Marshall University offers a variety of merit-based scholarships to incoming freshmen and transfer students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement, with automatic consideration at the time of admission.
Most merit-based scholarship programs require that you be enrolled full-time, maintain a minimum GPA, and complete 30 credit hours each academic year. Most scholarships are renewable, but some are not.
Marshall University has a number of endowed and annual scholarships that have been established through the Marshall University Foundation by individuals who care deeply about Marshall University and our students. Many students are selected to receive endowed and annual scholarship awards by committees from departments and colleges, while others are selected by staff from the Office of Student Financial Assistance.
To learn about a full-ride scholarship opportunity at Marshall University, select the link below:
Searching for Scholarships
Scholarships do require research. Remember to think outside the box. Not all scholarships are academically based. Are you left-handed? Search for scholarships based on being left-handed. Are you a first-generation student? Do you participate in bowling leagues? Do you like asparagus or any other vegetable? There may be scholarships based on things you are interested in or participate in or are unique to you. You do have to seek out these scholarships so go search!
Start your search by checking out these sites:
Marshall University has no affiliation with these organizations with regard to the development of the scholarship program or selection of the recipients.
You should never be required to pay a search fee for scholarships. Any site asking for payment is probably a scam.