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Arsenoflorencite-(La) from
Grubependity Lake cirque, Grubependity Lake, Maldynyrd range (Maldy-nyrd range), Kozhim River Basin, Komi Republic, Russia

Locality type:Valley
Validity:Valid - Type Locality
Associated Minerals Based on Photo Data:
Monazite-(La)1 photo of Arsenoflorencite-(La) associated with Monazite-(La) at this locality.
Chernovite-(Y)1 photo of Arsenoflorencite-(La) associated with Chernovite-(Y) at this locality.
Mineral Data:Click here to view Arsenoflorencite-(La) data
Locality Data:Click here to view Grubependity Lake cirque, Grubependity Lake, Maldynyrd range (Maldy-nyrd range), Kozhim River Basin, Komi Republic, Russia
Data Identifiers
Mindat Occurrence Record ID:645223
Long-form Identifier:1:3:645223:0
GUID (UUID V4):d22ed850-56d7-41b7-9044-6e78d6d98965
Reference Search (possible matching items)
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Published online May 2010 Arsenoflorencite-(La), a new mineral from the Komi Republic, Russian Federation:...Sciences, Staromonetnyi pereulok 35, 119017 Moscow, Russia 3 Mineral Sciences Department, Natural History...Angeles, CA 90007, USA Abstract: Arsenoflorencite-(La) [Aopelsjmoelphq-(La)], ideally LaAl3(AsO4)2(OH)6,...from the Grubependity Lake cirque, Maldynyrd range, upper Kozhim River basin, Prepolar Ural, Komi Republic...Republic, Russia. It occurs in direct association with zircon, quartz, hematite, ardennite-(As), andalusite
Report (issue)
Arsenoflorencite-(La) LaAl3(AsO4)2(OH)6 Crystal Data: Hexagonal. Point Group: 3 2/m. crystals to 0...X-ray Powder Pattern: Grubependity Lake cirque, Prepolar Ural, Komi Republic, Russia. 2.982 (100), 3.538...(2) 38.32 9.01 100.00 (1) Grubependity Lake cirque, Komi Republic, Russia; average of 10 electron microprobe...florencite-(Ce) and zoned crystals with ‘‘arsenoflorencite(Nd)’’ and crandallite, in Mn-rich nodules...From the Grubependity Lake cirque, Maldynyrd range, upper Kozhim River basin, Prepolar Ural, Komi Republic
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
(NH4)4NaAl2(SO4)4Cl(OH)2, a new ammonium sulfate chloride from La Fossa crater, Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy. Can...fumarole (250 °C) in a pyroclastic breccia in the La Fossa crater, Vulcano. Aeolian Islands, Sicily, Italy...prisms. Crystals are vitreous and transparent and range in color from beige, beige-yellow, light lemon yellow...uniaxial negative, exhibits sharp extinction and a range of refractive indices [ω = 1.696–1.714(4), ε = 1...electron microprobe (WDS) and laser ablation-ICPMS. LA-ICPMS was used to verify the presence of B (8–11
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Elasticity and high-pressure structure of arsenoflorencite-(La): insights into the high-pressure behaviour...Editor: G. Diego Gatta] ABSTRACT Arsenoflorencite-(La), ideally LaAl3(AsO4)2(OH)6, was studied at high...evidence of a phase transformation was found in this range. The pressurevolume data (refined simultaneously)...supergroup. The compressibility of arsenoflorencite-(La) is strongly anisotropic, with bc > ba. The main...found to be governed by the internal angle O3LaO2 of the La polyhedron, where the O2 and O3 atoms move
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Volume 104, pages 1469–1480, 2019 Gasparite-(La), La(AsO4), a new mineral from Mn ores of the Ushkatyn-III...University, University Emb. 7/9, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia. Orcid 0000-0002-4811-2269 2 Geomodel Centre, St...University, Uliyanovskaya St. 1, 198504 St. Petersburg, Russia 3 Institute of Mineralogy, Urals Branch of the...the Russian Academy of Sciences, Miass 456317, Russia 4 Geertjesweg 39, NL-6706EB Wageningen, The Netherlands...184209 Apatity, Murmansk Region, Russia 1 Abstract Gasparite-(La), La(AsO4), is a new mineral (IMA 2018-079)
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
group of 17 elements, comprising the lanthanides (La–Lu or ‘Ln series’), Y and Sc, characterised by a...chernovite-(Y) was first described from the Nyarta-Sya-Yu River, Urals (Goldin et al., 1967), and later found at...Cambridge University Press with LaAsO4 (i.e. gasparite-(La)), were also detected within the Fe– Mn deposits...with arsenoflorencite-(La) in Mn-rich nodules from the Grubependity Lake cirque, Komi Republic, Urals...(1987) and more recently also found as gasparite-(La) by Vereshchagin et al. (2019). A solid solution
Book (edition)
deep (the situation is a little better in the Republic of Ireland). Many of the reports of new species...Association. IRS Infra red spectroscopy or spectrometry. LA-ICP-MS Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma...of elements with similar chemical behaviour from La to Lu (atomic numbers 57-71 ). SEM Scanning electron...Dy Er Eu F Fe Ga Gd Ge H He Hf Hg Ho I In lr K Kr La Li Lu Mg Mn Mo N Atomic No. 47 13 18 33 79 5 56...advanced nations, notably Australia, Canada, China and Russia, as well as continental Europe and the USA. It
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