Events Battle of Lepanto

Works (23)

Infidels: A History of the Conflict Between Christendom and Islam by Andrew Wheatcroft
50 Battles That Changed the World: The Conflicts That Most Influenced the Course of History by William Weir1571
Agents of Empire: Knights, Corsairs, Jesuits and Spies in the Sixteenth-Century Mediterranean World by Noel Malcolm1571
The Battle of Lepanto, 1571 by Robert F. Marx1571
Confrontation at Lepanto: Christendom vs. Islam by T. C. F. Hopkins1571
Crescent and Cross: The Battle of Lepanto 1571 by Hugh Bicheno1571
Don John of Austria by Charles Petrie1571
Don Juan de Austria by Edmonde Charles-Roux1571
Empires of the Sea: The Siege of Malta, the Battle of Lepanto, and the Contest for the Center of the World by Roger Crowley1571
The First Eden: The Mediterranean World and Man by David Attenborough1571
The Galleys at Lepanto by Jack Beeching1571
The Grand Strategy of Philip II by Geoffrey Parker1571
The Habsburgs: To Rule the World by Martyn Rady1571
Imprudent King: A New Life of Philip II by Geoffrey Parker1571
The Last Crusader: A Novel about Don Juan of Austria by Louis De Wohl1571
Lepanto by G. K. Chesterton1571
Lepanto 1571: The Greatest Naval Battle of the Renaissance by Angus Konstam1571
Lepanto. La battaglia dei tre imperi by Alessandro Barbero1571
Men, Ships, and the Sea by Alan John Villiers1571
Ottoman by Alan Savage1571
The Oxford Book of Narrative Verse (Oxford Books of Verse) by Iona Opie1571
The Venetians: A New History: From Marco Polo to Casanova by Paul Strathern1571
Victory of the West: The Christian-Muslim Clash at the Battle of Lepanto by Niccolo Capponi1571