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Nekrasovite from
Bisbee, Cochise County, Arizona, USA

Locality type:City
Validity:Believed Valid
Associated Minerals Based on Photo Data:
Colusite5 photos of Nekrasovite associated with Colusite at this locality.
Chalcopyrite5 photos of Nekrasovite associated with Chalcopyrite at this locality.
Tennantite-(Zn)5 photos of Nekrasovite associated with Tennantite-(Zn) at this locality.
Pyrite5 photos of Nekrasovite associated with Pyrite at this locality.
Schreyerite4 photos of Nekrasovite associated with Schreyerite at this locality.
Galena3 photos of Nekrasovite associated with Galena at this locality.
Roscoelite2 photos of Nekrasovite associated with Roscoelite at this locality.
Scheelite1 photo of Nekrasovite associated with Scheelite at this locality.
Mineral Data:Click here to view Nekrasovite data
Locality Data:Click here to view Bisbee, Cochise County, Arizona, USA
Photo GalleryView Gallery (2 photos)
Data Identifiers
Mindat Occurrence Record ID:22594
Long-form Identifier:1:3:22594:6
GUID (UUID V4):0acf2d66-7c0f-4c39-9448-eeb8e61936c9
Localities for Nekrasovite in this Region
Campbell Mine, Bisbee, Cochise County, Arizona, USA
Nearest other occurrences of Nekrasovite
6.3km (3.9 miles) Campbell Mine, Bisbee, Cochise County, Arizona, USA
Reference Search (possible matching items)
Report (issue)
Nekrasovite Cu26 V2 (Sn, As, Sb)6S32 c 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1 Crystal Data: ...As1.39 Sb1.19 Se0.11 )Σ=6.00 S32.11 . (2) Bisbee, Arizona, USA; by electron microprobe, corresponding to...Uzbekistan [TL]. In the USA, in the Campbell mine, Bisbee, Cochise Co., Arizona. At Neves-Corvo, Portugal...Trubkin, A.I. Gorshkov, and V.R. Geinke (1984) Nekrasovite, Cu26 V2 Sn6 S32 , a new mineral of the colusite
Book (edition)
found in Arizona. In the twelve years since then 61 more minerals have been reported from Arizona, a number...change. This checklist is an effort to bring the Arizona mineral list up to date. Of the 61 minerals added...locality being in Arizona. They are: bechererite from the Tonopah-Belmont mine, Maricopa County; ca1cioaravaipaite...Grand Reef mine, Graham County; carmichaelite from Gamet Ridge, Apache County; shannonite from the Grand...Grand Reef mine, Graham County; wupatkiite from near Gray Mountain, Coconino County, and grandviewite from
Report (issue)
te, luzonite–famatinite, pyrite, mawsonite, nekrasovite, chalcopyrite, laitakarite, bismuth, calcite...Concepción del Oro, Zacatecas. At Bisbee, Cochise Co., Arizona, USA. In Chile, from Cerro Blanco, near
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
(Mandarino 1992). The tin-dominant counterpart, nekrasovite, was defined by Kovalenker et al. (1984). Stibiocolusite...occurrence of anomalous concentrations of zinc in nekrasovite and suggested that a zinc-dominant endmember...(Spiridonov 2003). The four species colusite, nekrasovite, stibiocolusite and germanocolusite belong to...Strashimirov et al. 2002), the Campbell orebody at Bisbee, Arizona (Harris et al. 1984), the Bor deposit in eastern...(Spry et al. 1994, Zhang & Spry 1994). Colusite, nekrasovite and stibiocolusite are present in the Shin–Ohtoyo
Book (edition)
MINERALOGY OF ARIZONA • Wu!fenite. Red Cloud mine, Si/County, Arizona...Tucson .. The University of Arizona Press Copyright © 1977, r982, 1995 Arizona Board of Regents All rights...Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Mineralogy of Arizona/ John W. Anthony ... [et al.]; Wendell E. Wilson...0-8165-1555-7 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Minerals-Arizona. I. Anthony, John W (John Williams), 1920-. QE375...HISTORY OF ARIZONA MINING AND MINERALOGY The Prehistoric Period 20 Arizona Under Spanish Rule Arizona as a
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
wittichenite), tin sulfides (e.g., colusite–nekrasovite, stannoidite, mawsonite) and minor native gold...abundant deposition of Sn-bearing (colusite–nekrasovite, stannoidite and mawsonite) and Te-bearing minerals...spectra for catamarcaite and kiddcreekite (Bisbee, Arizona; Criddle & Stanley 1993) is very similar (Fig...approximately 2 wt.% W occurs in colusite–nekrasovite from Bisbee, Arizona, USA (unpubl. data, H. Putz). “Vanadium-germanite”...Timmins, Ontario and from the Campbell orebody, Bisbee, Arizona. Can. Mineral. 22, 227-232. HUG, A. (1999):
Book (edition)
OF ARIZONA Wulfenite. Red Cloud mine, Silver district, Trigo Mountains, La Paz County, Arizona. Ed Over. Chip Clark photo. MINERALOGY OF ARIZONA THIRD EDITION W. Anthony Joh n Sidney A. Williams...of Arizona Press / Tucson The University of Arizona Press Copyright © 1977, 1982, 1995 Arizona Board...Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Mineralogy of Arizona / John W. Anthony . . [et al.] ;Wendell E. Wilson...0-8165-1555-7 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Minerals—Arizona. QE375-5-A6M56 I. Anthony, John W. (John Williams)
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
ARIZONA COPPER Featured at the 1997 Tucson Show Downloaded by [California Institute of Technology] at...Valley, Arizona 85737 TERRY C. WALLACE Department of Geosciences University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona 85721...Clifton-Morenci, Globe-Miami, Superior, Ray, Jerome, and Bisbee were, and are, among the largest copper camps in...into the “age of electricity,” and the copper of Arizona was essential to the new industrialization. Copper...squarely at the center of power and politics in Arizona for the first thirty years of this century. Arizona’s
Book (edition)
MINERALOGY OF ARIZONA W:ilftnite. Red Cloud mine, Silver district, Trigo Mountains, La Paz County, Ariv;na...ect:on;collectedby Ed Over. Chip Clark photo. MINERALOGY OF ARIZONA THIRD EDITION John W. Anthony Sidney A. Williams...University of Arizona Press/ Tucson The University f _-\rizonaPress Copyright 197, 198:, 1995 Arizona Board...Cataloging-in-Publication Data !\1ineralogyof Arizona/ John W Anthony ... [et al] ; Wendell E. Wilson...ISBN 0-8165-1555, (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Minerals-Arizona. I. Anthony,John W. (John Williams), 1920-. ~375
Book (edition)
MINERALOGY OF ARIZONA,FOURTHEDITION V TI e a o_ of li rizo RAYMOND W. GRANT RONALD B. GIBBS HARVEY...CALLAHAN THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA PRESS TUCSON f -- The University of Arizona Press © 2022 by The Arizona Board of Regents All rights reserYed. Published 2022 ISBN-13: 978-0-8165-4358-8...Co\·er photo: \\ 7 ulfenite, Rowley Mine, Maricopa County, 4 cm high specimen, Evan and Melissa Jones Collection...Grant, Raymond \X'.,author. Title: Mineralogy of Arizona/ Raymond W. Grant [and 4 others] ; maps and illustrations
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Timmins, Ontario and from the Campbell orebody,Bisbee,Arizona.Can. Mineral.,22, 22'l-232. Nekrasovitet...Trubkin, A. I. Gorshkov, V. R. Geinke (1984) Nekrasovite CuruVrSnuSrr,a new mineral of cubic,spacegroup43n,a:10.73+0.05A,Z: l,D Nekrasovite calc.4.62.The strongestX-ray lines (25 given)...chalcopyrite,laitakarite, and native bismuth. Nekrasovite can form subgraphic intergrowths with chalcopyriteand...Implications for UnnamedSLanalogueof colusite and nekrasovite V. A. Kovalenker,T. L. Evstigneeva,V. S. Malov
Journal (issue)
Paris, France Dan Behnke Northbrook, IL Articles Bisbee revisited: an update on the mineralogy of this...mineral from the Clear Creek claim, San Benito County, California ............. 471 by R. C. Erd, A....·ember-December, /993 P.O. Box 35565 Tucson, Arizona 85 740 Tel: 602-297-6709 FAX: 602-544-0815 419...Minernlogical Record, •·olume 24. November-December. /993 BISBEE REVISITED ------------------- • AN UPDATE ON...Company 650 l East Grant Road, Suite L Tucson, Arizona 85715 The research for the original study of the
Journal (issue)
November-December 1993 Volume Twenty-four, Number Six Articles Bisbee revisited: an update on the mineralogy of this...reprints, book sales, shows) P.O. Box 35565 Tucson, Arizona 85740 602-297-6709 FAX: 602-544-0815 Subscriptions...second-class postage (USPS 887-700) paid at Tucson, Arizona, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send...mineral from the Clear Creek claim, San Benito County, C alifornia....................471 by R. C. Erd...November-December, 1993 P.O. Box 35565 Tucson, Arizona 85740 Tel: 602-297-6709 FAX: 602-544-0815 419
Journal (issue)
THE MINERALOGICAL RECORD ! RIZONA~VI CONTENTS Arizona-VI (Introduction) ............. ... .............483 W. E. Wilson The Total Wreck Mine, Pima County, Arizona ............ .. ........... ............ ..... ........ 484 W. E. Wilson The Arizona Silver Belt; Silver King to McMillenville ..................... 507 L. Presmyk The Flux Mine, Santa Cruz County, Arizona ............................. ...............E. Wilson & M. Hay The Carlota Mine, Gila County, Arizona ............................. .. .. ......
209-272 129-192 193-256 257-320 [ ARIZONA-I] ARIZONA-II] [ 129-200 201-272 129-192 193-256...ANN.] 177-256 257-320 GOLD-I ] [ 321--412 ARIZONA-V] 265-352 257-320 353-400 321-384 TOURMALINE...[ 257-320 121-184 89-168 1-80 [ 337--400 ARIZONA-Ill] M-S--HlLAlRE ] 1-120 1-88 24 / 1993 321--400...1991 65-136 65-128 SlLVER] GOLD-II] [ 261-336 ARIZONA-IV ] 103-166 1-102 [ 17 / 1986 [ NEVADA]...Iaria from the Howard-Montgomery quarry, Howard County, Maryland (by J. S. White) 25:53-54 AFGHANISTAN
Journal (issue)
Mineralogical Record Inc., 7413 N. Mowry Place Tucson, Arizona 85741 Subscriptions $23 per year, $43 for two years...R. Kampf Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Arthur Roe Tucson, AZ Abraham Rosenzweig University...The Mineralogical Record P.O. Box 35565 Tucson, Arizona 85704 602-297-6709 Editing, advertising Wendell...Cassedanne Mammothite, a new mineral from Tiger, Arizona, and Laurium, Greece ............................702-883-2598 Special second class postage Paid at Tucson, Arizona, and additional offices. POSTMASTER: send address
Book (edition)
abbreviations: Rep. (republic), prov. (province), co. (county), munic. (municipio), pref. (prefecture), dept...always included in text, except in the cases of the USA, UK, and the provinces Ontario and Quebec in Canada...Uintah County. Utah. and m (2.B. acanthite group). Monoclinic, C2/m, a,b,c Rio Blanco County. Colorado...29. 17 AFGHANITE River Formation in Uintah County, Utah. Deer et al., v. Henderson molybdenum mine...565, 1984. rhyolites, and their lavas in Sonoma County, Califor- Aeschynite-(Y) (Y,Ca,Fe,Th)(Ti,Nb)z(O
Journal (article/letter/editorial)
perfect {1050} cleavage, from Franklin, New Jersey, USA. Space group probably P31c, with a 11.16(1), c 21...In the Tip Top pegmatite, Custer, South Dakota, USA, as colourless aggregates of crystals up to 3 mm...(Twin Tunnels) pegmatite, Newry, Oxford Co., Maine, USA, in small crevices of cleavelandite. Tetragonal,...Bull. 106, 511. From the Campbell orebody, Bisbee, Arizona, USA, irregular grains in polished section of...1200 level; also in the Campbell ore body, Bisbee, Arizona, USA; associated with scheelite, tungstenite
Journal (issue)
reprints, book sales, shows) P.O. Box 35565 Tucson, Arizona 85740 602-297-6709 Subscriptions • Individuals...Articles History and minerals of The Geysers, Sonoma County, California .....................................second-class postage (USPS 887-700) paid at Tucson, Arizona, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send...1852 to the 1920’s, is located in northern Sonoma County about 145 km north of San Fran­ cisco, California...(1970). The Mayacmas Mountains of northern Sonoma County are underlain by rocks of the Jurassic-Cretaceous
Book (edition)
(dark grey); New Bullfrog mine, Nye Co., Nevada, USA [h]; Nic. // D Anhedral electrum (yellowish white)...(dark grey); New Bullfrog mine, Nye Co., Nevada, USA [h]; Nic. // E Anhedral electrum (yellowish white)...(dark grey); New Bullfrog mine, Nye Co., Nevada, USA [h]; Nic. // 8 Gold A 60 μ C B 125 μ 20 μ...grey); Canyon Creek Trail, Josephine Co., Oregon, USA [j]; Nic. // C Awaruite (dark greys, faint anisotropy)...(colourless); Canyon Creek Trail, Josephine Co., Oregon, USA [j]; Nic. + D Massive awaruite (slightly tinted grey)
Book (edition)
OX5 1 GB, UK 225 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02451, USA Copyright © 2015, 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved...Bullfrog Mine, Bullfrog District, Nye Co., Nevada, USA (sample: Witzke); PPL If marked in description, ▼...grey); Shebenik Massif, Librazhd District, Elbasan County, Albania (sample: Goldmann/Oberthür); PPL B Wairauite...Josephine Creek District, Josephine Co., Oregon, USA (sample: Hanel/Altherr); PPL B Anhedral kamacite (tinted white); Kenton County Meteorite, Kentucky, USA (sample: Witzke); PPL If marked in
Book (edition)
(lower left, center) wulfenite, Red Cloud mine, Arizona; (lower right, center) mimetite, Tsiimehb, Namibia;...Lincoln. Encyclopedia of minerals Sagiiache County Pu blic Library Saguache , Colorado DEMCO For...Photo Editor: Wendell E. Wilson Library Saguache County Public Saguache, Colorado VAN NOSTRAND REINHOLD...Pohl Richard Graeme D. K. Jones Douglas K. Miller Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum =Donald Olson ‘Delma Perry...McKee Tim Sherburn Terry Wallace University of Arizona Victor Yount William and Ann Cook Wayne Downey
Book (edition)
{lower left, center) wulfenite, Red Clouo rrnn·a, Arizona; (lower right, center) mimetite, Tsurneb, Namibia...Willard Lincoln. Encyclopedia of minerals ~~cbe County Public Library Saguache, Colorado OEMCO For Refere...Richard Graeme DJ D. K. Jones Douglas K. Miller DK Arizona-Sonora Desert DM Museum DO = "Donald Olson Delma...TV./ = Terry \Vallace TJ VY we University of Arizona Victor Yount \\' iJ!iam and Ann Cook WD \Vayne...the Fuemrol No. 2 mine, Temple Mountain, Emery County, Utah; also sparsely disseminated in uraniferous
Journal (issue)
Jr. Inesite from the Hale Creek mine, Trinity County, California...................................... back issues, reprints) RO. Box 35565 Tucson, Arizona 85740 602-297-6709 Editing, advertising Wendell...second class postage (USPS-887-700) Paid at Tucson, Arizona, and send address changes to: 7413 N. Mowry Place... Large diamond crystal, 28 carats, from Liagsu County, Shangdong Province, China. (All specimens pictured...rare mineral found only at Hsianghualin, Linwu County, Hunan Province, China. There followed a very large
Enterprises, PO Box 213, Livermore, California, 94551, USA. Because of space limitations, only a subset of found, Arizona (SW) indicates that the locality is to be found in southwestern Arizona. When used...Hidden Valley Road, Kingsport, Tennessee, 37663, USA. The authors appreciate the advice and kind assistance...City, Nevada, USA; Peter Embrey, London, England; Jessie Hardman, Long Beach, California, USA; and Barbara...Barbara Nichols, Livermore, California, USA. All of these colleagues made helpful comments and substantive
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