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Canfieldite from
Guadaloupe Mine, Chocaya-Animas mining district (Animas-Chocaya mining district), Atocha Municipality, Sud Chichas Province, Potosí, Bolivia

Locality type:Mine
Validity:Believed Valid
Mineral Data:Click here to view Canfieldite data
Locality Data:Click here to view Guadaloupe Mine, Chocaya-Animas mining district (Animas-Chocaya mining district), Atocha Municipality, Sud Chichas Province, Potosí, Bolivia
Data Identifiers
Mindat Occurrence Record ID:984292
Long-form Identifier:1:3:984292:2
GUID (UUID V4):490acc59-a17f-41c3-a511-a14e6b4d0f50
Reference Search (possible matching items)
Report (issue)
No. 12: Bolivia ht of Mineral Collecting N 978-0-9790998-5-4 Publisher Lithographie, LLC Denver, Colorado...specimen 'being sold with the shrine when he was in Bolivia buying mineral specimens in the 1970s. He took...ophyllite; 5. 2 cm tall Cerro Rico, Potosi, B,atillo province, Potosi Andy Seibel col/action Jejf-SC,m/.plwto...wp11�. Yaalte: 12.5 cm wide Siglo XX Mine, ,U� Bustillo province, Potosi Malty Zinn colkdknt (ex Marv...640 200 100 600 The Political Divisions of Bolivia (after United Nations Map No. 3875, Peacekeeping
Journal (issue)
Articles Famous mineral localities: The Bristol copper mine, the U.S.A. notesfrom th r EDITORS OLD YUMA MINE Another great mineral locality has now been closed...longfamous Old Yuma mine near Tucson (see R. L. Jones, “Famous mineral localities: the Old Yuma mine,” in vol....owned by Richard Bideaux’s Arizona Exploring and Mining Company for quite a few years. Bideaux and Wayne...period of activity, access to the mine was cut off in 1984. In 1996 the mine area was absorbed into the Saguaro
Report (issue)
Canfieldite Ag8 SnS6 c 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1 Crystal Data: Orthorhombic, pseudocubic...16.37 Total 99.29 98.33 100.00 (1) Aullagas, Bolivia. (2) Revelstoke, Canada; by electron microprobe...pyrrhotite, sphalerite, galena. Distribution: In Bolivia, exceptional crystals from the Gallofa vein, Aullagas...Aullagas, near Colquechaca, and at the Guadaloupe mine, Chocaya, Potosı́. From the Pirquitas deposit,... Riconada Department, Jujuy Province, Argentina. In Canada, from about 33 km northeast of Revelstoke
Book (edition)
British Columbia NF Labrador (part of Newfoundland Province) MB Manitoba NB New Brunswick NF Newfoundland...Spotsylvania Co., and Partridge mine, Orange Co., VA, and at Dahlonega, GA; Homestake mine, Lawrence Co., SD; Silver...Lake Co., Breckenridge(*), Summit Co., Ground Hog mine(*), Gilman Co., Silverton and Telluride, San Juan...Ledge mine, Nevada Co., Jamestown, Tuolumne Co., Colorado quartz mine, Mariposa Co., Bonanza mine, Trinity...Trinity Co., Michigan Bluff district, Placer Co., in AK, placers at Fairbanks, Iditarod, and Nome, and quartz
Journal (volume)
ROTHWELL, C. E., M. E., Editor of the “Engineering and Mining Journal.” These are the most thorough and exhaustive...been issued, and no person at all interested in mining or metallurgy can afford to be without them. THE...its mineral resources find the Engineering and Mining Absolutely Indispensable Journal indispensable...practice and the most im¬ proved machinery used in mining and reducing ores, and the most advantageous markets...correspondents in every import¬ Prospector Miner ant mining district in the world, who keep its readers informed
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