- AdamTheMovieGod [Adam Weber]
- Cinema Crazed (Felix Vasquez Jr)
- Dread Central [David Gelmini]
- Extra Features Podcast
- Fearter
- Following Films (Chris Maynard)
- Gruesome Hertzogg (scott geiter)
- Gruesome Magazine [Joseph Perry]
- Have Cheetah,Will View [Michael Sullivan]
- Horror Fuel
- Horror Geek Life (Tori Danielle)
- Horror Society
- IHorror (Jacob Davison)
- Midnight Horror Show
- Movie Critic Next Door [Laura MacLeod]
- Pophorror (Tracy Allen)
- Search my Trash [Mike Haberfelner]
- Sonic Cinema [Brian Skutle]
- The Horror Club Blog [Stephen Roche]
- The Movie Buff [Mark Ziobro]
- The Slaughtered Bird (Steven Hickey)
- Toxic Fletch (Joe Fletcher Martin)
- UK Film Review [Rachel Pullen]
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