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'Silicon Valley' star shoots Apple TV series in Lyndhurst on immigrant experience stories

LYNDHURST — Three weeks ago, a TV location scout knocked on Robert Odell's door on a short side street near Lyndhurst High School. His only request of Odell was to let him see his kitchen and take a few photographs on his cell phone.

"I said, 'that sounds weird'," Odell said Thursday. "You want to take a picture of a kitchen?"

The scout was seeking locations across Lyndhurst for a new webseries produced and written by husband and wife team, Kumail Nanjiani ("Silicon Valley," "Portlandia,") and Emily V. Gordon ("The Big Sick.")

He returned to the front room of Odell's home enamored of what he found and expressed it through typical Hollywood parlance.

"He kept saying, 'beautiful, beautiful.' Everything was beautiful," Odell said of the scout.

Meanwhile, local residents flocked to the internet trying to solve the mystery of several production crews and scouting flyers seen around town. But the show's distributor has taken a hard lesson from North Jersey culture, and is keeping it in the family.

According to Odell, the series is called "Little America," and will be part of a new batch of original content set to premiere on Apple TV, the computer giant's new streaming service.

The story continues below the gallery.

The show is an anthology series based on true stories of the immigrant experience, originally published in Epic Magazine under the same title, a source confirmed.

Epic's articles featured first person accounts penned by immigrants who left their homes for America, under any number of circumstances and means.

"You’ll meet a woman who kissed a car for 50 hours. A man who escaped communism via zip-line. A Hindu mayor of a small Kansas town," reads Epic's description of their original articles.

Like the news series it is based on, each episode of "Little America" will feature a separate cast and storyline. The episode shot in Lyndhurst last week centers on five Nigerian brothers who make a new home for themselves in the United States, Odell said.

"These stories are a small, collective portrait of America’s immigrants," Epic states, "and thereby a portrait of America itself."

Apple is keeping further show details as confidential as the latest iPhone features.

"Little America" film set in Lyndhurst on Thursday April 11, 2019. Robert Odell and his Landlady Helen Violante talk about the experience of having their home used as a film set.

Even Odell and Helen Violante, his 93-year-old landlord, were left in the dark. Production crews would not identify the episode's actors traipsing through their home.

Regardless, "it's exciting just to know they were here," Violante said.

Odell and his wife live in the upstairs apartment on Grant Avenue with their son and his mother. Odell has occupied the space for 27 years and has come to know Violante well. He often acts as an intermediary due to her diminished hearing.

But the home is Violante's, and she has lived there for the better part of five decades.

It was her apartment, in fact, that so enraptured the location scout. Her husband, now deceased, remodeled the entire first floor of their home in the 1970s. His furnishings and embellishments have remained untouched since.

The red Formica surfaces and wood paneling proved just what the episode needed to evoke its early-1980s period.

"He never painted," she said of her late husband, "he designed."

However, all of Violante's personal items needed to be moved to the basement while set designers positioned their own props.

Asked whether she was excited, she said, "excited? I almost had a heart attack" to see her whole house turned upside down, "I can't find anything."

"Little America" film set in Lyndhurst on Thursday April 11, 2019. Helen Violante talks about the experience of having her home used as a film set.

Inconveniences aside, she is elated to see her home, albeit redressed, on television. Ordell promised to order the Apple TV app so she and his family could watch the episode together.

She had to remain in Odell's apartment while the set was active, and refrain from making noise.

"I want to see what's going on down there," she said, not used to remaining static for too long.

Publicists for the series, and Nanjiani's public relations team, said they could not comment on the show , citing Apple's desire to withhold details until the show and its premiere date have been formally announced.

Representatives from Apple declined to comment and would only confirm the title of the series.
