Pok�mon Mystery Dungeon Red & Blue are a duo of games based on the popular Mystery Dungeon series. They are RPG games where you take control of the Pok�mon and gain a Rescue Force featuring any of the 386 Pok�mon.
You are a person who randomly got turned into a Pok�mon. Your task, to complete the dungeons and find a way to return back to human form. You immediately get to choose a partner who will constantly travel with you until you beat the game. What you have to do is help out Pok�mon who have asked for your help. They get lost in dungeons or lose items in dungeons...and you need to rescue them with your rescue force
All 386 Pok�mon are obtainable in this game to join your rescue force and are seen by battling them in one of the almost 50 dungeons, some of them with massive Legendary Bosses at the end of them such as Rayquaza, Deoxys or Mewtwo.
There is a lot to do in this game such as getting all 386 to join your rescue force, doing as many missions as possible, getting a high rescue force rank, just doing anything you can.
The battling is a mixture of real-time battling & the turn based battles classic to Pok�mon. When in dungeons you may see Wild Pok�mon, you can just attack them and the battle starts without changing the scene. While in dungeons your Pok�mon can also get hungry which lowers it's HP adding a whole new game mechanic
These Pok�mon versions of the classic Mystery Dungeon games are both connectable with eachother and Blue is connectable with Pok�mon Torouze. You cannot however transfer any Pok�mon from this game to the main GBA games