Extension:Document UNCified
![]() | This extension stores its source code on a wiki page rather than a code repository. Please be aware that this code may be unreviewed or maliciously altered. They may contain security holes, outdated interfaces that are no longer compatible etc. Note: No localisation updates are provided for this extension by translatewiki.net . |
![]() | This extension is currently not actively maintained! Although it may still work, any bug reports or feature requests will more than likely be ignored. |
![]() Release status: unmaintained |
Implementation | Tag |
Description | Use one just tag for link any document's type on your article using UNC o URI format. Very useful for Wikis on LAN arquitecture. |
Author(s) | Secundino Garcia Jmz (secundinogarciatalk) |
Latest version | 0.1 |
MediaWiki | 1.15.1 -> 1.16.5 |
PHP | 5.2.14 -> 5.3.6 |
License | GPL |
Download | See #Code |
document_unc |
tested on Mediawiki
What can this extension do?
[edit]This extension has this purposes:
- Allow URI linking to files that are uploaded into your wiki
- Allow UNC linking to files stored on your intranet "\\servername\path\filename.ext"
The link can be for documents of type:
- image
- simple link
- as embeded documents
The very useful if your wiki is housed internally and used for as an intranet for your company.
[edit]This extension get us a new tag, with it,we can insert links (on URI or UNC format) to documents not incorporated at your wiki. <document_unc></document_unc>
<document_unc width=['100%'|'300px'] heigth=['20%'|'300px'] type=['embeded'|'image'|'link'] link='unc|uri' margin='units' > [unc|uri]|label] </document_unc>
- width : It's the width for the object into the page, use pixels or percent units.
- height : It's the height for the object into the page, use pixels or percent units.
- type : It's the way for interpreting you URI, you have three choices:
- link: Default, the tag it's intepreted like simple link. Its can use in combitation with label.
- image: The tag it's intepreted like an URI to an image whose default link is to itself (if you not especify link). Its can use in combitation with label and link.
- embeded: The tag it's intepreted like an URI to a document embeded. It works with PDF files!.
- link : With this, you can specify an alternate URI at witch the navegator it go when press click over the image. Obviously only functions in combination with type='image'.
- margin: With this, you can specify an margin to apply at the object to be incrusted, the margin to be added it's vía styles (CSS); from here that the format for units it's the same that supports the tag margin from CSS. Into the string value don't specify ';'.
On tag value exists two options:
- uri or unc : Its about the path at your resource. You can specify the format UNC(\\server\ruta\file.ext) o URI (/ruta/file.ext)
- label : Its the text to be displayed... this operates of any of the following forms:
- Like Alternative tag (ALT="") when it is used in combinaciòn with type='image'
- Like Link-text when it is used in combinaciòn with type='link'
Like image
[edit]- Sintax 1:
- <document_unc width="100px" type="link">{{SERVER}}\wiki\docs\example.jpg|Mi example image<document_unc>
- On this case you get a image with three properties:
- width: 100px
- A caption: Mi example image
- A URI destination on click: A new page with just the full image.
- Sintax 2:
- <document_unc width="100px" type="link" link="http://www.mediawiki.org">{{SERVER}}\wiki\docs\example.jpg|Mi example image<document_unc>
- On this case you get a image with three properties:
- width: 100px
- A caption: Mi example image
- A URI destination on click: The MediaWiki.org principal page. It's very important put http:// otherwise the URI will be interpreted like relative on your site.
Download instructions
[edit]Please cut and paste the code found below and place it in $IP/extensions/ExtensionName/ExtensionName.php
. Note: $IP stands for the root directory of your MediaWiki installation, the same directory that holds LocalSettings.php.
[edit]To install this extension, add the following to LocalSettings.php:
#add configuration parameters here
* MediaWiki. This code is released under the GNU General Public License.
* @author Secundino Garcia Jimenez <secundinogarcia@yahoo.com.mx>
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
* @package MediaWikiExtensions
* @version 0.3
if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) )
echo( "This is an extension to the MediaWiki package and cannot be run standalone.\n" );
die( -1 );
$wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit'][] = 'DocumentUNCfied_Setup';
function DocumentUNCfied_Setup( &$parser ) {
$parser->setHook( 'document_unc', 'DocumentUNCfied_Render' );
return true;
function DocumentUNCfied_Render( $input, $args, $parser, $frame ) {
/* The following lines can be used to get the variable values directly:
$to = $args['to'] ;
$email = $args['email'] ;
//---------------[ Initialization ]------------------------------------------
$ah = "center";
$type = "link";
$link = "";
$linktext = "[1]";
$margin = "0";
foreach( $args as $name => $value )
if ($name == 'width') $w = $value;
if ($name == 'height') $h = $value;
if ($name == 'type') $type =$value;
if ($name == 'link') $link =$value;
if ($name == 'margin') $margin =$value;
if (strpos( $margin, ";") > 0){
$margin = substr( $margin, 0, strpos( $margin, ";") );
//---------------[ exploding ]------------------------------------------
$exploded = explode('|', $input);
if (!(!isset($exploded[0]) || empty($exploded[0]))) {
$uri = htmlentities($exploded[0], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
$uri_old = $uri;
$uri = getMagic( $parser, $uri, $uri_old, $type );
if (!(!isset($link) || empty($link))) {
$link = htmlentities($link, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
$link_old = $link;
$link = getMagic( $parser, $link, $link_old, $type );
//---------------[ getting the path ]------------------------------------------
$result = "";
if ($type == 'link'){
$result = getInstructionForLink($w, $h, $type, $link, $margin, $uri, $exploded, $parser);
if ($type == 'embeded') {
$result = getInstructionForEmbed($w, $h, $type, $link, $margin, $uri, $exploded, $parser);
if ($type == 'image') {
$result = getInstructionForImage($w, $h, $type, $link, $margin, $uri, $exploded, $parser);
//---------------[ returning results ]------------------------------------------
return $result;
//return $w . "|" . $h . "|" . $type . "|" . $margin . "|" . $link . "|" . $uri;
function getMagic( $parser, $uri, $uri_old, $type )
$result = $uri;
if (preg_match_all("/(\{){2}(.*)(\}){2}/", $uri, $matchfounded))
foreach ($matchfounded[0] as $match)
$matched = $parser->recursiveTagParse( $match );
$matched = preg_replace("/((<)(.*)(rel=\"nofollow\">))|(<\/a>)/", "", $matched);
$regexp_match = preg_replace("/\{/", "\{", $match);
$regexp_match = preg_replace("/\}/", "\}", $regexp_match);
$result = preg_replace( "/" . $regexp_match . "/", $matched, $uri);
//Deleting bad commands....
if (preg_match_all("/(?i:on(blur|c(hange|lick)|dblclick|focus|keypress|(key|mouse)(down|up)|(un)?load|mouse(move|o(ut|ver))|reset|s(elect|ubmit)))|(?i:((<|<)[\/]?script(>|>)))/", $result, $matchfounded)){
$result = "[ Here was detected & eliminated a possible hijack attack instruction ]";
} else {
$result = getNewURI($result, $uri_old, $type);
return $result;
function getNewURI($uri, $uri_old, $type){
$result = $uri;
if (strpos($uri, "/") === false) {
$uri = str_replace(" ", "%20", $uri);
$uri = str_replace("\\", "/", $uri);
if ( $type == 'link'){
if (strpos($uri_old, "{{") === false) {
$uri = "file:///" . $uri;
} else {
$uri = "file:////" . $uri;
if ( $type == 'embeded'){
if (strpos($uri_old, "{{") === false) {
$uri = "file:///" . $uri;
} else {
$uri = "file:////" . $uri;
if ( $type == 'image'){
if (strpos($uri_old, "{{") === false) {
$uri = "file:///" . $uri;
} else {
$uri = "file:////" . $uri;
return $uri;
function getInstructionForLink($w, $h, $type, $link, $margin, $uri, $exploded, $parser){
$result = "";
if ( !isset($link) || empty($link) ){
if ( !isset($exploded[0]) || empty($exploded[0]) ){
return $result;
if ( !isset($exploded[1]) || empty($exploded[1]) ){
$linktext = $uri;
} else {
$linktext = htmlentities($exploded[1], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
$link = $uri;
} else {
if ( !isset($exploded[0]) || empty($exploded[0]) ){
$uri = $link;
$linktext = $link;
} else {
if ( !isset($exploded[1]) || empty($exploded[1]) ){
$linktext = htmlentities($exploded[0], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
$uri = $link;
} else {
$linktext = htmlentities($exploded[1], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
$result = "<a href=\"" . $uri . "\" class=\"external autonumber\" style=\"margin:" . $margin . ";\" rel=\"nofollow\" title=\"" . $uri . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . $linktext . "</a>";
return $result;
function getInstructionForEmbed($w, $h, $type, $link, $margin, $uri, $exploded, $parser){
$result = "";
if (!isset($w) || empty($w)) {
$w = '100%';
if (!isset($h) || empty($h)) {
$h = '560px';
if ( !isset($link) || empty($link) ){
if ( !isset($exploded[0]) || empty($exploded[0]) ){
return $result;
$link = $uri;
} else {
if ( !isset($exploded[0]) || empty($exploded[0]) ){
$uri = htmlentities($link, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
$result = "<div style=\"width:" . $w . "; height:" . $h . ";margin:" . $margin . ";\"><iframe style=\"background-color:none; padding: 0; margin: " . $margin . ";\" width=" . $w . " height=" . $h . " src=\"" . $uri . "\" frameborder=0 framebordercolor=#00000></iframe></div>";
return $result;
function getInstructionForImage($w, $h, $type, $link, $margin, $uri, $exploded, $parser){
$result = "";
if (!isset($w) || empty($w)) {
$w = 'auto';
if (!isset($h) || empty($h)) {
if ( !isset($link) || empty($link) ){
if ( !isset($exploded[0]) || empty($exploded[0]) ){
return $result;
$link = $uri;
if ( !isset($exploded[1]) || empty($exploded[1]) ){
$linktext = $uri;
} else {
$linktext = $link;
if ( !isset($exploded[0]) || empty($exploded[0]) ){
$uri = $link;
$result = "<a href=\"" . $link . "\" title=\"" . $linktext . "\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" . $uri . "\" alt=\"" . $linktext . "\" width=\"" . $w . "\" height=\"" . $h . "\" style=\"margin:" . $margin . "\";/></a>";
return $result;
$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
'name' => 'DocumentUNCified',
'author' => '[[User:CQ|Secundino Garcia Jimenez]]',
'description' => 'Embed documents PDF, Sounds and images in your pages, link another documents on easy way; use URL or UNC format for path!.',
'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Document_UNCified');