| | Event type

Individual All-Around, Men

Date8 – 10 August 1928
LocationOlympisch Stadion, Amsterdam
Participants88 from 11 countries
FormatThere were nine exercises, as follows: Compulsory and optional on the horizontal bar, parallel bars, still rings and pommelled horse; and a combined long horse and side horse exercise.

The Swiss won gold and silver in this event, with Georges Miez winning gold and his teammate, Hermann Hänggi, taking silver. Both also won an individual apparatus gold and another individual apparatus medal, and helped Switzerland to the team gold medal. Miez won the horizontal bar and was second on the pommelled horse, while Hänggi won the pommelled horse and was third on parallel bars. During Miez’s Olympic career, which lasted from 1924-36, he won eight Olympic medals and four golds. This was the only Olympics for Hänggi. The bronze medalist was Leon Štukelj, who was the defending champion. Italy’s Romeo Neri, who placed fourth, would return at Los Angeles in 1932 to win the gold medal there.

1Georges MiezSUI247.500Gold
2Hermann HänggiSUI246.625Silver
3Leon ŠtukeljYUG244.875Bronze
4Romeo NeriITA244.750
5Jože PrimožičYUG244.000
=6Heikki SavolainenFIN243.750
=6Mauri NoromaFIN243.750
8Eugen MackSUI243.250
9Ladislav VáchaTCH242.875
10Emanuel LöfflerTCH242.500
11Armand SolbachFRA241.625
12Melchior WezelSUI240.875
13Jan GajdošTCH240.625
14Josef EffenbergerTCH238.875
15Edi SteinemannSUI237.875
16August GüttingerSUI237.750
17Georges LerouxFRA235.750
18Hans GriederSUI234.125
19Martti UosikkinenFIN233.875
20Mario LertoraITA233.375
21Bedřich ŠupčíkTCH233.250
22István PelleHUN232.500
23André LemoineFRA232.000
24Otto PfisterSUI230.875
25Anton MalejYUG228.875
=26Edvard AntonijevičYUG228.000
=26Vittorio LucchettiITA228.000
28Václav VeselýTCH227.625
29Jean LarrouyFRA226.500
30Ferdinando MandriniITA226.250
31Jan KoutnýTCH225.250
32Giuseppe LupiITA224.000
33Boris GregorkaYUG221.000
34Janez PorentaYUG220.250
35Eugène SchmittFRA219.125
36Al JochimUSA218.250
37Ladislav TikalTCH217.750
38Jaakko KunnasFIN217.500
39Jean GounotFRA216.750
40Glenn BerryUSA212.750
41Mario TambiniITA212.500
42Metty LogelinLUX212.375
43Stane DergancYUG211.875
44Frank KrizUSA211.625
45Drago CiottiYUG210.000
46Urho KorhonenFIN209.875
=47Frank HauboldUSA209.375
=47Harold NewhartUSA209.375
49Nic RoeserLUX209.250
50John PearsonUSA208.750
51Herman WitzigUSA206.250
52Paul KrempelUSA203.625
53Giuseppe ParisITA203.250
54André ChatelainFRA202.375
55Fränz ZuangLUX200.875
56Elias MelkmanNED199.500
57Rezső KendeHUN197.250
58Ezio RoselliITA192.625
59Pieter van DamNED190.375
60Mozes JacobsNED190.000
61Rafael YlönenFIN188.750
62Kalervo KinosFIN185.375
63Arthur WhitfordGBR185.250
64Israel WijnschenkNED182.625
65Willibrordus PouwNED182.125
66Birger StenmanFIN179.3751
67József SzalaiHUN178.875
68Jean-Pierre UrbingLUX177.125
69Miklós PéterHUN173.625
70Edouard GrethenLUX172.625
=71Klaas BootNED169.000
=71Jacobus van der VindenNED169.000
73Géza TóthHUN167.125
74Josy StaudtLUX166.000
75Ted WarrenGBR165.625
76Bert CroninGBR163.500
77Mathias ErangLUX162.625
78Gyula KunsztHUN162.125
79Edgar WaltonGBR162.000
80Albert NeumannLUX161.875
81Tom ParkinsonGBR160.625
82Gilbert RaynesGBR159.000
83Harry FinchettGBR158.500
84Elemér PásztiHUN157.250
85Hugo LicherNED143.500
DNFStan HumphreysGBR
DNFFredy KraussFRA
DNFImre ErdődyHUN