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Canfieldite from
Ikuno Mine, Ikuno-cho-ono, Asago City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan

Locality type:Mine
Validity:Believed Valid
Mineral Data:Click here to view Canfieldite data
Locality Data:Click here to view Ikuno Mine, Ikuno-cho-ono, Asago City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
Data Identifiers
Mindat Occurrence Record ID:984295
Long-form Identifier:1:3:984295:3
GUID (UUID V4):14a0c2b9-2197-4331-8250-a100ee9e572e
Nearest other occurrences of Canfieldite
18.4km (11.4 miles) Ohmidani mine (Omidani mine), Shisou City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
Reference Search (possible matching items)
Report (issue)
Canfieldite Ag8 SnS6 c 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1 Crystal Data: Orthorhombic, pseudocubic...Aullagas, near Colquechaca, and at the Guadaloupe mine, Chocaya, Potosı́. From the Pirquitas deposit, Riconada...of Revelstoke, British Columbia. At the Campbell mine, Bisbee, Cochise Co., Arizona, and the Leadville...district, Lake Co., Colorado, USA. In the Himmelsfürst mine, Erbisdorf, near Freiberg, Saxony, Germany. From...In the Ikuno and Omidani mines, Hyogo Prefecture, and the Ashio mine, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. At Shuiji
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Tokyo 113, Japan GeologicalInstitute, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113, Japan skarn-type and six vein-type deposits in Japan and three foreign deposits were studied. Locations...observed in the samples collected from the Ashio mine, as already reported by Nakamura (1954) and Moh...phenomena 40° Kamioka Nakatatsu Tsumo Akenobe Ikuno "~ .Ashio XxX(( 35° Kuga-- Kaneuchi 140° D#~...130° ,.)uz-uy~L Lma 0 300 km Fig. l. Map of Japan showing the ore deposits studied 315 Table 1
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
andMineralization oftheXenothermal Vein-Type Depositsin Japan HIDEKI IMAI, MIN SUNGLEE,KOHEI IIDA, YOSHINORIFUJIKI...TAKENOUCHI Abstract $n-W-Cu-Zn-Pb-Ag vein depositsin Japan, belongingto xenothermalclass, occur in or in closeproximity...Tertiary. The Akenobe,ikuno, and Tada mines in westernJapan and the Ashio mine in easternJapan belongto...granitic magma. The vein materials at the Akenobe mine are as follows: Ore minerals: cassiterite, wolframite...paragenesisis observedat the Ikuno, Tada, and mines. At the Ikuno mine, the distribution of the vein
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
1973年9月 兵 庫 県 生 野 鉱 山 産 カ ン フ イ ー ル ド鉱 Canfieldite from the Ikuno 田 口 靖 郎(Yasuro 木 沢 庸 二(Yoji...二(Yoji 1.は カ ン フ ィー ル ド鉱canfieldite Ag8GeS6と mine, し Hyogo Prefecture Taguchi) Kizawa) が き Ag8SnS6は...Introduction to Japanese minerals; Geological Survey of Japan (1970) IMA-IAGOD Meeting '70 , p. 7, 9, 193...analysis of canfieldite et a1.(1966)報 from the 用 い 者 らの 告 のMassiac Ikuno mine 199 兵 庫 県 生...and synthetic As8SnS6 1)ASTTVI 16‑390 2)Se‑canfieldite Ag7.9Sn1.12(S5.15Se0.85)6.00 Ramdohrは and 等
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
states. Examples include the Cove mine, Lander County, the Bald Mountain mine, White Pine County, and the famous...famous Majuba Hill mine, Pershing County, Nevada; with freibergite and andorite at the Bear Basin mines...sphalerite at the Young American mine, Stevens County, Washington; the Old Dowdy mine, Gunnison County, Colorado...löllingite, smaltite, and various sulfides; the Merrimac mine, Doña Ana County, Figure 1. A 2.5-cm-high stannite...arsenopyrite. This 13-cm specimen is from the Yaogangxian mine, Hunan, China. Collector’s Edge specimen, Jeff Scovil
5 Kuroko, Hokuroku basin, Northeastern Honshu, Japan ..................... 58 3.2.6 Laochang, Changning-Menglian............. 78 3.4.2 Akenobe, Hyogo Prefecture, Honshu, Southwest Japan .................... 79 3.4.3...Kyoto Prefecture, Honshu, Southwest Japan ....................... 82 3.4.4 lkuno, Hyogo Prefecture, Honshu... Southwest Japan ......................... 82 3.4.5 Goka, Naegi District, Gifu Prefecture, Honshu, Southwest...Southwest Japan ..... 83 3.4.6 Omodani, Fukui Prefecture, Honshu, Southwest Japan ...................
Book (edition)
equivalents (e.g., JADE deposit, Okinawa Trough, Japan). Thus, metasomatic/metamorphic overprinting is...solid state diffusion (PPL). Left (bottom): Canfieldite (Ag-rich Sn-sulfide) after light exposure is...Hutchinsonite pseudospinel law 21 Samsonite Canfieldite Reflection Colour & Ø Reflectance Pleochroism... Mineral Descriptions Molybdenite in Graphite; Bogala Mine, Sri Lanka 51 Copper, native Synonym(s): Cuivre...of cuprite (bluish grey); North Mine (North Broken Hill Mine; NBH Mine), Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co.,
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
par­ ticular, such polymetallic deposits in Japan (Ikuno and Akenabe, for example) yield not only Sn...and the sulfostannates of Pb, Sb, Ag, and Cu (canfieldite, hocartite, franckeite, teallite, stannite, stannoidite...the northeastern USSR, as well as similar ones in Japan, the Philip­ pines, and the Fiji Islands, are of...are often present in substantial amounts, with canfieldite and kesterite most prominent. Sporadically, the silver sulfostannates: hocartite and canfieldite. The hocartite often contains inclusions of miargyrite
Book (edition)
07-50 Petzite II/B.07-60 Argyrodite II/B.08-10 Canfieldite II/B.08-20 Shandite II/B.12-20 Parkerite II/B...(yellowish white), quartz (dark grey); New Bullfrog mine, Nye Co., Nevada, USA [h]; Nic. // D Anhedral electrum...(greenish grey), quartz (dark grey); New Bullfrog mine, Nye Co., Nevada, USA [h]; Nic. // E Anhedral electrum...(bluish grey shades), quartz (dark grey); New Bullfrog mine, Nye Co., Nevada, USA [h]; Nic. // 8 Gold A ...sample - photo A), dolomite (dark grey); Harstigen Mine, Pajsberg, Filipstad, Värmland, Sweden [j]; Nic
Report (volume)
Laos--------------------------------------------Japan------------------------------------------------...Alaska 2. Manley Hot Springs, Alaska 3. Sullivan mine, British Columbia, Canada 4. New Brunswick area...Tex. 8. Black Range district, New Mexico 9. Climax mine, Colorado 10. Gorman area, California SOUTH AMERICA...Lifudzin-Khrustal'Illyy area 15. Honshu Island, Japan 16. Kwangsi-Kwangtung-Hunan Provinees, China 17...(SnS), cylindrite (Pb 3 SI4Sb 2 S 14 ) , -and canfieldite (AgsSnS6), are common in these deposits. Individual
Book (volume)
Field Trip Guide Book Vol. 6 MINERAL DEPOSITS OF JAPAN AND THE PHILIPPINES r QE 304 . A14 1992 v.6 The...Field Trip Guide Book Vol. 6 MINERAL DEPOSITS OF JAPAN AND THE PHILIPPINES The Society of Resource Geology...Tokyo 107, Japan 1992 29th IGC FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK Volume 6 : Mineral Deposits of Japan and the Philippines...building 9-6-41 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107, Japan Technical Editors Technical Reviewer: Editorial...Harufumi Noro Geological Survey of Japan 1-1-3 Higashi, Tsukuba 305, Japan Copyright Holder: The Society
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
native bismuth (Bi) and galena (Gn) from the Clogau mine, Dolgellau gold belt, North Wales, U.K. [Section...T., Australia: Henley et al. (1975), Suttsu mine, Japan: Shimizu et al. (1995), Nevskii, Russia: Yefimov...after their occurrence in the Horobetsu deposit, Japan. Springer (1969) showed that substitution of Sb...reported from the same type-locality (Santa Catarina mine near Guanajuato, Mexico; see Earley 1950, Ramdohr...(Falun, Sweden), Shimizu et al. (1995) (Suttsu mine, Japan), and Yefimov et al. (1988) and Mozgova et al
South East Asia Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia Japan, Honshu Age Upper CarbonIntermediate P iferous...Minor. Examples. Bolivia (Southern portion) Japan Southern Maritime Territory, U.S.S.R. Maly Kinghan...Bolivia (Sillitoe, 1972 , Grant et al., 1977) , Japan (Garson and Mitchell, 1977), East Malaysia (Mitchell...rifted continental fragments, e.g. Bolivia, Alaska, Japan. (3) The volume of granitoids present within most... K.R. , 1971. Economic geology of the Cleveland Mine, Tasmania. Economic Geology, 66 : 861-878. 41
Report (issue)
........................................... S16 Mine Waste Characteristics........................................................................ S20 Mine Closure.................................................... S12 Pie chart showing estimated world mine production of tin in 2015, by country and amount...tantalum, tin, tungsten, and (or) gold AMD acid mine drainage ATPC Association of Tin Producing Countries...respectively. In 2015, the world’s total estimated mine production of tin was 289,000 metric tons of contained
G - EOLOGICAL OF THE MINERI IN JAPAN AND Hideki Imai t z0 ::a:: 0 0 � I ( CRYSTALS NOT PISTOLS...GEOLOGICAL STUDIES OF THE MINERAL DEPOSITS'( lN JAPAN AND EAST ASIA ,,.. I -I �1n .. "W ON f10...GEOLOGICAL STUDIES OF THE MINERAL DEP OSITS IN JAPAN AND EAST ASIA Hideki Imai UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO PRESS...TOKYO PRESS, 1978 UTP 3044-687 59-5 I 49 Printed in Japan All rights reserved. No part of this publication...During these 40 years, I studied the ore deposits in Japan and East Asia from the geological and mineralogical
has also been given to persons from Australia, Japan, China, and India, as well as others from the various...chemist and mineralogist; student of Torbern Bergman; mine owner and mineral analyst; trained J. J. Berzelius...yugawaralite, Yugawara hot spring, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. NAMES AFTER POLITICAL DIVISIONS Many names...naming new minerals is to incorporate the name of the mine or deposit in which the mineral was first found...antlerite, Antler mine, Mohave County, Arizona. bultfonteinite, Bultfontein diamond mine, Kimberley, South
Book (edition)
Linopolis, Brazil, H Page 13: Gold, 35 mm.Eagle's est Mine, California, G Publi!>hed by Grdllit.u.o. Stefanikova43...(province), co. (county), munic. (municipio), pref. (prefecture), dept. (departement), dept. (departamento),...Mineralogical Abstracts MJJ - Mineralogical Journal of Japan MM - Mineralogical Magazine MP - Mineralogy and...Rice, Dolores co., both Colorado, at the Questa mine, Taos co., New 1994. Abernathyite K2[(UOJ 2l(AsO_J2]•6HzO...Harding Co .. South Dakota. and at the Fuemrole No2 mine, Emery co .. Utah. Also at Menzenschwand Scbwarzwald
in southwestern Arizona. When used with a town or city this designation indicates the direction in which...Just, Perth, Australia; Richard Thomssen, Carson City, Nevada, USA; Peter Embrey, London, England; Jessie...K(U02)As04*3H20, Tet. Vitreous yellow. Fuemrole mine, Temple Mt., Emery Co., Utah, USA. H= 2-3, Djjj=...grey, bluish-grey, yellow, light green. Langban mine, Filipstad (near), Varmland, Sweden. H= 5, Djjj=3...5As30ig, E Rhom. Translucent blue-green. Terres mine, St. Ausdell, Cornwall, England and/or Johanngeorgenstadt
Book (edition)
Morocco; (center, left) wulfenite, San Francisco mine, Sonora, Mexico; (center) ameihyst, Veracruz, Mexico;...rnodochrosite, N’Chwaning mine, South Africa; (lower left, center) wulfenite, Red Cloud mine, Arizona; (lower...Pe Wr * se vat © C6 tad GAa Snive Sr Certain Mine (ax agry wh Oe ee — SS 4 eae wid Bharce ©... eda i oo A “1 6 hat Neteny Wang Peet Se Mine Carre seh Ranier ee AAP “i : ened’ en Plt...coating fractures in sandstone at the Fuemrol No. 2 mine, Temple Mountain, Emery County, Utah; also sparsely
1000° Mots inc. Native Gold on Quartz, Paymaster mine, South Porcupine, Ontario / Photo by Brian Boyle...Marquis imprimeur inc. Barite on Quartz, Rock Candy mine, Grand Forks, British Columbia / Photo by Ken Mayer...Mayer Publisher Pyromorphite, Society Girl mine, Moyie, British Columbia / Photo by Ken Mayer Mineralogical... Ontario Canada Diopside on Grossular, Jeffrey mine, Asbestos, Quebec / Photo by Jeffrey A. Scovil...including amateur col- lectors, company executives, mine owners, and vari- in the appropriate position.
Book (edition)
& Hall Japan, Thomson Publishing Japan, Hirakawacho Nemoto Building, 6F, 1-7-11 Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku...Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102, Japan Chapman Street, & Hall Australia, Thomas South Chapman Melbourne, Nelson...Trevorite Hemusite (antimonian) Metacinnabar Canfieldite Permingeatite AggGeS, Cu,(Sb)Se, Kuramite...Page 589nm 650nm 30 27 29 Sulvanite 26 Canfieldite (tellurian) Ag,SnS, 21 Berzelianite Cu,Se...26 26-27 26-27 471 588 480 572-571 477-482 Canfieldite AggSnS¢ 26-30 NNER se 481-485 483-483 481-482
Book (edition)
Morocco; (center, left) wulfen ite San Francisco mine, Sonora, Mexico; (center) amethyst, Veracruz, Mexico;...Mountains, Utah; (lower le ft) rhodochrosite, N'Chwaning mine, Sou th A frica; {lower left, center) wulfenite...coating fractures in sandstone at the Fuemrol No. 2 mine, Temple Mountain, Emery County, Utah; also sparsely...district, and at the Little Emma mine, Clear Creek County; at the Enterprise mine, Dolores County; at the Double...MODE OF OCCURRENCE: Found in waste piles in a coal mine in the L'vov-Volynskii basin, USSR. It is found
Book (edition)
of 4,284 new Terms were United States county and city Terms. Counties and Cities in the United States...counties was a major task. The scope of U.S. county and city Terms can now be clear even when they occur out...for cities refer not only to the area within the city limits, but also to the sur¬ rounding region. Terms...Phase NT Ackley Granite NT Barre Granite NT Cedar City Formation etc. Paleozoic NT Antler Orogeny NT Arbuckle...volcanism AABW use Antarctic bottom water Aachen City near the intersection of the Belgium and Netherland
Al)16O34(Cl,SO4,CO3)4.0-6H2O, from a lapis-lazuli mine, Sar-e-Sang, Badakshan province, Afghanistan. The...Greenish-blue hexagonal crystals from the Bou-Skour copper mine, Jebel Sarhro,* Ouazazate,* Morocco, have the composition.../1-FeOOH, occurring at the Akagane mine, Iwate prefecture, Japan, and named from the locality. Synthetic...Aluminobetafite. T. Kawai, 1960. [Journ. Chem. Soc. Japan, Pure Chem. Sect., vol. 81, p. 1219], abstr. in...T. Ito and K. Sakurai, 1947. Wada’s minerals of Japan, 3rd edit., Tokyo, p. 309 (Aluminoscorodite, Alumskorodit
Report (issue)
Geosciences and Mineral Resources, Geological Survey of Japan/AIST, and Jilin University Metallogenesis and Tectonics...subduction zone terranes; (5) the active Izu-Bonin, Japan, and Kuril-Kamchatka continental margin volcanic...Transbaikalia, Northern China, Mongolia, South Korea, and Japan) . ...............................................metallogenic-tectonic model, golia, northern China, South Korea, Japan, and adjacent greatly benefits other mineral resource...and Mineral Resources; the Geological Survey of Japan/ 4 AIST; the University of Texas, Arlington; and
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