the walk­ers come to pick up their start­ing num­bers the city is filled with fresh walk­ers on the eve of the march­es. On Tues­day and Wednes­day, the Four Day March­es route runs through the city cen­tre, and fes­ti­val vis­i­tors enjoy cheer­ing on the walk­ers from the side lines. On Wednes­day, many fes­ti­val vis­i­tors wear pink as a sym­bol of accep­tance and diver­si­ty. Our Pink Wednes­day dress code has also been adopt­ed by many Four Day March­es walk­ers. And after the Fri­day fin­ish on the Via Glad­i­o­la, fes­ti­val vis­i­tors can share a beer with the tired, but hap­py walk­ers. Inci­den­tal­ly, the more seri­ous par­ty-goers will also have cov­ered quite a bit of dis­tance by then: a tour past all the fes­ti­val podi­ums is approx­i­mate­ly 7 km long, and takes sev­en days to complete! 

Cel­e­brate the start of the sum­mer. Free and acces­si­ble. Enjoy the festival.

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