Series Posthumanities

55 Works Popularity 7,942 (1,299 Members) 2,333 Books 18 Reviews ½ 3.8
The Parasite by Michel Serres 187 copies, 1 review1
The Poetics of DNA (Posthumanities) by Judith Roof 32 copies2
When Species Meet by Donna J. Haraway 232 copies, 5 reviews3
Bios: Biopolitics and Philosophy by Roberto Esposito 92 copies4
Dorsality: Thinking Back through Technology and Politics (Posthumanities) by David Wills 15 copies5
Animal Capital: Rendering Life in Biopolitical Times by Nicole Shukin 27 copies6
Political Affect: Connecting the Social and the Somatic (Posthumanities) by John Protevi 20 copies7
What Is Posthumanism? by Cary Wolfe 123 copies, 1 review8
Cosmopolitiques, tome 1 : La Guerre des sciences by Isabelle Stengers 90 copies, 1 review9
Cosmopolitiques, tome 2 : L'Invention de la mécanique by Isabelle Stengers 49 copies10
Insect Media: An Archaeology of Animals and Technology by Jussi Parikka 52 copies11
A Foray into the Worlds of Animals and Humans; with A Theory of Meaning by Jakob von Uexküll 126 copies12
Junkware (Posthumanities) by Thierry Bardini 17 copies13
Human Error: Species-Being and Media Machines (Posthumanities) by Dominic Pettman 17 copies14
Animal Stories: Narrating across Species Lines (Posthumanities) by Susan McHugh 11 copies15
Against Ecological Sovereignty: Ethics, Biopolitics, and Saving the Natural World (Posthumanities) by Mick Smith 19 copies16
Surface Encounters: Thinking with Animals and Art (Posthumanities) by Ron Broglio 9 copies17
Improper Life: Technology and Biopolitics from Heidegger to Agamben (Posthumanities) by Timothy C. Campbell 29 copies18
CIFERAE: A Bestiary in Five Fingers (Posthumanities) by Tom Tyler 12 copies19
Alien Phenomenology, or What It's Like to Be a Thing by Ian Bogost 160 copies, 1 review20
HumAnimal: Race, Law, Language (Posthumanities) by Kalpana Rahita Seshadri 11 copies21
Body Drift: Butler, Hayles, Haraway (Posthumanities) by Arthur Kroker 14 copies22
Vampyroteuthis Infernalis: A Treatise, with a Report by the Institut Scientifique de Recherche Paranaturaliste (Posthumanities) by Vilém Flusser 92 copies, 1 review23
Without Offending Humans: A Critique of Animal Rights (Posthumanities) (French Edition) by Elisabeth de Fontenay 19 copies24
Artist Animal (Posthumanities) by Steve Baker 11 copies, 1 review25
Humanesis: Sound and Technological Posthumanism (Posthumanities) by David Cecchetto 6 copies26
Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World by Timothy Morton 312 copies, 7 reviews27
Cinders by Jacques Derrida 80 copies28
Neocybernetics and Narrative (Posthumanities) by Bruce Clarke 6 copies29
The Universe of Things: On Speculative Realism by Steven Shaviro 64 copies30
Laruelle: Against the Digital by Alexander R. Galloway 40 copies31
The Intellective Space: Thinking beyond Cognition (Posthumanities) by Laurent Dubreuil 6 copies32
Necromedia by Marcel O'Gorman 5 copies33
All Thoughts Are Equal: Laruelle and Nonhuman Philosophy (Posthumanities) by John Ó Maoilearca 17 copies34
Inanimation: Theories of Inorganic Life (Posthumanities) by David Wills 13 copies35
Neofinalism (Posthumanities) by Raymond Ruyer 26 copies36
Manifestly Haraway (Volume 37) (Posthumanities) by Donna J. Haraway 106 copies37
What Would Animals Say If We Asked the Right Questions? (Posthumanities) by Vinciane Despret 29 copies38
Fuel: A Speculative Dictionary (Posthumanities) by Karen Pinkus 11 copies39
Of sheep, oranges, and yeast : a multispecies impression by Julian Yates 5 copies40
Matters of Care: Speculative Ethics in More than Human Worlds (Volume 41) (Posthumanities) by María Puig de la Bellacasa 48 copies41
Creaturely Love: How Desire Makes Us More and Less Than Human (Volume 42) (Posthumanities) by Dominic Pettman 10 copies42
Bioaesthetics : making sense of life in science and the arts by Carsten Strathausen 5 copies43
Life : a modern invention by Davide Tarizzo 13 copies44
Neurotechnology and the End of Finitude (Posthumanities) by Michael Haworth 4 copies45
Biology in the Grid: Graphic Design and the Envisioning of Life (Posthumanities) by Phillip Thurtle 3 copies46
Elements of a Philosophy of Technology: On the Evolutionary History of Culture by Ernst Kapp 10 copies47
Dialogues on the Human Ape (Posthumanities) by Laurent Dubreuil 3 copies48
Metaphysical Experiments: Physics and the Invention of the Universe (Volume 49) (Posthumanities) by Bjørn Ekeberg 6 copies49
Anthropocene Poetics: Deep Time, Sacrifice Zones, and Extinction (Volume 50) (Posthumanities) by David Farrier 11 copies50
Aesthesis and Perceptronium: On the Entanglement of Sensation, Cognition, and Matter (Volume 51) (Posthumanities) by Alexander Wilson 4 copies51
Variations on Media Thinking (Volume 52) (Posthumanities) by Siegfried Zielinski 4 copies52
Postcinematic Vision: The Coevolution of Moving-Image Media and the Spectator (Volume 54) (Posthumanities) by Roger F. Cook 1 copy54
The Elements of Foucault (Volume 55) (Posthumanities) by Gregg Lambert 5 copies55
Thinking Plant Animal Human: Encounters with Communities of Difference (Volume 56) (Posthumanities) by David Wood 6 copies56

DescriptionsEdit Descriptions

Posthumanities situates itself at a crossroads: at the intersection of “the humanities” in its current academic configuration and the challenges it faces from “posthumanism” to move beyond its standard parameters and practices. Rather than simply reproducing established forms and methods of disciplinary knowledge, posthumanists confront how changes in society and culture require that scholars rethink what they do—theoretically, methodologically, and ethically. The “human” is enmeshed in the larger problem of what Jacques Derrida called “the living,” and traditional humanism is no longer adequate to understand the human’s entangled, complex relations with animals, the environment, and technology. (English, Publisher)


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