This was published 4 years ago
More than 40 years in the making: Read the Palace Papers in full
By Jack Patterson, Mathew Dunckley and Mark Stehle
The National Archives of Australia on Tuesday released the so-called Palace Papers, correspondence between Governor-General John Kerr and Buckingham Palace.
The full original documents are accessible below.
They are organised into six groups - as they were released by the National Achives - with a text index for each group listed below the clickable tile that will take you to the documents.
The six groups are organised in chronological order.
8 Oct 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 30 Sep 1975
Her Majesty thanks you for keeping her informed
Constitutional crisis
2 Oct 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to two letters of 20 Sep 1975
Papua New Guinea independence celebrations
Queen had a full account from Prince Charles of his talks with you, including the possibility of the Prime Minister asking the Queen to terminate your commission
Political situation in Australia
30 Sep 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Conversation with the Prime Minister on 29 Sep 1975 on the political and constitutional problems and the Prime Minister’s proposed options, including Half Senate Election
Private oral advice from Attorney-General re section 53 of constitution that the Senate has the legal power to reject the Appropriation Bills
Doubt about Sir John and Lady Kerr’s visit to Canada and London (due to depart on 5 Nov 1975)
24 Sep 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 12 Sep 1975
Prince of Wales has advised the Queen of problems the Governor-General is facing in Australia
Handwritten postscript re Eugene Forsey’s book, ‘The Prerogative of the Dissolution’ [‘The Royal Prerogative of Dissolution of Parliament in the British Commonwealth’]
20 Sep 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Report of trip to Papua New Guinea
Anticipating Princess Margaret’s visit in early Nov 1975
20 Sep 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Constitutional crisis
Prime Minister Whitlam’s discussion with the Governor-General in Port Moresby re section 53 of the constitution dealing with the Senate’s power to deal with money bills; and on Mr Whitlam’s plans if Sir John terminated Mr Whitlam’s commission when the public service etc were not being paid
Discussion with Sir Garfield Barwick re section 53
Press against Mr Fraser
Mr Fraser in Papua New Guinea but the Governor-General did not discuss the issues with him
Is keeping an open mind re the issues but thinking hard
London trip will go ahead on 3 Nov 1975 unless supply is unresolved re constitutional and budget issues
10 Sep 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 4 Sep 1975 re Bougainville
7 Sep 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 29 Aug 1975:
Similarities between economic situation in Australia and Britain
Note that you expect the next election to come towards the first half of 1976
Sir Martin’s meeting with the Canadian Governor-General
Expecting Sir John and Lady Kerr’s visit to London and Canada
5 Sep 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To:Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 28 Aug 1975:
Queen instructed Charteris to say (in separate correspondence) that she’s pleased to become Queen and Head of State of Papua New Guinea and has approved the appointment of the Governor-General to Papua New Guinea (acting on advice of her Australian ministers)
12 Sep 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Political situation
Low popularity of the government in polls
Views and opinions around Australia including the press, and pressure on Mr Fraser to deny supply and reject the budget in the Senate
Important constitutional questions could arise and require careful thought
About to leave for Papua New Guinea for independence day
4 Sep 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Papua New Guinea, Bougainville’s ‘secession’ and position of Catholic Church in political developments
Declaration of the Republic of North Solomons re Bougainville, 1 Sep 1975
29 Aug 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Recent political situation, the budget
Heavy inflation in Australia and the tax system
Mr Fraser has announced that although he will criticise the budget, no election will be precipitated this year, unless the situation changes
Prime Minister expected it to be possible that an election would occur on 5 Dec 1975, if supply were denied
Sir John’s visit to Canada, London and Europe in November
Enclosing two copies of the Australian Foreign Affairs Record – issue for May has an article re Sir John’s visit to South Asia; issue for June includes an article and report on Papua New Guinea (copies not attached to file)
Have sent the official documentation on the Papua New Guinea constitution today
28 Aug 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 19 Aug 1975:
Procedures re The Queen assuming sovereignty of Papua New Guinea satisfactory
Bougainville secession
19 Aug 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Papua New Guinea: adoption of constitution procedural arrangements
Bougainville secession issues
Australian aid to Papua New Guinea cut as part of general budget cuts
Note that budget is to be delivered tonight
31 Jul 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 25 Jul 1975:
Formal approval for absence from Australia to visit London and European capitals
The Queen looks forward to receiving the Sir John and Lady Kerr
30 Jul 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letters of 3 and 21 Jul 1975:
Comments briefly on the Australian political situation and the Executive Council meeting of 14 Dec 1974
Letters provide valuable background for The Queen
Interesting politics in UK in the last 6 weeks
Personal note in Charteris’ hand re test cricket
25 Jul 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Seeks The Queen’s approval for a visit by Sir John to London, possibly in November (with the Prime Minister’s support)
Possible election if Supply is denied
Progress of the news honours system
The Queen’s jubilee year visit
Prime Minister’s proposal to seek The Queen’s approval for a revision and consolidation of the Royal Instructions to the Governor-General
21 Jul 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Report on loans crisis involving Dr Cairns and Mr Connor
Mr Khemlani given an Executive Council Minute
Questioning of senior public servants re loan policy by Senate
State election in South Australia
Weakening of Mr Whitlam’s position
Sir John’s tour of the Northern Territory interrupted
Executive Council meeting of 14 Dec 1974 held in Sir John’s absence and without his prior knowledge
3 Jul 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Political developments and Labor’s by-election loss
Dismissal of Dr Cairns as Minister for the Environment by the Governor-General (same issues as with Mr Cameron)
The loan deals and Mr Fraser’s call for a judicial inquiry
Budget issues and the possibility of the denial of supply
Energy not to be moved from CSIRO
25 Jun 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 20 Jun 1975:
Papua New Guinea independence and the Prince of Wales’ attendance
20 Jun 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Re Papua New Guinea independence date set as 16 Sep 1975; Prince of Wales attendance; and Bougainville secession issue
19 Jun 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letters of 11 Jun 1975:
Political developments and top public servants; comment on decision re dismissal of Mr Cameron
Political situation and similarity in UK
18 Jun 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 11 Jun 1975:
Order of Australia
17 Jun 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 11 Jun 1975:
Papua New Guinea independence ceremony, Prince of Wales attendance and date
11 Jun 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 30 May 1975:
Papua New Guinea independence: The Queen’s style and title; date
Governor-General’s visits to Fiji and New Zealand
David Smith in London
11 Jun 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Order of Australia: acceptance/rejection of proposed honours; thoughts on changes to the guidelines for eligibility
11 Jun 1975
From:Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Recent political developments: Cabinet reshuffle, including , on the advice of the Prime Minister, the Governor-General’s dismissal of Mr Cameron (who refused to resign)
11 Jun 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Ministerial changes and top public servants: Sir Frederick Wheeler, Sir Lenox Hewitt, Sir Arthur Tange, Dr Price, Mr Rex Connor, Mr Morrison
[Refers to a letter from Dr Price re Order of Australia being attached to the letter of 11 Jun 1975 re the Order: it is not present on this file]
11 Jun 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To:Sir Martin Charteris
Regarding Papua New Guinea independence: date
3 Jun 1975
From:Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 26 May 1975:
The Queen has received an account from Princess Anne of the visit to Australia
Papua New Guinea independence
Council of the Order of Australia
Impending visit of David Smith
30 May 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Prince of Wales attendance at independence of Papua New Guinea: discussion of dates
26 May 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Papua New Guinea independence and Australian advice to The Queen
Council of the Order of Australia deliberations
16 May 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Refers to his own letter of 5 May re Prince Charles travelling to Papua New Guinea for independence day: dates
5 May 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris, Hong Kong
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 21 Apr 1975:
Papua New Guinea independence and royal representation
The Queen has received an approach from the Australian Government, acting on behalf of Michael Somare, offering her the Crown of Papua New Guinea
2 May 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris, Honolulu, Hawaii
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 23 Apr 1975:
State/Commonwealth tensions regarding Orders of Australia
The Queen pleased to hear about Kerr’s marriage
23 Apr 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Background to establishment of the Council for the Order of Australia: State/Commonwealth tensions
The Bulletin article re Office of the Governor-General
Princess Anne and Captain Phillips in Canberra
Biographies for Sir John’s nominees for the Council of the Order of Australia
Draft ‘Honours in Confidence’ cover sheet to be used in despatching documents to Council members
The unroyal order, The Bulletin, 26 Apr 1975
21 Apr 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Talks with Somare in Papua New Guinea re independence and the likelihood that The Queen will be asked to remain as Queen of Papua New Guinea; wish for member of the Royal family to attend Independence Day
2 Apr 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 24 Mar 1975:
Mr Fraser leader of the opposition
The Queen’s delight in successful overseas visits
Order of Australia
Independence of Papua New Guinea
Proposed visit to Fiji by Governor-General
British Honours awarded by the Australian states
Visit to London of Sir Mark Oliphant
24 Mar 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Political situation in Australia; Mr Fraser has replaced Mr Snedden as leader of opposition
Overseas visit to Nepal, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran
Darwin visit
Order of Australia: establishing administrative arrangements
Papua New Guinea independence
Possible visit to Fiji
Awards of British Honours by the Australian states
5 Mar 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 19 Feb 1975:
The Queen’s approval of visit to New Zealand
Order of Australia: have received David Smith’s copies of press response
Prince of Wales back from Nepal
25 Feb 1975
From: William (Bill) Heseltine
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 19 Feb 1975:
Coronation in Nepal
Darwin cyclone and accident on Derwent River, Hobart
Press reception of the Order of Australia
Senate casual vacancy
Royal Commonwealth Society incident
The Bulletin article
Health of Sir John
Vice-regal salute
Commonwealth/State relations
Proposed visit to New Zealand
The Queen’s staff in Mexico and Caribbean
19 Feb 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Visit to Nepal, India, Afghanistan and Iran
Sir Roden Cutler to act in Sir John’s absence
Darwin disaster; The Queen’s gift to nurses in Darwin; Sir John’s planned stopover in Darwin (mentions enclosure: not present on file)
Collision with Tasman Bridge on the Derwent River, Hobart
Order of Australia and possible reactions; staff will be established in Government House to handle the honours
Political position in Australia including appointment of Senator Murphy to the High Court and filling of the casual vacancy; Labor party conference
The Royal Commonwealth Society incident
Article in the magazine The Bulletin re Sir John following Sir Paul Hasluck’s policy (mentions enclosure: article not present on file)
Sir John’s health
Vice-regal salute (national anthem)
Commonwealth/State tensions
Appointment of Senator Murphy to the High Court
Sir John’s travel in coming months to Papua New Guinea, Northern Territory and New Zealand
Potential request for attendance of a member of the Royal Family in Papua New Guinea
10 Feb 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letters of 4 Feb 1975:
Letters re Australian honours have been placed before The Queen and she has been pleased to give them her approval
The Queen’s views on honours, including the Order of Australia
Vice-regal salute
3 Feb 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To:Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 4 Jan 1975:
The Queen has read your letter with close interest regarding your visit to Darwin
Difficulties over table of precedence and UK arrangements re consultation between the UK government and The Queen
The Queen’s view on vice-regal salute (national anthem)
The Queen’s interest in Mr Fraser’s attempt to supplant Mr Snedden
4 Feb 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Australian honours and awards (and Table of Precedence), including State objections and Canadian precedents; effect of Darwin disaster
Possibility of a political or constitutional crisis occurring before The Queen’s birthday discussed with the Prime Minister in relation to political consequences of decisions
Vice-regal salute
3 Feb 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Cable with The Queen’s approval for Sir John’s attendance at the coronation in Nepal and related visits
4 Jan 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Darwin disaster (Cyclone Tracy): thanks The Queen for sympathetic message; issued Order of the Day to the Armed Services; Sir John’s visit to Darwin; no special legal powers; Commonwealth/Northern Territory tensions
Order of precedence and the Prime Minister’s views
National anthem
Australian politics: supply and appropriation; Mr Fraser may try to unseat Snedden; Sir John’s visit to Sir Robert Menzies
Program for HRH Princess Anne and Captain Phillips’ visit
Plans for visit to Nepal, India, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan
17 Dec 1974
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 10 Dec 1974:
Australian Honours
Mr Whitlam’s visit to London
Miss Morosi in press in UK
19 Dec 1974
Official Secretary to the Governor-General London
Cablegram re Table of Precedence, quoting from a document to Prime Minister Whitlam from the Governor-General
19 Dec 1974
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Telegram re Australian Honours, Table of Precedence – background information
19 Dec 1974
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Telegram re Australian Honours, Table of Precedence – formal advice
4 Dec 1974
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letters of 8 and 22 Nov 1974:
Shah’s visit
The Queen interested in mechanics of announcement of change in Treasurer prior to becoming effective
Prince of Wales was grateful for advice re New South Wales property
Petition from Queensland to Privy Council has not arrived
Governor-General’s Australian and Papua New Guinea visits
Australian Honours; The Queen would support
The Queen has no objection to Kerr becoming patron of Law Association for Asia and the Western Pacific
10 Dec 1974
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Result of Queensland election (Labor losses)
Leader of the Opposition (Mr Snedden) survived a challenge from Mr Fraser
Budget passed
Scandal affecting Treasurer and Attorney-General: appointment of Miss Morosi to Treasurer’s staff and her husband by Attorney-General to the Film Board
Possibility of denial of supply towards end first half of 1975
Australian Honours system discussions
Controversial appointment of Menadue (Private Secretary to Mr Whitlam as Deputy Leader of Opposition) to head the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Controversial appointment of Dr Wilenski (former Principal Private Secretary to Prime Minister Whitlam) to head the Department of Labor and Immigration
22 Nov 1974
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Press speculation over Treasurer’s position (Dr Cairns replaced Mr Crean) and political situation
Proposed Australian Honours system
Proposed trip to Nepal and neighbouring countries
Law Association for Asia and the Western Pacific – Kerr was foundation president; the association would now like him to be patron
8 Nov 1974
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Visit by Imperial majesties of Iran; Indian Ocean diplomacy; cultural and trade relations
Visit by Japanese Prime Minister; trade matters
Visit by Prince of Wales including details of ownership of New South Wales property
Invitation to coronation of King of Nepal
Problems with the economy, possible election mid-next year, possible denial of supply and press speculation re Treasurer Crean’s replacement by Dr Cairns
Plan to travel around Australia
Proposes a pre-independence trip to Papua New Guinea
Review of Order of Precedence
Tasmanian petition on rights to the seabed
9 Oct 1974
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 15 Aug 1974:
Prince of Wales purchasing property in New South Wales – action deferred
14 Sep 1974
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 9 Sep 1974:
Charteris’ recent visit to Canada and ceremonial arrangements
National anthem
9 Sep 1974
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Ceremonial arrangements; dress to be worn at swearing in ceremony
Postponed visit to Canada
Royal salute to the Governor-General
National anthem
14 Sep 1974
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 6 Sep 1974:
Charteris’ expression of sympathy on death of Lady Kerr and also on behalf of The Queen
Sir John Bunting’s appointment as Australian High Commissioner, London
Commonwealth/State relations
Government use of personal advisors (Australia and Whitehall)
Comment re length of reports
6 Sep 1974
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Lady Kerr’s health deteriorating
Sir John Bunting’s appointment as Australian High Commissioner, London; concerns of the senior ranks of the public service; Royal Commission into the Australian Public Service; procedure under which Kerr provided background briefings by Ministers.
Symbols of the Monarchy
Requests indication of level of detail required in reports to Sir Martin
2 Sep 1974
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 15 Aug 1974:
Lady Kerr’s health
Prince Charles’ purchase of property
Labor caucus
Queensland petition and advice to The Queen from more than one quarter
Death of Norman Kirk, New Zealand
15 Aug 1974
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Update on Lady Kerr’s health
Opening of the new Parliament after the double dissolution and resulting political consequences of the election, including the opposition’s control of the Senate, internal government politics
Proposal that Prince Charles purchase land in New South Wales
Petition from the Tasmanian government to The Queen re off-shore question and Commonwealth/State relations
Handling of the six bills allegedly twice rejected by the Senate which led to the double dissolution; the interpretation of Section 57 of the constitution; and the High Court’s view of Sir John’s proclamation
State of Queensland’s proposal to refer issues to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council
Proclamation under section 57 of the constitution by Sir Paul Hasluck, Special Gazette, No 31B, 11 Apr 1974
Proclamation by Sir John Kerr (referring to Sir Paul Hasluck’s proclamation of 11 Apr), Special Gazette, No 62B, 30 Jul 1974
Section 57 of the constitution
3 Dec 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letters of 24 and 28 Nov 1975:
Confirm conversation with David Smith: would be wise not to make any statements about resignation during the election
5 Dec 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Press coverage of constitutional crisis with opinions and polls
Thank you for phone call about possible resignation
Leave plans on hold
25 Nov 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To Sir John Kerr
Response to letters of 17 and 20 Nov 1975:
The Queen has read account with close interest
Comments on Sir John’s possible resignation
Sir John’s leave visit to Paris and Sandringham
28 Nov 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Press response to constitutional crisis, opinion polls
Personal mail received in response to crisis
Considering a statement about not intending to resign as Governor-General, but could be regarded as political
24 Nov 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Mr Whitlam’s response to his dismissal
Public opinion and the constitutional crisis debate
Your reply to the Speaker, Mr Scholes, delivered and he released the text
Seeks advice on whether he should resign as Governor-General if Mr Whitlam wins election
Security arrangements
17 Nov 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 11 Nov 1975:
Discussion re 11 Nov 1975
Mr Whitlam’s phone call to Sir Martin on 11 Nov 1975
Response to Mr Scholes’ letter to The Queen – to be despatched to Mr Scholes if Sir John agrees with the text
20 Nov 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Psychological factors involved on what happened on 11 Nov 1975; reserve powers
Pressure from press to answer questions re his exercise of discretion
Outlines the psychology of the situation in coming to the decision on 11 Nov 1975
Letter of support from Sir Robert Menzies to Sir John Kerr, 19 Nov 1975
17 Nov 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir John Kerr
News clippings have been sent by David Smith
Reason for choosing 11 Nov 1975 for action
Opinion polls
Considering resignation options
5 Nov 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 27 Oct 1975:
Re Governor-General’s proposed leave plans for January: Sir John and Lady Kerr must visit The Queen in Norfolk
The Queen kept informed, confirmed by palace in response to a call by the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC)
Quote on role of the Crown/Governor-General in the Canadian constitution from Arthur Meighen
4 Nov 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 22–24 Oct 1975:
The Queen has read the material
Comments on reserve powers
11 Nov 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Sir John asked David Smith to ring Palace to report that Sir John had terminated the commission of Mr Whitlam and commissioned Mr Fraser as a caretaker Prime Minister upon conditions
Motion of confidence in House of Representatives for Member for Werriwa (former Prime Minister, Mr Whitlam) and the Speaker visited Sir John
Advice received from the Solicitor-General and the Secretary, Attorney-General’s Department about reserve powers
All copies:
Letter from Sir John Kerr to Mr Whitlam, terminating his appointment, 11 Nov 1975
Statement by the Governor-General on the constitutional crisis, 11 Nov 1975
Letter from Garfield Barwick to Sir John Kerr, confirming discussions of 10 Nov re the Governor-General’s constitutional rights and duties, 10 Nov 1975
Letter from Malcolm Fraser to Sir John Kerr, confirming that he will act as his Chief Adviser and Head of Government, will immediately seek to secure the passage of the Appropriation Bills and will recommend the dissolution of both Houses of Parliament, 11 Nov 1975
6 Nov 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
3 Nov 1975: Discussion with Mr Fraser; and with the Prime Minister
6 Nov 1975: With Prime Minister’s approval, had conversations with Mr Fraser, the Attorney-General and the Treasurer to keep upto date
Discussions between Treasury officials and the banks about arrangements to carry on
without supply
A decision may have to be made this month
27 Oct 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 20 Oct 1975:
Noting Australian political situation
Sir Colin Hannah’s ‘dormant commission’ to act as Governor-General if necessary, has been revoked on the advice of the Australian Prime Minister
23 Oct 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 17 Oct 1975:
The Queen is closely following events
Political situation in Australia
Sir Colin Hannah’s speech attacking the government and the petition from Mr Burns
Sir Colin Hannah’s dormant commission
27–30 Oct 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Campaign meetings and debates in Parliament
Loans affair/Khemlani returned with documents and he may be called before the Bar of the Senate
Public opinion
Legal right of Senate to reject Supply
Vice-regal role in the situation
Proposed leave plans Christmas/January
Reference in press to The Queen having been kept informed, confirmed by Palace
Princess Margaret in Sydney
22–24 Oct 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Arrival of Princess Margaret in Canberra
Legal opinion sought on Mr Ellicott’s memorandum by the Prime Minister at Sir John’s request
Under pressure to act
Discussions with the Prime Minister and asked him to agree to Sir John talking to the Leader of the Opposition
Discussions with Leader of the Opposition
Dinner for Princess Margaret, 22 Oct 1975
20 Oct 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Constitutional and political problem: outlines developments; Prime Minister’s and Opposition’s positions; press coverage
Sir John’s long friendship with some in the Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet
Will not act at present
Prime Minister’s intention to withdraw Queensland State Governor, Sir Colin Hannah’s dormant commission to act in the Governor-General’s absence.
17 Oct 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Outlines the developments after Mr Kemlani arrived in Australia and released documents on the loans affair; questions in Parliament
Prime Minister’s and Leader of the Opposition’s positions; state involvement; press coverage etc
Note of conversations in Port Moresby and the possibility of The Queen being asked to recall Sir John
Prime Minister and the Governor-General remain friendly
16 Oct 1975
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Mr David Smith
Advised had received phone call from Richard Castleton [Carleton?], ABC, asking if The Queen was being kept informed of the constitutional crisis. Sir Martin confirmed The Queen was being kept informed by her Governor-General
10 Oct 1975
From: Mr David Smith
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Attaches article Sir John wanted Sir Martin to see
27 May 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Australian mini budget, Federal expenditure, Medibank levy, reduction of deficit, wage policy
New South Wales election outcome, reflections on new Premier, Mr Neville Wran
27 May 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Sir John’s visit to Western Australia, observations of public sentiment toward the Monarchy and position of Governor-General
Audience with The Queen sought by Mr Whitlam
Reflections on publication by Mr Paul Kelly
17 May 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letters of 27 Apr and 4 and 7 May 1976:
Comments on breadth of information provided to The Queen
Australian Honours System
Strategy to protect the position of Governor-General
6 May 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 23 Apr 1976:
Reference to meeting with Sir John Bunting in London
7 May 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Visit to Western Australia, Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Christmas Island
New South Wales election outcome
Order of honours within the Australian honours system
The position of the Governor-General in the monarchical system and role of Attorney-General in defending the position
Additional handwritten postscript: from Sir John and postscript (2) from David Smith
4 May 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Commonwealth recommendations for Honours, Mr Lance Barnard, Mr John Egerton, Mr John Ducker
New South Wales election outcome deadlock
Possible tax reform and mini budget
Possible trade union protests in Melbourne during proposed visit
Comments on further publications on the dismissal of the Whitlam Government detailing Sir John’s actions
Comments on Mr Menadue’s agitation for Governor-General’s resignation
28 Apr 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 13 Apr 1976:
Comments on the New South Wales election, role of Mr Whitlam in the election
Comments on academic views of the Whitlam Government dismissal
21 Apr 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 6 Apr 1976:
Congratulations on Sir John’s knighthood
Similarity of economic issues and taxation in Australia and UK
27 Apr 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
ANZAC Day reports in press
Demonstration at Australian National University; possible boycott of lunch hosted by the Lord Mayor and Council of the City of Melbourne
Personal note regarding wedding anniversary and upcoming family wedding
23 Apr 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Congratulations on Her Majesty’s 50th birthday
Upcoming New South Wales election
Demonstrations in Australia agitating for resignation of Sir John
Arrangements for the Governor-General’s security
Collaboration with the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet regarding the Governor-General’s official program
Opinion poll results on Prime Minister Fraser’s and Mr Whitlam’s popularity
Gallup poll results regarding Governor-General’s resignation
12 Apr 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letters of 29 and 30 Mar 1976:
Acknowledgement of personal information regarding Lady Kerr’s divorce
13 Apr 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Upcoming New South Wales election
Upcoming visit of The Queen in 1977
Academic views of Sir John’s decision to dismiss the Whitlam Government
Prime Minister’s suggestions regarding amendment to the Australian honours system
Order of Australia knighthood
6 Apr 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Economic matters in Australia including wage and tax indexation
Increased security arrangements for Sir John and Lady Kerr
Government view of Sir John as Governor-General
31 Mar 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 23 Mar 1976:
Political leadership developments in London
31 Mar 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 26 Mar 1976
30 Mar 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Demonstration at the Australian National University
Mr Whitlam’s continued discontent
Comments on new publication
29 Mar 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Personal note regarding circumstances of second marriage
26 Mar 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Australian Gallup polls in support of Sir John’s decision
23 Mar 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Labor party politics and Mr Whitlam’s leadership
Victorian state election results
Visit to Adelaide and demonstrations
Leak of Mr Whitlam’s letter to The Queen
Further publication on the Whitlam Government dismissal
Visit to former Prime Minister Robert Menzies
Mr Whitlam speech at the launch of ‘Kerr’s King Hit!’ by Clem Lloyd and Andrew Clark, 22 Mar 1976
15 Mar 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letters of 4 and 9 Mar 1976:
Draws parallels between political leaders situation in UK and Australia
Developments regarding Prerogatives of the Crown in UK
8 Mar 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 2 Mar 1976:
Appearance of Iraqi Gold story in British press
2 Mar 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To:Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 19 Feb 1976:
Demonstration outside Parliament House
Program of visits across Australia
‘McClelland saga’
9 Mar 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Political disruption in Australia
Alleged Ellicott and Barwick plan following denial of Supply
Murdoch press coverage of Labor party funding crisis and Iraqi gold investigation
Reports of Tony Benn actions
Possible visit to Canada
4 Mar 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Labor party investigation of funding source and disappearance of Mr Fischer
Visit of the King and Queen of Jordan
2 Mar 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Labor Party funding crisis and Iraqi gold investigation
Review of recent publications regarding the Whitlam Government dismissal
24 Feb 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 16 Feb 1976:
Acknowledging disagreeable opening of Parliament
16 Feb 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to of letter of 6 Feb 1976:
Australian opening of Parliament
The Queen’s forthcoming visit in 1977
23 Feb 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Sir John’s views on Australian and proposed Papua New Guinean constitution
John Kerr article 1969 ‘Wanted a Constitution: Before it is too late…’ re Papua New Guinea (13 pages)
The Governor-Generalship in Australia, Journal of the Indian Law Institute, Jan–Mar 1975 (booklet: 7 pages)
Sir John’s speech at the opening of the Annual Conference of the Australasian Law Schools Association, 25 Aug 1975 (10 pages)
19–20 Feb 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Boycott of opening of Parliament by Labor Party Members
Public protests
Proposal for continued visits across Australia
Outline of events leading up to the dismissal of the Whitlam government
16 Feb 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Protocols for opening Parliament, Labor party member boycotts, public demonstrations
Comments on Mr Whitlam’s public statements regarding Sir John and the dismissal
Comments on media reports and publications
6 Feb 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Resignation of newly sworn in Minister for Post and Telecommunications and swearing in of new Minister
Performance of new Government policies and economic management
Reflections on relationship between the Crown/ Governor-General and the Australian people
Public acceptance of Sir John’s actions in dismissing the Whitlam Government
Copy of letter from Sir Martin to the Prime Minister of Australia, 29 Jan 1976
Letter from Prime Minister Fraser to Sir Martin (undated)
22 Jan 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Draft letter to Mr Whitlam in response to letter received in Jan 1976
Account of decisions made to protect future of the Monarchy
9 Jan 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Request for comment on draft letter to Mr Whitlam in response to letter received from Mr Whitlam
Letter from Mr Whitlam to Sir Martin, 26 Nov 1975
Draft letter from Sir Martin to Mr Whitlam (no date)
16 Dec 1975
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Outcome of the federal election, public sentiment toward political parties, government and monarchy
Swearing in of new Ministry
Arrangements to visit London
22 Sep 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Acknowledged need to organise custody arrangements for Sir John’s papers relating to his Governor-Generalship including correspondence with the Palace
Recognition that nature of papers is different and will remain under embargo
Requesting suggestions for custody and control of papers
Consideration of whether papers should be deposited under embargo to the National Library of Australia
21 Sep 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: The Queen
Personal despatch expressing on Sir John and Lady Kerr’s appreciation of the Queen’s support through Sir Martin
Inevitable discussion about constitutional amendment noted
Expression of honour to represent The Queen in Australia
21 Sep 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Mr Menadue appointed Ambassador to Japan
Mr Shann appointed High Commissioner in London
Mr Carmody appointed Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Mr Parkinson appointed as Permanent Head of Foreign Affairs Department
Mr Renouf appointed Ambassador to Washington
Media reporting of the Governor-General of Papua New Guinea’s cancelled visit
Political situation in Papua New Guinea
Private visit of Mrs Thatcher to Australia
Governor-General’s visit to North Queensland
New intelligence organisation
Press interest in the Prince of Wales
Polls support Sir John to remain as Governor-General
Comments on the Society for Asserting the Constitution over Kerr (SACK) and Ms Harriet Swift’s activities
‘The Dismissal of the Whitlam Government’ by Edward St John, QC
‘The Legislative Power of the Senate in Respect of Money Bills’ by J E Richardson, The Australian Law Journal, vol 50
‘The Constitutional Consequences of Mr Whitlam: Precedents and prerogative power’ by H V Hodson, The Round Table, Apr 1976
7 Sep 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris, Balmoral Castle
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letters of 5 and 31 Aug 1976:
Section 57 of the Constitution
Governor-General’s Coat of Arms
Demonstrations against Prime Minister Fraser
Mr Whitlam’s comments on The Queen’s visit and leadership issues
Advice sought regarding the Society for Asserting the Constitution over Kerr (SACK)
9 Sep 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Request by the Papua New Guinea Governor-General to visit Australia and the Department of Foreign Affairs’ reluctance
Political developments in Papua New Guinea
Australian economic situation
Continuing demonstrations against Sir John
Opinion regarding Instructions from The Queen to the Governor-General and Letters Patent
Order of precedence, Privy Councillors and Knights
Deputy Official Secretary to be appointed, Mr McElligott
Curriculum Vitae of Mr McElligott
Letter from Mr John Menadue to Sir John regarding Solicitor-General’s opinion on the Governor-General’s instructions, 24 Sept 1975
Covering note from the Solicitor-General, M H Byers to the Prime Minister Fraser with an opinion on Governor-General’s Instructions, 5 Sept 1975
28 Aug 1976
From: Sir Philip Moore, Balmoral Castle
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 18 Aug 1976:
The Queen’s acknowledgement of the budget, possible election dates, demonstrations
Reflections on The Queen’s visit and demonstrations organised by Mr Whitlam
31 Aug 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Monash University demonstrations, Prime Minister Fraser held under stage for an hour
Development of ongoing security arrangements for public officials
Prime Minister Fraser awarded Father of the Year 1976
Mr Whitlam’s leadership position
Invitation from former Prime Minister Menzies to dinner of Scot’s College community in Melbourne
MPOL Report of visit of the Governor-General and the Prime Minister to the Wentworth Hotel, 27 Aug 1976
18–19 Aug 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Response to letters of 3 and 5 Aug 1976:
Budget delivered to stimulate business and investment, ease unemployment
Prime Minister’s considerations regarding the timing of the federal election and timing of Senate by-elections
Sir John’s discussion with Prime Minister Fraser regarding the economy and possibility of a referendum
Preliminary discussions regarding a draft program for The Queen’s visit
5 Aug 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letters of 27 and 29 Jul 1976:
Palace view if demonstrations occur during her visit to Australia
Governor-General’s reserve powers, security of tenure, the role of The Queen
Difficulties for Prince Charles in becoming the Governor-General
5 Aug 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Section 57 of the Constitution
Circumstances surrounding provision of Supply and double dissolution
Coat of Arms design for Governor-General
Letter 23 Jul 1976 from Garter King of Arms to David Smith re the Governor-General’s Coat of Arms
[Note: referenced in the letter are not enclosed.]
3 Aug 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 22 Jul 1976:
The Queen’s successful visit to the USA and Canada
Prime Minister Fraser’s audience with The Queen in Canada and consideration of a referendum to amend the Constitution
Proposal to appoint Prince of Wales as the Governor-General
29 Jul 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Media reports of Prince Charles and The Queen
Conversation with Mr Yeend, acting Permanent Head of Prime Minister’s Department, regarding his views on a referendum and constitutional reform
27 Jul 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Discussions of options to avoid future constitutional crisis, vice-regal powers, referendum with reference to views of Sir Garfield Barwick and Sir Arthur Tange
Demonstrations against Sir John in Sydney
Text of ABC News Radio News item, 26 Jul 1976
17 Jul 1976
From: William (Bill) Heseltine
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 13 Jul 1976:
Reference to meetings of Queensland Premier Joh Bjelke-Peterson in London regarding extension of Sir Colin Hannah’s term as Governor of Queensland
Media reports of Mr Whitlam’s audience with The Queen
13 Jul 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: HM Yacht Britannia Halifax Nova Scotia David Smith
Response to letter of 1 Jul 1976:
Comments on Professor Francis West’s article
22 Jul 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Press coverage of Prime Minister Fraser’s audience with The Queen
Demonstrations are subsiding evidenced by visit to Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria
Upcoming program of events in Melbourne
Gallup poll on the resignation of the Governor-General
Media interview by Mr Whitlam
Discussion with the Prime Minister regarding referendum to amend the Constitution
Extract of transcript of ‘This Day Tonight’ television interview Mr Whitlam 20 Jul 1976
Extract of letter to Governor-General from Garter King of Arms 13 Jul 1976
7 Jul 1976
From: William (Bill) Heseltine
To: David Smith
Response to letter of 1 Jul 1976
13 Jul 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Proposed extension of Sir Colin Hannah’s term as Governor of Queensland
Coat of Arms for the Governor-General and use of Royal Crown in insignia
24 hour strike in Australia by Australian Council of Trade Unions in response to the Government’s Medibank proposals, Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Commission decision on full wage indexation
The Queen’s discussion with Mr Whitlam during his audience
Return from visit to North Queensland
Impending visit to Victoria
Extract of letter from Garter Principal King of Arms, dated 11 May 1976
Letter from Barwick to Sir John Kerr, 2 Jul 1976, regarding fears for events happening during The Queen’s visit and consideration of need for change to the constitution regarding tenure of the Governor-General
2 Jul 1976
From: William (Bill) Heseltine
To: David Smith
Response to letter of 29 Jun 1976:
letter shown to The Queen
Impact of Mr Whitlam’s audience with The Queen and Mr Whitlam’s repose to media questions
30 Jun 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letters of 17 and 22 Jun 1976:
Reference to Sir John’s discussions with Archbishop Woods in Melbourne
Sir Martin’s, the Bunting’s and the Whitlam’s dinner and Sir Martin’s discussion with Mr Whitlam
Mr Whitlam’s audience with The Queen
The Queen’s interest in the Task Group
Continued support from Sir Martin
The Queen’s impending visit to America
1 Jul 1976
From: David Smith
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Professor Francis West’s article
Mr Whitlam’s press conference
Mr Hawke’s attempt to refocus the Labor Party
Public support for the Sir John received by Government House
Article Francis West, ‘Constitutional Crisis 1975: an historian’s view’, The Australian Quarterly, Jun 1976 vol 48
29 Jun 1976
From: David Smith
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Sir John and Lady Kerr on leave on Heron Island
Melbourne visit including three functions occurred without disturbance
Further calls for Sir John’s resignation by Reverend Allan Walker; defence of Sir John by Sir Allan Watt in the media
Media reports of Mr Whitlam’s audience with The Queen
17 Jun 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Prime Minister Fraser’s overseas visits to China and Japan and foreign policy
Political allegiances in the union movement and Labor Party, mention of Mr Bob Hawke
Prime Minister Fraser’s support of Governor-General, development of a counter strategy to protect Sir John and the office
Aide memoir including Commonwealth/State police cooperation, Defence of the Monarchy Governor-Generalship; The Queen and political advice through Australian Prime Minister; Knighthood of the Order of Australia; mid-term leave
Task Group paper on security of the Governor-General, PJL [Sir Peter Lawler?], 16 Jun 1976
22 Jun 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Lord Casey’s death
Prime Minister Fraser’s visit to China and Japan
Mr Whitlam’s overseas tour
Tension outlined between Sir John Egerton and trade unions and the Labor Party
Visit to Brisbane and Gold Coast peaceful following police numbers and tactics employed
Fiji-Australia Ruby Union Test and visit from His Excellency Ratu Sir George Cakobau
Upcoming legal dinner in Melbourne
Mr Whitlam’s proposed audience with The Queen
Ongoing campaign against Sir John as Governor-General, increasing pressure for his resignation prior to The Queen’s visit
Telegram received 10 Jun 1976 by Sir John from supporters against organisers of demonstrations
16 Jun 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 10 Jun 1976:
The Queen expresses concern regarding demonstrations in Melbourne and injury received by Aide
The Queen and Royal household express delight that Mr Menzies will accept the first knighthood in the Order of Australia as part of revised Australian honours system
14 Jun 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris, Windsor Castle
To: David Smith
Response to letter of 8 Jun 1976
9 Jun 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to two letters of 27 May 1976:
Comparison between Australian and UK economic situation
Noting Mr Neville Wran as Premier of New South Wales
Noting Sir John and Lady Kerr’s successful visit to Western Australia
Mr Whitlam’s proposed audience with The Queen to occur on advice from Prime Minister Fraser and Sir John
10 Jun 1976
From: [Sir John Kerr]
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Demonstrations in Melbourne after return to Australia from Norfolk Island
Injury of Aide in demonstrations
Australian League of Rights
Economic policy, Commonwealth/State bargaining
Paper on the Australian League of Rights
8 Jun 1976
From: David Smith
To: Sir Martin Charteris
On behalf of Sir John enclosing document on constitutional crisis
Constitutional Crisis, draft article by Professor Francis West
Constitutional Crisis from the Australian Current Law Digest, December
14 Jul 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Zelman Cowen, ‘Australia and the Monarchy’
Australian Labor Party conference, Perth considers powers of the Governor-General
Australian Labor Party Constitutional and Legal Committee recommended curbing powers of the Governor-General
Timing of the federal election
Reserve powers
Kerr lecture to Indian Law Institute published in Institute’s Law Journal
Discussion of request from The Queen for publication on The Dismissal
Zelman Cowen, ‘The Constitutional Aspects’ (10 pages)
Zelman Cowen, ‘Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia: 1931-1936’ from Isaac Isaacs (14 pages)
Governor-General’s Press statement of 14 Jul 1977 announcing resignation and congratulating Sir Zelman Cowen on his appointment as Governor-General
Prime Minister’s Press Statement of 14 Jul 1977 passing on Buckingham Palace announcement of resignation of the Governor-General with effect from Dec 1977 and appointment of successor, Sir Zelman Cowen
Prime Minister’s Press Statement of 14 Jul 1977 on the resignation of the Governor-General
Prime Minister’s Press Statement of 14 Jul 1977 re appointment of Zelman Cowen as Governor-General; to be sworn in in Dec 1977
Professor Sir Zelman Cowen – biographical material
11 Jul 1977
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 5 Jul 1977:
Limit of Constitution by Royal Instructions
Debate on the powers of the Governor-General
Arrangements for announcement of resignation of the Governor-General
5 Jul 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Australian Labor Party Biennial Conference, Perth to discuss powers of the Governor-General
Royal Instructions and the Constitution
Kerr’s address to 19th Legal Convention, Law Council of Australia, Sydney
Press cuttings give ’indication of what the people see and read and add colour to direct reporting by me.’
Press speculation about Kerr’s resignation
Timing of the federal election
The economy, unemployment, inflation, interest rates
15 Jun 1977
From: Sir Martin Charteris, Windsor Castle
To: Sir John Kerr
Response on behalf of The Queen to letter of 10 Jun 1977:
The Queen accepts Kerr’s resignation and notes that Kerr will continue in office until arrangements are completed for swearing in of successor
10 Jun 1977
From: Sir John Kerr, Windsor Castle
To: Her Majesty, The Queen
Handwritten letter of resignation
14 Apr 1977
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 5 Apr 1977
5 Apr 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
BBC documentary on Royal visit
5 Apr 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Her Majesty, The Queen
Handwritten thank you for luncheon on HM Royal Yacht Britannia
2 Mar 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Possible demonstrations during The Queen’s visit
Mr Whitlam declined invitation to dinner at Yarralumla during visit of The Queen
UK press interview of Mrs Fraser and Mrs Whitlam
Mr Whitlam’s leadership
From: Sir Martin Charteris, HM Royal Yacht Britannia Apia, Western Samoa
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to undated letter about awards in the Royal Victorian Order to staff at Government House
Will Mr Whitlam attend dinner at Yarralumla during the visit of The Queen?
[Note: The undated letter from Sir John is not present on file. It may be in the records of the Governor-General’s Office maintained by the Official Secretary.]
1 Feb 1977
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 20 Jan 1977:
Gift proposal pleasing to The Queen
Arrangements for presenting Sovereign’s brooch of the Order of Australia
25 Jan 1977
From: Sir Martin Charteris, Sandringham, Norfolk
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 20 Jan 1977:
Security arrangements for visit of The Queen
25 Jan 1977
From: Sir Martin Charteris, Sandringham, Norfolk
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 20 Jan 1977:
Granville rail disaster in Sydney
25 Jan 1977
From: Sir Martin Charteris, Sandringham, Norfolk
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 20 Jan 1977:
Governor-General to attend naval review and Ascot
21 Jan 1977
From: Sir Martin Charteris, Sandringham, Norfolk
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 4 Jan 1977:
Mid-term leave approved by The Queen
The Queen to present Royal Humane Society award to Roger John Smith, aged 12 for rescuing his mother and two other women from surf at Fraser Island
Advice about memoirs
20 Jan 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Proposed gift of a racehorse to The Queen
Protocol for presenting Sovereign with the Order of Australia brooch
20 Jan 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Thank you for expressions of Royal sympathy for the Granville rail disaster, Jan 1977
Inquiry headed by Chief Judge Staunton to be conducted into the rail disaster
20 Jan 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Thank you for honour of membership of Privy Council
Prime Minister approved mid-term break for the Governor-General
Governor-General would like to attend review of naval ships at Spithead on 28 Jun 1977 and Ascot
Sir Roden Cutler (State Governor of New South Wales) – likely Administrator in the Governor-General’s absence
Australian Labor Party leadership problems
Timing of the federal election
Possible referendum
Morgan Gallup Poll
No tax cuts or increase in government spending
Opening of Parliament
Kerr’s health
The Queens’ visit
20 Jan 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Security arrangements for the visit of The Queen
Department of Administrative Services minute of 6 Dec 1976 from K Turbayne to A P Fleming headed ‘Domestic Violence and Counter Terrorism’ (2 pages)
Department of Administrative Services minute of 19 Jan 1977 headed ‘Protection of VIPS – Sitrep from WH Annson to Co-ordinator-General (2 pages)
Handwritten note with headings
- A. Pro-Violence
- B. Other Subversive Organisations
- C. Dissident Groups
4 Jan 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Renovations to Admiralty House require move to Kirribilli House (Sydney)
Visit from T K Critchley, High Commissioner, Papua New Guinea and update on politics in Papua New Guinea
Mid-term leave arrangements
Impending visit of The Queen
Request that, during her visit, The Queen consider presenting the Royal Humane Society award to Roger John Smith, aged 12 for rescuing his mother and two other women from surf at Fraser Island
British politics
Approaches from publishing companies to publish memoirs
Citation – Royal Humane Society award to Roger John Smith
30 Dec 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris, Windsor Castle
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 19 Dec 1976:
Multicultural Australia and the Monarchy
Advised to discuss visits to Thailand, Jordan and Iran during mid-term leave with Prime Minister Fraser
Congratulations on appointment to Privy Council
23 Dec 1976
Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 13 Dec 1976:
British mini-budget presented; Minister for Overseas Aid and Development resigns
Silver Jubilee Appeal
Papua New Guinea politics
19 Dec 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Role of Monarchy in Australia
Multicultural makeup of Australia
Royal visits to Australia
Proposed visits to Europe, Thailand, Jordan and Iran during mid-term leave
Embargoed transcript of Australia Day message broadcast by the Governor-General, 26 Jan 1977 (5 pages)
9 Dec 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 1 Dec 1976:
British economy
Leaks from British Cabinet
Question about Sir John Guise’s future
13 Dec 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Tasmanian election result
Republicanism/Monarchy polls
The economy
Discussion with Sir Peter Lawler, Secretary, Department of Administrative Services re VIP security and strengthening sentiments for the Monarchy
Discussion with the Prime Minister about ‘Jubilee year strategy of delicacy and discretion’, and possible Jubilee Appeal
Effect of changes in Papua New Guinea, Japan, China and America on Australia
1 Dec 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
The economy, inflation
Unemployment, wage indexation, industrial relations
Standing of the Prime Minister
Splitting Treasury into two Departments – Department of the Treasury and the Department of Finance
No demonstrations since 11 Nov 1976
Dinner, Melbourne Scots presided over by Sir Robert Menzies
Luncheon at Sydney Club presided over by Sir Percy Spender
Timing of election
Exercising Reserve powers once in a life time is ‘more than enough for me’
New book – Reid, The Whitlam Venture
Papua New Guinea
Letter from Sir Stanley Burbury, Governor of Tasmania to the Governor-General regarding a State Governors’ uniform, 22 Nov 1976
Letter from Sir Stanley Burbury, Governor of Tasmania to Sir Eric Penn, Lord Chamberlain’s Office regarding a State Governors’ uniform, 22 Nov 1976
Letter from Sir Stanley Burbury, Governor of Tasmania to Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs regarding a State Governors’ uniform, 22 Nov 1976
18 Nov 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letters of 26 Oct, 3 and 11 Nov 1976:
The Queen’s visit to Luxembourg
Letters not responded to until The Queen has read them
Timing of the federal election
Use of Reserve powers
Prosecution of Mr Whitlam and three Cabinet Ministers (Cairns, Connor, Murphy) who signed Executive Council Minute of 13 Dec 1974, for criminal conspiracy in Queanbeyan Magistrates Court
11 Nov 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
The economy, inflation, balance of payments
Establishment of new Department and Ministry of Productivity (Ian Macphee)
Papua New Guinea
Investiture and honours
New books – Odgers, Senate practice; Solomon, Elect the Governor-General; Reid, The Whitlam Years
First anniversary of the Dismissal
SECRET Security report
Remembrance Day commemoration, Australian War Memorial – no demonstration
Security Report to David Smith from A P Fleming : 11 November Protest Groups – Background Information (4 pages)
1 Nov 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 19 Oct 1976:
Planning for The Queen’s Silver Jubilee, 1977
The Queen restored to health after short illness
Source of information about Papua New Guinea
Invitations to Mr Whitlam to protocol events
3 Nov 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Melbourne Cup, 1976
Governor-General Sir John Guise and Sir Maori Kiki, Papua New Guinea
Criminal conspiracy case; Executive Council Secretary subpoenaed; possible subpoena of David Smith
Constitutional Convention, Hobart recommends referenda in 1977
Governor-General’s address to 125th Anniversary Luncheon, Melbourne
Killen/Guilfloyle allegations – discussion with the Prime Minister
Proposed mid-term leave after The Queen’s visit
Extract from Zelman Cowen essay, ‘The Constitution and the Monarchy’
26 Oct 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Kangaroo II exercise, Queensland, involving US, New Zealand, Canada and Australian Defence Forces
Status of Kerr as Governor-General if Mr Whitlam wins the next federal election
Timing of the federal election
Political revival of Mr Whitlam
Constitutional Convention, Hobart
Prosecution of Mr Whitlam and three Cabinet Ministers (Cairns, Connor, Murphy) who signed Executive Council Minute of 13 December 1974, for criminal conspiracy in Queanbeyan Magistrates Court
Visit of Bill Heseltine, and Governor of Western Australia, Sir Wallace and Lady Kyle to Government House
‘The Discretionary Authority of Dominions Governors’, The Canadian Bar Review, Jan 1940, Vol XVIII
Extract: details of particulars sought by defendants in Prosecution of Mr Whitlam and three Cabinet Ministers (Cairns, Connor, Murphy) who signed Executive Council Minute of 13 Dec 1974, for criminal conspiracy in Queanbeyan Magistrates Court
19 Oct 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Papua New Guinea political situation
Invitations to Mr Whitlam for protocol dinners at Government House
Governor-General’s visit to Brisbane and Barossa Valley
Forthcoming events:
- 11 November: Remembrance Day commemorations, Australian War Memorial (and anniversary of Dismissal) – possible protests
- Melbourne Cup
Lance Barnard refusal of KCMG
Sir Stanley Burbury, Governor, Tasmania about a State Governors’ uniform
Governor-General to attend Kangaroo II exercises, Queensland
8 Oct 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 22 Sep 1976:
Arrangements for Kerr’s Governor-General papers, including ‘Palace letters’: deposit with the National Library suggested (Lord Stonehaven’s papers held by NLA); with period of embargo to be confirmed. The convention is 60 years from the end of term
Letters originating from The Palace to be preserved in the Royal Archives under complete confidentiality
Forthcoming events: 11 November Remembrance Day commemorations, Australian War Memorial (and anniversary of Dismissal) – possible protests
29 Sep 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris, Balmoral Castle
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to two letters of 21 Sep 1976 (one to The Queen and the second to Sir Martin): Retirement of Sir John Bunting as High Commissioner, UK
Proposal that Mr Whitlam attend dinner at Government House during The Queen’s tour of Australia
Papua New Guinea Governor-General
Society for Asserting the Constitution over Kerr (SACK) – Ms Swift – disagreeable person
5 Oct 1976
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Papua New Guinea, political and electoral matters, border with Indonesia, next Australian High Commissioner, Papua New Guinea Governor-General
Prime Minister Fraser visit to Indonesia
Governor-General’s tour of Barossa Valley, South Australia
Sydney Town Hall rally for Constitutional change
Letter of 12 Sep 1976 from Chris Diprose to the Papua New Guinea Governor-General, protesting at the cancellation of the visit to Australia and refusal to stay with the Australian Governor-General
Letter of 21 Sep 1976 from the Governor-General, Papua New Guinea to Chris Diprose
18 Sep 1976
From: Sir Martin Charteris, Balmoral Castle
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 9 Sep 1976:
Papua New Guinea Governor-General, Sir John Guise
Palace interest in establishing source of information about Papua New Guinea
Australian economy
No serious demonstrations against Sir John Kerr
Solicitor-General’s opinion on the Governor-General’s Instructions
Order of Precedence
5 Dec 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Philip Moore
Final letter as Governor-General
Thank you to The Queen and staff from Sir John and Lady Kerr
25 Nov 1977
From: Sir Philip Moore
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 21 Nov 1977
24 Nov 1977
From: Sir Philip Moore
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 14 Nov 1977
21 Nov 1977
From: Sir Philip Moore
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 8 Nov 1977:
Prince of Wales’ visit to Australia
Election campaign
Governor-General’s farewell
21 Nov 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Philip Moore
Election campaign
Fraser and Whitlam policy speeches
Phillip Lynch’s resignation as Treasurer
Congratulation on birth of Princess Anne’s baby
14 Nov 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Philip Moore
Requesting an audience with The Queen when he retires to London
Queensland election result
Morgan Gallup Poll results
Financial Review leadership survey results
Congratulations on appointment of Sir Philip Moore as The Queen’s Private Secretary
3 Nov 1977
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 27 Oct 1977:
Location of private correspondence between Governor-General Sir William Slim and Sir Michael Adeane
8 Nov 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Tour of Australia by Prince of Wales
Election campaign underway
Possible ministerial appointments for Hayden and Hurford in future Whitlam government
Formation of Australian Democrats
Victorian by-election
Queensland election
Official farewell, Parliament House
Sir Martin Charteris’ retirement
Governor-General’s speech at Farewell, Parliament House
7 Nov 1977
From: Prime Minister’s Press Release ‘Address at Parliamentary Lunch to farewell the Governor-General’
Deputy Prime Minister address at Parliamentary Lunch to farewell the Governor-General
27 Oct 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Federal election to be held on 10 Dec 1977
Concern about finding private correspondence between Governor-General Sir William Slim and Sir Michael Adeane on official Government House file
18 Oct 1977
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 13 Oct 1977
11 Oct 1977
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 4 Oct 1977:
Timing of swearing in of Sir Zelman Cowen as Governor-General
13 Oct 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Timing of the federal election and swearing in of Sir Zelman Cowen as Governor-General
Farewell function for Sir John Kerr
Visit of Crown Prince and Princess of Jordan
29 Sep 1977
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 21 Sep 1977:
Charteris visit to USA and Canada
4 Oct 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Timing of the federal election
Timing of swearing in of Sir Zelman Cowen as Governor-General
13 Sep 1977
From: Sir Martin Charteris, Balmoral Castle
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 8 Sep 1977:
British Attorney-General Silkin
21 Sep 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Result of the South Australian election
Timing of the federal election and possible impact on the swearing in of Sir Zelman Cowen as Governor-General
Defeat of the referendum
Censure motion ion subject of East Timor in Labor Caucus against Mr Whitlam
6 Sep 1977
From: Sir Martin Charteris, Balmoral Castle
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 1 Sep 1977
8 Sep 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Resignation of Attorney-General Ellicott QC
Prosecution of Mr Whitlam and three Cabinet Ministers (Cairns, Connor, Murphy) who signed Executive Council Minute of 13 Dec 1974, for criminal conspiracy in Queanbeyan Magistrates Court
Timing of the federal election
Uranium mining
27 Aug 1977
From: Sir Martin Charteris, Balmoral Castle
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letters of 19 and 18 Aug 1977
25 Aug 1977
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 18 Aug 1977
1 Sep 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Governor-General’s visit to Philippines and World Peace Through Law award
Australian political position
Uranium mining
18 Aug 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Congratulations on award of the Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath
18 Aug 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Reserve powers of the Governor-General in relation to dissolution of Parliament
Timing of the federal election, budget
Prosecution of Mr Whitlam and three Cabinet Ministers (Cairns, Connor, Murphy) who signed Executive Council Minute of 13 Dec 1974, for criminal conspiracy in Queanbeyan Magistrates Court
10 Aug 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
The Queen’s visit to Northern Ireland
Prosecution of Mr Whitlam and three Cabinet Ministers (Cairns, Connor, Murphy) who signed Executive Council Minute of 13 Dec 1974, for criminal conspiracy in Queanbeyan Magistrates Court
Minister Ian Sinclair comments about British trade unionist immigrants in Australia
3 Aug 1977
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 28 Jul 1977:
Uranium mining
Dissolution of Parliament and timing of the federal election
Visit of Sir Paul Hasluck to UK
25 Jul 1977
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 19 Jul 1977
21 Jul 1977
From: Sir Martin Charteris
To: Sir John Kerr
Response to letter of 14 Jul 1977
Sir Zelman Cowen appointment and paper
Federal election
28 Jul 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Uranium mining policy
Appointment of John Howard as Minister to handle trade relations with the European economic Community
Australian Council of Trade Unions Federal conference
Timing of the federal election
Security of Kerr, and Royal family during visit to Australia
25 Jul 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Forwarding letter from Lady Kerr to The Queen
Reference to 1976 Sir Zelman Cowen paper
19 Jul 1977
From: Sir John Kerr
To: Sir Martin Charteris
Intention of Governor-General to retire to London
Press commentary on appointment of Sir Zelman Cowen as Governor-General designate