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As a teen-ager growing up in Muskegon, Mich., Jim Bakker was forbidden from dancing by his strict fundamentalist religion. Instead, he became the disk jockey at school sock hops, chattering into his microphone as he spun the hits of the 1950's.
''Jim loved the limelight,'' said William J. Harrison, a teacher who kept up with his former student over the years. ''I have often thought, had I been a promoter, I could have turned that boy into a rock star.''
But Jim Bakker, the slight, shy son of a factory worker, went on to use his microphone to preach rather than to sing. He moved south and, with his wife, Tammy Faye, parlayed their natural telegenic innocence into a Christian broadcasting empire that eventually reached 13 million viewers a day, brought in $129 million in revenues and helped build Heritage USA, a 2,500-acre Christian resort near Fort Mill, S.C. Taking Refuge
But in the last two months, much that the Bakkers created has come crashing about them, the result of financial and sexual scandals that forced them to flee their ministry and take refuge behind the walls of their $600,000 mansion in Palm Springs, Calif.
In the latest chapter, officials of Mr. Bakker's former ministry, PTL, disclosed today that a total of $92 million in revenues could not be accounted for and that the ministry's operations were near financial collapse.
The rise and the fall of Jim and Tammy Bakker is, in many ways, a distinctly American story, a story of a couple who climbed beyond their working-class circumstances to the dizzying heights of fame and wealth, only to be brought down, in the end, by their own excesses.
''Excess and success are close together,'' said Mr. Bakker, whose boyish face make him appear younger than his 47 years, in a 1985 interview. ''Anyone who is successful has got to be excessive.'' Expelled From Ministry
Two weeks ago, the executive leadership of the Assemblies of God, the Penecostal denomination with which Mr. Bakker was affiliated, expelled him from the ministry for sexual excess.
The church not only cited Mr. Bakker's sexual encounter in 1980 with a church secretary that forced his resignation from PTL in March, but also testimony from unnamed witnesses about ''alleged misconduct involving bisexual activity.''
The new board of PTL, which stands for Praise the Lord and People That Love, had already banished Mr. Bakker and a former key aide, Richard Dortch, amid disclosures that the ministry was facing serious tax challenges from the Internal Revenue Service as well as nearly $67 million in debts. Shocked and Dismayed
More damning was the disclosure that about $265,000 in church money was used in an attempt to buy the silence of Jessica Hahn, the church secretary from West Babylon, L.I., with whom Mr. Bakker had his adulterous affair.
Meanwhile, reports that the Bakkers were paid about $1.6 million in bonuses and salaries in 1986 and about $4.6 million over the last 39 months, have shocked and dismayed the faithful community of viewers whose contributions, large and small, helped fund PTL.
''There's the inability to write that check because a lot of faith has been shattered,'' said the Rev. Jerry Falwell, the fundamentalist Baptist who took over the ministry after Mr. Bakker resigned. Mr. Falwell reported that the scandal had sown distrust of broadcast ministries, costing him and other evangelists millions of dollars in lost contributions.
As a result of those big salaries, and generous expense accounts that provided them with free utilities, food and even clothing, the Bakkers were able to sustain a lavish lifestyle. Among their possessions were a 55-foot houseboat, a $45,000 Mercedez-Benz and a $55,000 1953 Rolls-Royce, diamonds and gold jewelry and, at various times, homes and apartments in Tega Cay, S.C., Gatlinburg, Tenn., Palm Springs and Highland Beach, Fla. 'Jim Has Done Good Work'
On their television program, ''The Jim and Tammy Show'' the Bakkers insistently pleaded for contributions for their ministry, while arguing that reports in the newspapers of their own wealth were mean-spirited exaggerations inspired by Satan. ''We don't get what Johnny Carson makes, and we work a lot harder than him,'' Mrs. Bakker told a Minneapolis reporter last fall.
For their part, the Bakkers have said little, making brief appearances outside the Palm Springs house to admit their sadness over the episode and to deny allegations of sexual exploits.
For friends and critics of Mr. Bakker, the scandal has provoked anger, and some sadness.
''The tragedy is, Jim has done good work,'' said a former close associate, who spoke on the condition he not be identified. At Heritage USA, there is a home for unwed mothers, shelters for the poor and homeless, a center for the treatment of drug addicts and a communal home for handicapped children.
''But these days, he is not the Jim Bakker we knew before,'' he added. ''Somewhere, something switched. The money was too easy to come by, and he began living on rationalizations and self-deception.'' Arguments Over Wealth
Bill Perkins, a former PTL administrator who resigned from the ministry in 1978 after an argument about misuse of funds, agreed. ''Jim Bakker had a knack with a microphone, and I think he began with good intentions,'' he said. ''But he let the power and money get to his head.''
Mr. Perkins said he had a early signal of Mr. Bakker's keenness for wealth in 1977. ''Jim used to quote from Psalms 37:4, 'Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart' '' Mr. Perkins said.
''I argued that the scripture does not mean worldy wealth and fame, or fancy cars or big houses,'' Mr. Perkins said. ''It means inner peace and joy. The desires ought to be God's desires, not man's.''
Mr. Bakker's defiant response, said Mr. Perkins, was to quote another bit of scripture, which he intended to end the conversation: ''Touch not God's anointed and do his prophets no harm.'' 'We Lived in Poverty'
In his 1976 autobiography, ''Move That Mountain,'' Jim Bakker described himself as a slow, small and not particularly bright child, the youngest of four children raised by Raleigh and Fern Bakker in Muskegon, an industrial city on Lake Michigan.
His father, he wrote, ''worked as a machinist in a piston ring plant and made a decent living. But I thought we lived in poverty.''
Their cement block house, painted a bright orange, was a source of embarrassment, and he was overwhelmed, he said, ''with deep-seated feelings of inferiority.''
But by high school, his life had brightened. His family moved to a nicer neighborhood and his talents as a disk jockey and a photographer earned him the popularity he so badly craved.
It was as the result of an accident on a snowy winter night in 1958, he wrote, that he committed himself to God. He had skipped out of a service at the Muskegon Central Assembly of God, the strict Pentecostal church his grandfather helped found, to take a girl for an automobile ride. Traveling Evangelists
On his way back, he ran over a small boy. When he learned the next day the boy would survive the accident, he decided to put his life in God's hands.
He went to North Central Bible College in Minneapolis, where he met Tammy Faye LaValley, the oldest of eight children who grew up in International Falls, Minn., in a house that had no indoor plumbing. They married after their third date, dropped out of college and took to the road as traveling evangelists, she singing gospel tunes and playing the accordion while he preached.
From the beginning, they demonstrated a remarkable ability to convey an almost childlike trust in God that endeared them to their audiences, both in person and, later, on television.
At the heart of their appeal was a theology that relied on the belief that prayer and faith brought not only miracles of healing and happiness, but material payoffs as well.
The very success of PTL seemed to be living proof of the theology.
From 1974 to 1977, the PTL network grew from three television stations to more than 200, and by 1979 the network was pulling in $1.5 million a month. By 1985, that figure was $10 million a month.
Meanwhile, ''The Jim and Tammy Show'' evolved into a slick melange of theology and music and tales of Christian redemption, all of it punctuated with insistent pleas for contributions that would keep the program on the air.
They began their work in Christian television during the 1960's with the Rev. Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network. There, they created a popular puppet show and produced what is generally described as the first Christian program with a talk-show format. Depression and Drugs
With the success on camera came personal strain and troubles behind the scenes. In his book, Mr. Bakker says he suffered a nervous breakdown in 1969, and his wife describes her own yearlong bout with depression and drugs in 1970 after the birth of their daughter, Tammy Sue.
On occasions, the Bakkers separated. Once she became close to Gary Paxton, a country singer. And Jim Bakker spent a fateful afternoon in a Florida hotel room with a church secretary from Long Island.
In 1978, the Bakkers broke ground for Heritage USA, a kind of Christian fantasyland that became Mr. Bakker's special obssession, and a constant drain on ministry funds. #20th-Century Main Street In 1979, in fact, the Federal Communication Commission began, although it did not complete, an inquiry into allegations that more than $300,000 in funds solicited on broadcasts for missionary work overseas was improperly diverted to build the theme park.
The resort is worth an estimated $180 million and includes a 504-room hotel and a second 21-story hotel tower that is still under construction; a $12-million complex of water slides and pools; communities of condominimums and single-family homes; campgrounds and a retail shopping mall built to resemble an early 20th-century Main Street.
With Heritage, said Jeffrey K. Hadden, a University of Virginia sociolgist who has studied television ministries, all of PTL had become ''a fantasyland, a toyland.''
''You had these two people who came from modest backgrounds,'' he said, ''got on a roll and, suddenly, there was no wish that could not be fulfilled: first one, then two, luxury hotels, a water slide, a campground, big houses, big cars.''
Mr. Hadden recalled a poignant comment recently attributed to the Bakkers' 11-year-old son Jamie Charles, who was quoted as asking his father why he could not go back home to South Carolina so he could pick up his toys.
''What he was really asking was his daddy's question,'' said Mr. Hadden.