2018 Society Awards and Prize Winners Announced
The Society is delighted to announce the Awards and Prize Winners for 2018, which will be presented at the Annual General Meeting in London on 15th May 2019. The Society’s awards for excellence in meteorology are held in high regard across the international community.
Awards and winners for 2018 are detailed below:
The Symons Gold Medal
Dr Clive D Rodgers, University of Oxford (Emeritus)
The Hugh Robert Mill Award
Professor Alan Blyth, National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS), University of Leeds
The L F Richardson Prize
Dr Kirsty Hanley, Met Office
The Michael Hunt Award
Gavin Pretor-Pinney, founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society
The Adrian Gill Prize
Dr Michael J Bell, Met Office
The Innovation Award
Awarded to The Scottish Flood Forecasting Service for the project ‘Surface Water Flood Forecasting in Urban Communities’. The team included:
Linda Speight (SEPA), Sohan Ghimire (The James Hutton Institute), Sarah Dunn (The James Hutton Institute), Brian Golding (Met Office), Clive Pierce (Met Office), Nigel Roberts (Met Office), Bruce Wright (Met Office), Robert Moore (CEH Wallingford), Steven Cole (CEH Wallingford), Amy Tavendale (SEPA) and Juzer Dhondia (CPAESS - UCAR, USA - formerly Deltares, NL)
The Vaisala Award
Professor Tom Rippeth, Bangor University
The Malcolm Walker Award
Dr Matthew Menary, LOCEAN (Sorbonne Université)
The Climate Science Communications Award
Professor Peter Stott, Met Office Hadley Centre
The Society's Outstanding Service Award
Dr Ian D Phillips, University of Birmingham
The Gordon Manley Weather Prize
Awarded to the ‘Global and regional climate series’ team, which included the following Met Office employees:
David Parker, John Kennedy, Colin Morice, Holly Titchner, Lisa Alexander and Briony Horton
The International Journal of Climatology Editor's Award
Dr Sergio M. Vicente-Serrano, Pyrenean Institute of Ecology
The Atmospheric Science Letters Editor's Award
Dr Sven-Erik Gryning, Technical University of Denmark
The Meteorological Applications Editor's Award
Dr Anna Ghelli, ECMWF
The Quarterly Journal Editor's Award
Professor Maarten H P Ambaum, University of Reading
The Quarterly Journal Reviewer's Certificate
Dr Alan Geer, ECMWF
Dr Nils Gustafsson, SMHI
Congratulations to all!
If you believe that a colleague who is a Fellow of the Society should be rewarded for their work or commitment to the Society, please consider nominating them for the 2019 awards which will open in May 2019.