Pok�mon was first released in 1995, it has branched into a lot of games. Here they are Starting with Gameboy and going through. Each Bit leads to it's section:
Gameboy Games
Game Screenshot
Game Name/Description
Pok�mon Red & Blue:
These games that made Pok�mon What it is today. It featured 151 Pok�mon Overall.
Pok�mon Yellow:
A Game Practically Identical to Red & Blue except you had to start with Pikachu which follows you outside of the ball. It had improved graphics and featured 151 pok�mon
Pok�mon Gold & Silver:
3 Years after the happenings of Red, Blue and Yellow, you take control of another new trainer traveling across new lands. With Improved Graphics and full Color on the Gameboy Color, travel Johto and Kanto to capture all 251 Pok�mon
Pok�mon Crystal:
An Alternate version of GS. This version has added extra challenges, is Gameboy Color only and has for the first time, the Pok�mon moving at the start of battle. You can also play as a Girl In This Game to capture all 251 Pok�mon
Pok�mon Ruby & Sapphire:
After just moving into Hoenn from Johto, you end up saving a Professor from a Wild Poochyena. From here you begin your Pok�mon journey. With over 200 Pok�mon to capture and many extras and brilliant bits to come, these games have proved that they are the best Pok�mon Adventures of all time!
Pok�mon Pinball:
Go around the Red/Blue tables trying to catch all 151 pok�mon. All necessary strategies are inside
Pok�mon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire:
The sequel to the successful Pinball. This game is set in the lands of Ruby & Sapphire. Here you have to capture and evolve the 201 Pok�mon from Pok�mon R/S. Using established gameplay from the last game it is sure to be a hit with it's updated graphics and usage of all 386 Pok�mon
Pok�mon Trading Card Game:
Imagine yourself in a world where you can play Pok�mon in card form. Imagine it was a digital world. Get all 228 cards and battle your opponents using killer decks
Pok�mon Puzzle Challenge:
You are on the road to the Johto Championships, however this time you dont use Pok�mon to battle. You use them to solve puzzles. All the necessary strategies to beating the gym leaders are inside
Gamecube Games
Game Screenshot
Game Name/Description
Pok�mon Colosseum:
The continuation of the highly popular Pok�mon Stadium series, this game utilises the 354 Attacks and 386 Pok�mon contained in Pok�mon's Ruby and Sapphire. Using the Gamecube's GBA Link Cable you use the GBA as a controller to decide your Pok�mon's next move.
Pok�mon Channel: Together with Pikachu:
You control Pikachu. It is your task to create a successful TV station with the help of some of your Pok�mon friends. Look through Anime Clips, Artworks and much more in your task to create this station
Pok�mon Box: Ruby & Sapphire:
This utility is a storage box. There are 25 Boxes in this all capable of containing 60 Pok�mon Each. This is the main function of the utility. The other functions include Playing R/S on the TV and seeing every Pok�mon you have as figures
Super Smash Bros. Melee:
25 of Nintendo's best and brightest characters battle it out in a fight to the throwing off the stage. 4 Pok�mon; Pikachu, Pichu, Mewtwo and Jigglypuff yet about 29 more released from Pok�balls and about 30 more seen in trophy form.
Nintendo 64 Games
Game Screenshot
Game Name/Description
Pok�mon Stadium:
Battle your Pok�mon in Glorious 3D. Utilize the Transfer pack to bring the Pok�mon you trained on Red, Blue and Yellow into the game. All 151 Pok�mon are accessible in this game
Pok�mon Stadium 2:
Battle your Pok�mon in Glorious 3D. Utilize the Transfer pack to bring the Pok�mon you trained on Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver And Crystal into the game. All 251 Pok�mon are accessible in this game
Pok�mon Snap:
Your name is Todd. You are a proffessional Pok�mon Photographer. Your goal: To Take a Picture of Mew. Go through Pok�mon Island to take pictures for Prof. Oak. There are 69 Pok�mon. Can you capture them all? On Film That Is
Hey You! Pikachu:
You own a Pikachu. The Cutest Pok�mon around. Your task: Have fun with it. Using the N64 Voice Recognition System, you can speak to your Pikachu
Pok�mon Puzzle League:
You are trying to get all the pok�mon badges. You are Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town. Battle the gym leaders, Elite four and Team Rocket in a frantic 3D puzzle battle
Super Smash Bros.:
12 of Nintendo's best and brightest characters battle it out in a fight to the throwing off the stage. 2 Pok�mon; Pikachu and Jigglypuff yet about 12 more released from Pok�balls.