Record Details:
Basidiomycota R.T. Moore, Bot. Mar. 23(6): 371 (1980) Editorial comment: See Whittaker (as 'Basidiomycetes', Q. Rev. Biol. 34: 220 (1959), nom. nud.; see also Science 163: 155, 1969, with ref. to Bold, Morphology of Plants (Harper, New York) 1957, as division. Lat. diagn. given by Moore, Botanica Marina 23: 371, 1980 (T.: not designated). Cited by Cavalier-Smith, Biol. Rev. 73: 248, 1998 as 'de Bary 1866 em. auct. stat. nov. Moore 1980'] Citations in published lists or literature: Index Fungorum LSID:
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