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This page is a translated version of the page Extension:CheckUser and the translation is 12% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Ta strona opisuje rozszerzenie. Zobacz Politykę CheckUserów na Meta Wiki, aby znaleźć informacje na temat wytycznych Fundacji Wikimedia. For details on how to use the extension, see Help:Extension:CheckUser .
Podręcznik rozszerzeń MediaWiki
Status wydania: stabilne
Realizacja Strona specjalna , Tożsamość użytkownika , API , Hak , Bazy danych
Opis Funkcja CheckUser umożliwia uprawnionym użytkownikom sprawdzanie adresów IP używanych przez danych użytkowników oraz nazw użytkowników korzystających z danego adresu IP bez konieczności ręcznego wysyłania zapytań do bazy danych.
Autor(zy) Tim Starling, Aaron Schulz, Dreamy Jazz
Ostatnia wersja 2.5 (continuous updates)
Polityka zgodności Snapshots releases along with MediaWiki. Master nie jest kompatybilny wstecznie.
PHP 7.4.3+
Zmiany w bazie danych Tak
Domena wirtualna virtual-checkuser-global
Tabele cu_changes
Licencja Licencja GNU General Public License 2.0 lub nowsza
  • $wgCheckUserGBtoollink
  • $wgCheckUserClientHintsSpecialPages
  • $wgCheckUserCAMultiLock
  • $wgCheckUserLogSuccessfulBotLogins
  • $wgCheckUserWriteToCentralIndex
  • $wgCheckUserSpecialPagesWithoutIPRevealButtons
  • $wgCheckUserLogLogins
  • $wgCUPublicKey
  • $wgCheckUserCAtoollink
  • $wgCheckUserCuciUserRandomChanceDebounceCutoff
  • $wgCheckUserClientHintsRestApiMaxTimeLag
  • $wgCheckUserDeveloperMode
  • $wgCheckUserEnableTempAccountsOnboardingDialog
  • $wgCheckUserCentralIndexRangesToExclude
  • $wgCUDMaxAge
  • $wgCheckUserCIDRLimit
  • $wgCheckUserMaxBlocks
  • $wgCheckUserCentralIndexGroupsToExclude
  • $wgCheckUserDisplayClientHints
  • $wgCheckUserGlobalContributionsCentralWikiId
  • $wgCheckUserForceSummary
  • $wgCheckUserInvestigateMaximumRowCount
  • $wgCheckUserMaximumIPsToAutoblock
  • $wgCheckUserClientHintsForDisplay
  • $wgCheckUserClientHintsValuesToHide
  • $wgCheckUserClientHintsUnsetHeaderWhenPossible
  • $wgCheckUserCollapseCheckUserHelperByDefault
  • $wgCheckUserClientHintsEnabled
  • $wgCheckUserTemporaryAccountMaxAge
  • $wgCheckUserMaximumRowCount
  • $wgCheckUserClientHintsHeaders

  • checkuser
  • checkuser-log
  • checkuser-temporary-account
  • checkuser-temporary-account-log
  • checkuser-temporary-account-no-preference
  • investigate
Quarterly downloads 195 (Ranked 30th)
Public wikis using 9,118 (Ranked 13th)
Przetłumacz rozszerzenie CheckUser jeżeli jest dostępne na translatewiki.net
Problemy Otwarte zadania · Zgłoś błąd

CheckUser jest rozszerzeniem pozwalającym użytkownikom z uprawnieniem checkuser na sprawdzanie adresów IP używanych przez danych użytkowników oraz nazw użytkowników korzystających z danego adresu IP bez konieczności ręcznego wysyłania zapytań do bazy danych. Rozszerzenie jest wykorzystywane na wszystkich wiki Fundacji Wikimedia.

Aktualizacje będą wprowadzane według potrzeb wiki Fundacji Wikimedia, lub w przypadku wykrycia krytycznych problemów. Details on how to use the tools provided by the extension are at Help:Extension:CheckUser .


  • Pobierz i umieść plik(i) w katalogu o nazwie CheckUser w folderze extensions/.
    Developers and code contributors should install the extension from Git instead, using:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/CheckUser
  • Tylko w przypadku instalacji z repozytorium git należy uruchomić Composer, aby zainstalować zależności PHP, poprzez wywołanie composer install --no-dev w katalogu rozszerzenia. (Zobacz T173141 w celu uzyskania informacji o możliwych komplikacjach.)
  • Dodaj poniższy kod na dole twojego pliku LocalSettings.php :
    wfLoadExtension( 'CheckUser' );
  • Uruchom skrypt aktualizujący, który automatycznie stworzy potrzebne tabele dla tego rozszerzenia.
  • Configure as required.
  • Yes Zrobione – Przejdź do Special:Version na twojej wiki, aby sprawdzić czy rozszerzenie zostało pomyślnie zainstalowane.

Using MediaWiki-Docker

Follow the steps in MediaWiki-Docker/Extension/CheckUser to install this extension inside a MediaWiki Docker instance.


This tool copies recent changes data to separate tables, and adds to that when new entries are added. If $wgPutIPinRC is set to false, the copied data will not contain the associated IP address. However, entries added after installation of this extension will contain the IP address.

After installation of this extension, you can reduce $wgRCMaxAge to make recentchanges shorter without affecting checkuser. Use $wgCUDMaxAge to set how far back checkuser data can go, in seconds.

The CheckUser-specific setting $wgCheckUserCIDRLimit determines the largest range that can be checked in a single check. Its format is the same as $wgBlockCIDRLimit . The default limit is /19 for IPv6 checks and /16 for IPv4 checks.

To allow this tool to log successful and failed login attempts as well as logouts, set $wgCheckUserLogLogins to true. If you have bot accounts on your wiki, setting $wgCheckUserLogSuccessfulBotLogins to false will skip logging successful login attempts to bot accounts.

Wersja MediaWiki:

If the extension is installed on a multi-wiki install, then you should set $wgVirtualDomainsMapping for the virtual-checkuser-global to point to a central database table. Setting this will ensure that the central index tables are actually on a central DB, and therefore the GlobalBlocking global autoblocks and GUC work. After doing this, you will need to run update.php to create the tables on the central wiki.

Troubleshooting Special:GlobalContributions functionality

If Special:GlobalContributions is not returning revisions as expected (e.g. you have revisions on another wiki that you can view on that wiki), a misconfiguration may be causing an internal failure that isn't user-facing (as it cannot be user resolved). Check that:

  • Your user has a central account and that their accounts on the affected wiki are linked. This can be checked at Special:MergeAccount.
  • The affected wiki is known to the wiki farm. This is defined in the sites table and wikis can be added to this table via the addSite maintenance script. You'll need to ensure that the optional parameters pagepath and filepath are filled out (eg. php ./maintenance/run.php addSite $wikiName wiki --pagepath https://hostname/wiki/\$1 --filepath https://hostname/w/\$1), as Special:GlobalContributions uses these to generate API queries and links.
  • The central database is set with virtual-checkuser-global (eg. $wgVirtualDomainsMapping['virtual-checkuser-global'] = [ 'db' => $wiki ];) and that the cuci_temp_edit table is recording revisions from the affected wiki.
  • If necessary, cross-domain cookies should be enabled as the centralauth token must work across both wikis.

Nadawanie uprawnień CheckUser

To grant the right to use Special:CheckUser, Special:Investigate and Special:CheckUserLog, a user with user rights management must go to Special:UserRights and enter the user's name in the box, then select the option "checkuser". Once this is done, the aforementioned special pages will show up in Special:SpecialPages page for that user.

To allow users to access the IP addresses of temporary accounts , they should be granted the checkuser-temporary-account right.

To give sysops all the rights this extension provides, put the following into LocalSettings.php:

$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['checkuser'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['checkuser-log'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['investigate'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['checkuser-temporary-account'] = true;

To only allow the adding and removing of the checkuser permission, use the following instead:

$wgAddGroups['sysop'][] = 'checkuser';
$wgRemoveGroups['sysop'][] = 'checkuser';


A selected number of the configuration values are shown below. These configuration values are useful for administrators of wikis to modify. Configuration values which are usually left as their default value are not specified here to keep the list concise, but details for these configuration values are present in the extension.json file.

Ustawienia konfiguracyjne w extension.json
Configuration name Wartość domyślna Detail
$wgCUDMaxAge 7776000 Definiuje jak długo przechowywane są informacje CheckUsera (w sekundach). Domyślna wartość to 3 miesiące.
$wgCheckUserMaxBlocks 200 Maximum number of users that can be mass blocked simultaneously on Special:Investigate
$wgCheckUserForceSummary false Ustaw wartość tego ustawienia na true, jeżeli chcesz wymusić na checkuserach podawanie powodu każdego indywidualnego sprawdzenia które wykonują za pośrednictwem Special:CheckUser. (Nie jest to specjalnie skuteczna metoda, ponieważ checkuser może bez problemu podać powód w stylu „Wymaga sprawdzenia” lub „Bo tak”, a oprogramowanie nie będzie o tym wiedzieć.)
$wgCheckUserCIDRLimit [ 'IPv4' => 16, 'IPv6' => 19 ] Smallest CIDR value that can be used in any individual range check
$wgCUPublicKey '' Public key to encrypt private data that may need to be read later. Generate a public key with something like:

openssl genrsa -out cu.key 2048; openssl rsa -in cu.key -pubout > cu.pub and paste the contents of cu.pub here

Used with an associated private key to encrypt certain data that is not shown to CUs but stored in the cu_changes or cu_private_event table. Currently this is only the recipients of emails. Without a valid public key the data will not be stored.

$wgCheckUserCAMultiLock false This can be used to add a link to Special:MultiLock by CentralAuth to the Special:CheckUser's mass block form. This requires the CentralAuth extension to be installed on the wiki. To enable this, set this to an array with a central wiki's database name and an array with the name(s) of the global group(s) to add the link for. For example:
$wgCheckUserCAMultiLock = [
    'centralDB' => 'metawiki',
    'groups' => [ 'steward' ]
$wgCheckUserCAtoollink false Since 77360f1cf1d2. This adds a link to central wiki Special:CentralAuth to the Special:CheckUser's "Get users" results. This requires the CentralAuth extension to be installed on the wiki. To enable this, set this with a central wiki's database name. For example:
$wgCheckUserCAtoollink = 'metawiki';
$wgCheckUserGBtoollink false Since 77360f1cf1d2. This adds a link to local or central wiki Special:GlobalBlock to the Special:CheckUser's "Get users" results. This requires the GlobalBlocking extension to be installed on the wiki. To enable this, if a $wgConf is configured, set this to an array with a central wiki's database name and an array with the name(s) of the local (or global if you have CentralAuth installed) group(s) to add the link for. For example:
$wgCheckUserGBtoollink = [
	'centralDB' => 'metawiki',
	'groups' => [ 'steward', 'staff' ]
$wgCheckUserEnableSpecialInvestigate (1.35-1.43) false (<=1.39)
true (1.40+)
Since 57dcfe46d2e4. This enables Special:Investigate, an updated version of Special:CheckUser that allows checking for multiple user accounts and IP addresses within one investigation.
$wgCheckUserLogLogins false Whether CheckUser should log login and logout attempts (both successful and not).
$wgCheckUserLogSuccessfulBotLogins true Whether CheckUser should store successful login attempts to accounts with the bot user group if $wgCheckUserLogLogins is set to true. Only is used if $wgCheckUserLogLogins is true
$wgCheckUserMaximumRowCount 5000 The maximum number of results that can be returned by Special:CheckUser. Before MediaWiki 1.39, in the 'Get edits' and 'Get IPs' results having over 5000 results would return the results in a different format. From MediaWiki 1.39 this is the maximum number of results to show by page and more can be generated using the paging links
$wgCheckUserInvestigateMaximumRowCount 25000 Similar to $wgCheckUserMaximumRowCount, but for Investigate
$wgCheckUserCollapseCheckUserHelperByDefault (1.41+) 2500 Controls when the "CheckUser helper" summary table on Special:CheckUser. Specify true to always collapse by default, false to never collapse by default, and a number to collapse when more than that number of results are displayed on the page.
$wgCheckUserMaximumIPsToAutoblock (1.43+) 1 The maximum number of IP addresses to retroactively autoblock when a block is created with autoblocking enabled.
$wgCheckUserClientHintsEnabled (1.41+) true Used to control whether client hints should be collected and displayed in results by CheckUser.
$wgCheckUserClientHintsSpecialPages (1.41+) { "CreateAccount": "header", "Emailuser": "js", "PasswordReset": "js", "Userlogin": [ "js", "header" ], "Userlogout": "header"} The list of SpecialPages where CheckUser will request client hints if $wgCheckUserClientHintsEnabled is true.
$wgCheckUserClientHintsHeaders (1.41+) { "Sec-CH-UA": "brands", "Sec-CH-UA-Arch": "architecture", "Sec-CH-UA-Bitness": "bitness", "Sec-CH-UA-Form-Factor": "", "Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version-List": "fullVersionList", "Sec-CH-UA-Mobile": "mobile", "Sec-CH-UA-Model": "model", "Sec-CH-UA-Platform": "platform", "Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version": "platformVersion", "Sec-CH-UA-WoW64": ""} The list of client hint types that will be requested. Keys represent the client hint values requested using the Accept-CH header. Values represent the equivalent name when requesting them from the JS client side client hints API.
$wgCheckUserClientHintsForDisplay (1.41+) [ "model", "fullVersionList", "platformVersion", "platform", "brands", "formFactor", "architecture", "mobile", "bitness", "woW64" ] The list of Client Hints data to display in CheckUser results. The order of the array is used to determine what order to display the data.
$wgCheckUserClientHintsValuesToHide (1.41+) { "architecture": [ "x86" ], "bitness": [ "64" ], "woW64": [ false ]} Specifies Client Hint data values which should be hidden in the CheckUser results. This is done to hide commonly seen Client Hint data values in the cases where it's not useful to see this information unless it's a rare value.
$wgCheckUserTemporaryAccountMaxAge (1.40+) 86400 The number of seconds for which the temporary account API response is fresh.
$wgCheckUserSpecialPagesWithoutIPRevealButtons (1.40+) [ "Investigate", "InvestigateBlock", "CheckUser", "CheckUserLog", "Activeusers", "Listusers", "BlockList" ] A list of special page names where "Show IP" buttons are disabled, because they are not useful. The special page names are case sensitive and do not always match their appearance in the URL. For example, e.g. Special:ListUsers is called Listusers in this array.
$wgCheckUserClientHintsUnsetHeaderWhenPossible (1.41+) true If true, the server will send an empty Accept-CH header when the user is viewing a page which does not need client hints data.
$wgCheckUserGlobalContributionsCentralWikiId (1.44+) null A string representing the name of the wiki to designate as the "central" wiki for Special:GlobalContributions. Setting this will redirect all other wiki's Special:GlobalContributions page to the central wiki's instead.
$wgCheckUserWriteToCentralIndex (1.43+) true Used to prevent adding entries to the CheckUser central index tables on the wiki. Use this when the wiki is not part of a larger wiki farm unified account system.
$wgCheckUserCentralIndexGroupsToExclude (1.43+) [ "bot" ] Users in any of the groups specified in this configuration value will not have their actions stored in the central index tables. Used to reduce the rate of writes to the central index tables for high activity users where there is no need to run CheckUser checks on these users.

Using the extension

Detail about how to use the extension can be viewed at the extension help page . This information is not included here to keep this page manageable in size, and to focus this page on installation and administration of the extension.

There are several special pages and a few APIs provided by the extension. The special pages are:

The extension also provides the ability to reveal the IP address used by a temporary account. Described at Help:Extension:CheckUser#Showing IPs for temporary accounts .