Photo Gallery: Příbram District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic
Photo Gallery:
Příbram District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic
5W0-NVXUraninite UO2
Bytíz, Příbram, Příbram District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech RepublicDimensions: 8 cm x 6 cm x 6 cm
Botryoidal uraninite. Former Count Frant Vincese Des Fours-Walderode collection. Collected in the 1950s. Eric Quinter specimen U/Th 0422.
W04-7P3Gudmundite FeSbS
Uranium Mine No. 19, Dubenec, Příbram District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech RepublicField of View: 3.6 mm
Twinned crystal of Gudmundite on Quartz.
From a 1983 finding / Vein 22B55-Level 28.
Sony Alpha 7R ii/Mitutoyo Plan Apo X 10/180 mm Achromatic doublet retro/"Stone Master Stack Unit "/ Linear-actor & Control/ Aperture.
Photo & Collection: Christophe Boutry.
FAF-8J3Tsumoite BiTe , Gold Au
Libčice, Nový Knín, Příbram District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech RepublicField of View: 4.2 mm
White grey metalic aggregates of tsumoite with yellow gold in quartz. Minerals were confirmed by PXRD and EMPA (WDS).
Ref. : Sejkora, J., Litochleb, J., Plasil, J., & Bures, B. (2009) Tsumoite and associated tellurides from the Au deposit Libcice near Novy Knin, Czech Republic: mineralogy and genetic significance. Journal of Geosciences, 54(1), 73-82.
D2M-CDMAurostibite AuSb2
Krásná Hora nad Vltavou, Příbram District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech RepublicField of View: 1.5 mm
Sony Alpha 7R ii, bellows, Mitutoyo M Plan 20x, aperture, Raynox DCR-250 retro, Stack-Master linear actor, stack shot control. Collection and photo: Stephan Wolfsried
5X9-846Uraninite UO2
Bytíz, Příbram, Příbram District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech RepublicDimensions: 60 mm x 55 mm
Uraninite - a lustrous botryoidal aggregate. See additional photos.
CUC-JK0Galena PbS , Chalcocite Cu2S
Alexander Mine, Vrančice, Příbram District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech RepublicField of View: 0.5 mm
The microstructure of high-grade silver ore from Příbram District.
Amazing symplectic intergrowth of chalcocite (grey) and galena (white), with inclusions of tetraedrite (olive-brown) and stromeyerite (violet-grey). Polished section, vertically reflected plane polarized light digital image in air.
Ore microscopy illuminates the darkness of the “grey ugly” with true reflectance colors!
Please compare the corresponding photomicrographs.
G. Grundmann collection and photo.
JXM-8R0Antimonselite Sb2Se3
Mine dump, Uranium Mine No. 16, Háje, Příbram District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech RepublicField of View: 4.2 mm
Very rare thin needle crystals of antimonselite growing in calcite. Antimonselite was confirmed by EMPA-WDS.
41X-FKNStromeyerite AgCuS , Hematite Fe2O3
Alexander Mine, Vrančice, Příbram District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech RepublicField of View: 4.4 mm
Largest Crystal Size: 2.2 mm
An old specimen shows prismatic crystals, striated, gray of stromeyerite, with numerous rosettes of red hematite. Collection and photo of Gianfranco Ciccolini. Nikon D610, bellows, Schneider Kreuznach 35mm; f: 4. Focal using 5.6.
JUJ-G5NAntimonselite Sb2Se3
Uranium Mine No. 11A, Bytíz, Příbram, Příbram District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech RepublicLargest Crystal Size: 3 mm
Aggregate of antimonselite crystals up to 3 mm in calcite cavity. WDS analysed. Pavel Škácha collection.
FF1-8GJBournonite PbCuSbS3 , Calcite CaCO3
Příbram District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech RepublicLargest Crystal Size: 7 mm
Bournonite crystal with white calcite and tan siderite.