student working on a laptop outside
Student Financial Aid

Types of Aid

Understanding Types of Financial Aid

There are various forms of Financial Aid at Marshall University which consist of grants, student employment, scholarships, and loans. These forms of financial aid are available to any student who qualifies. In order to qualify, the student must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Have questions about what types of financial aid are available? We’ve got you covered! Whether it be grants, loans, or scholarships the information below will provide you with all that you need to begin applying for and accepting your financial aid offer(s).

While care has been taken to provide accurate and current information about Marshall University scholarships and grants, the information on this website is subject to change without notice.

Institutional Scholarships


Marshall University offers a variety of merit-based scholarships to undergraduate students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement.

Most merit-based scholarship programs require that you be enrolled full-time, maintain a minimum GPA, and complete 30 credit hours each academic year. Most scholarships are renewable, but some are not. Be sure to read Important Information About Scholarships for additional detail on terms and conditions.

To learn about various scholarship opportunities at Marshall University, click on the relevant links below:

To download a copy of the Marshall University Merit-based Scholarship policy (for the prior academic year), click on the link below.

Review Merit Based Scholarships

Achievement Tuition Waiver Grant

The Achievement Tuition Waiver Grant is available to assist incoming first-time freshmen who have exceptional financial need based on the results of the FAFSA. Eligibility for the Achievement Tuition Waiver Grant and the amount of the award is determined based on the student’s demonstrated unmet financial need and the student’s high school academic performance. The grant is available to residents, metro and non-resident students. Click the link below that is applicable to you.

Private Foundation Scholarships

Marshall University has a number of endowed and annual scholarships that have been established through the Marshall University Foundation by individuals who care deeply about Marshall University and our students. Many students are selected to receive endowed and annual scholarship awards by committees from departments and colleges, while others are selected by staff from the Office of Student Financial Assistance.

Apply for Private Foundation Scholarships

Need Based Grants

The state of West Virginia offers multiple resources for students. The West Virginia Higher Education Grant is a need-based financial aid program to ensure full-time West Virginia undergraduate students are given an opportunity to pursue post-secondary education while the WV Higher Education Adult Part-Time Student (HEAPS) Grant is awarded to undergraduate part-time students.

View & Apply for Need Based Grants

The Promise Scholarship is awarded to WV high-school seniors on the basis of their high school academic records and test scores.

Apply for Promise Scholarship

Apply for Summer Promise

The West Virginia Engineering, Science and Technology Scholarship (a.k.a. WV STEM Scholarship) Program is an undergraduate student financial aid program designed to enable and encourage academically talented individuals to pursue careers in the fields of engineering, science, and technology in West Virginia.

Apply for WV STEM Scholarship

The West Virginia Nursing Scholarship Program offers awards to students pursuing LPN, RN, LPN teaching or master’s or doctoral nursing education who are willing to stay in West Virginia.

Apply for WV Nursing Scholarship

West Virginia’s newest, most prestigious scholarship – the Underwood-Smith Teaching Scholars Program – helps recent high school graduates pursue rewarding careers as WV teachers in math, science, elementary education or special education.

Apply for Underwood-Smith Teaching Scholars

Federal Grants

There are two Federal Grant opportunities for students to help offset their costs.  The Federal Pell Grant Program is available to eligible undergraduate students and is designed to provide a “Foundation” of financial assistance to undergraduate students that qualify and may be combined with other forms of aid to meet the full cost of education. The Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG) was established to assist in making the benefits of college education available to qualified undergraduate student who, for lack of financial means of their own or their families, would be unable to obtain such benefits without the grant. These two grants are available to students who demonstrate financial need based on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) results. For further details on these Federal Grants, please click the link below.

View & Apply for Federal Grants

The Federal TEACH is available to students who intend to teach in a public or private elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families for four years within eight years of completing their degree leading to a career in teaching. To receive a TEACH Grant, you must meet certain criteria annually.

View & Apply for TEACH Grant


Federal Direct Loans

For many students and families, borrowing educational loans is a necessary part of paying for college. Educational loans are available to undergraduate and graduate students as well as parents of undergraduate students. Student loan borrowing is an investment in your future. When deciding to borrow, it is important you obtain the best possible loans available to you in terms of interest rates and terms of repayment.

The Direct Loan Program is provided and administered by the Federal government, U.S. Department of Education. This loan is designed to help students pay for tuition, fees, books, and living expenses. Student loans must be repaid. Direct loans that are available include: Direct Subsidized Loan, Direct Unsubsidized Loan, Federal William D. Ford Direct PLUS Loan, and the Federal William D. Ford Direct Graduate PLUS Loan.

View & Apply for Federal Direct Loans

Private Loans

Students who need additional funds after considering the federal student loans listed above or students who are ineligible for federal aid – may need to apply for a private alternative loan.

There are several private commercial educational loan options to assist students and families in meeting college costs. You should only consider obtaining a private alternative loan only if you need funds above and beyond the maximum amount of Federal Direct Loans or if you don’t qualify for federal financial aid. You are also encouraged to compare private alternative loan costs with those of the Federal Direct Loan programs.

View & Apply for a Private Loan

Student Employment

Part-Time Employment Including Federal Work-Study (FWS)

On-Campus Opportunities: At any given time, about 725 undergraduates and 600 graduate students are employed on campus. While many on-campus jobs are posted through Handshake, you may choose to directly contact some of the on-campus employers shown below:

Near Campus Opportunities: Students are often able to find work in the surrounding communities. To assist you with your part-time job search, we suggest you create and maintain your resume and profile with Handshake. Please contact Career Services at 304-696-2370 for assistance.

Shown below are other links that may assist you with your part-time job search:

View FWS Details

Medical School Aid

The Marshall University School of Medicine Office of Student Assistance strives to meet your financial needs by providing funds through federal, state, and institutional programs. In addition, the office offers comprehensive financial aid counseling and debt management services.

For more information on medical school financial assistance, visit the Marshall University School of Medicine Office of Student Financial Assistance website at

For efficient handling of MUSOM students’ financial aid records, inquiries, and other financial aid related questions, please contact:
Parker Unroe, Assistant Director of Student Financial Assistance
Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine
Marshall University
1321 Hal Greer Blvd.
Huntington, WV  25701
304-691-8739 (phone)
304-691-8740 (fax)

Veteran Aid

Information about Military Benefits is located in Military and Veterans Affairs.

Tuition Assistance benefits are also available as a financial resource for active duty military students please contact Jonathan McCormick, Director of Military and Veterans Affairs for more information at 304-696-5278.

For efficient handling of student’s VA records, inquiries, and other VA-related questions including VA Educational Benefits, please contact VA Coordinator Lora Varney in the Registrar’s Office at 304-696-2254.

Summer Aid

This page provides details on financial aid options available for students attending summer sessions at Marshall University, including eligibility requirements and how to apply for aid during the summer term.