42 of 83 found this to have none
There are numerous kissing scenes during the movie, all of which are quick and not explicit.
mild cleavage from a woman character in a beach scene and a casino scene
The first few minutes of the movie the main character walks into the men's locker room and there are lots of pictures of immodestly dressed women in suggestive poses. This just lasts for those first few minutes and the rest of the movie is pretty clean. Even the part at the beach and in the Casino with a woman who is showing some cleavage is very mild.
23 of 40 found this mild
There are numerous scenes of warfare. These scenes usually contain gunfire and artillery explosions. People are shown getting shot and killed during the scenes. Little to no blood is shown however.
20 of 43 found this mild
The sh-word is used a couple of times, as well as the n-word - both times by the main character referring to himself.
Hell is used at least 3 times in the first 30 minutes.
Jesus x 2 and Christ x 1 used as exclamations
1 misuse of God's name.
30 of 40 found this mild
There are numerous scenes which show characters drinking alcohol, mostly beer. The main character does not drink.
Several characters smoke cigarettes, which is historically accurate for the time period.
19 of 38 found this mild