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Come Stand With Us

It's patriots like you that help us preserve our uniquely American freedom.

NRA's Premier Donor Recognition Program

The NRA Ring of Freedom is dedicated to building relationships with patriots who are seeking to secure the future of freedom. Our mission is to gather the resources required to help preserve the uniquely American freedoms set forth by our Founding Fathers in the Second Amendment.

Through the leadership of NRA Ring of Freedom members, never again will this peerless liberty suffer the blatant infringement and cultural disdain it barely survived over the past quarter-century. That's why it is essential that great Americans like you ensure that the National Rifle Association stands ready to preserve our treasured freedoms.


Learn More About The Ring

Browse through the site to discover the benefits of membership and how and where you can give.

Are you ready to plan your will or trust? We would like to send you our free Member Giving Guide. This guide will supply helpful information to help you plan your family's future and support your favorite causes.

Whether you'd like to make a contribution now or in the future, there are several avenues available. You can opt for cash or non-cash gifts, or take part in corporate donation efforts.

All Ring of Freedom donors receive gifts of appreciation, plus invitations to special events. Learn more about the various giving levels and associated benefits of each.

Call 877-NRA-GIVE (672-4483) For More Information Or A Free, No-obligation Consultation.

We are dedicated to building relationships with patriots who are seeking to secure the future of freedom and we can't wait to speak with you.
Explore Ways to Give

The NRA Ring of Freedom is dedicated to building relationships with patriots who are seeking to secure the future of freedom.