57 of 112 found this mild
A man in bed with a woman asks her for a "quickie"; then he uses his hand on her genitals (but this is under the bedclothes so only suggested), while directing sexual dialogue at her (nothing explicit, though there is a reference to his 'tumescent cock").
Some kisses during the film
56 of 64 found this to have none
36 of 81 found this moderate
There are 45 uses of "fuck," twelve uses of "shit," a couple of uses of "goddamn," "hell" and "schmuck", one use of "bastard"; Four uses of the profanities "Jesus" and two of "Christ," including the phrase "Jesus fucking Christ."
48 of 60 found this mild
Wine is drunk at a party; vodka drunk at a bar; it is suggested a pregnant woman drinks alcohol.
A moderate amount of smoking throughout the film.
It is implied that a man is high due to smoking cannabis.
33 of 59 found this mild