- A CineTV [Eddy Jackson]
- Abstract AF! [Sneha Jaiswal]
- AIPT Comics [Nick Nafpliotis]
- But Why Tho? A Geek Community [Kate Sánchez]
- CineChat [Sarah Clapperton]
- Common Sense Media [Matt Cabral]
- Digital Mafia Talkies (contains spoilers) [Pramit Chatterjee]
- Digital Mafia Talkies [Pramit Chatterjee]
- DVD Fever [Dom Robinson]
- El Espoiler [Besay García Benítez]
- Spanish
- Film Fugitives (contains spoilers) [Shubhabrata Dutta]
- Film Paradiset [Tommy Pedersen]
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- Film-Rezensionen [Oliver Armknecht]
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- filmdienst.de [Steffen Buchmann]
- German
- Filmy Hype [David]
- For It Is Man's Number [Kevin Matthews]
- Heaven of Horror [Karina Adelgaard]
- Horror Obsessive (contains spoilers) [Sean Parker]
- Josh at the Movies [Josh Batchelder]
- Kinofans [Peter Osteried]
- German
- Leer Cine [Santiago García]
- Spanish
- Leisure Byte [Ameen Fatima]
- Midgard Times [Devyansh Anand]
- Mike's Movie Moments [mikenontonmulu]
- Montase Film [Himawan Pratista]
- Movie Break Podcast [Kühne, Stu, Ding Dong]
- German
- Nightmarish Conjurings [Sarah Musnicky]
- Rama's Screen [Rama Tampubolon]
- Reel James [James Profetto]
- Resident Entertainment [Bryan Weatherall]
- SciFi.bg [Petar Atanasov]
- Bulgarian
- Screen World [Matteo Maino]
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- Screen-Space [Simon Foster]
- Seal_Team1138 [Frank Veenstra]
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- SerieTotaal [Jip Strijbos]
- Dutch
- SF&F Nexus [Kadmon]
- Shaurya Chawla [Shaurya Chawla]
- Steve Varley [Steve Varley]
- Terrorbit [Alonso de Acuña]
- Spanish
- The Good Viewer [Edward]
- The Outerhaven [Karl Smart]
- The Review Geek [Greg Wheeler]
- The Rotting Zombie [Daniel Simmonds]
- Thinpo [Mert Acar]
- Turkish
- TL;DR Movie Reviews and Analysis [Brian MacNamara]
- TV Fanatic Girl (Spoiler Free) [Amy Koto]
- What's on Friday [Vincent Frei]
- Word Street Journal [Deepak Yadav]
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