Joshua Harto credited as playing...
- Bates: According to your description, "He hit my five guys."
- James Donovan: The guy insured by my client had one accident. One, one, one. Losing control of the car and hitting five motorcyclists.
- Bates: From *their* point of view, five things happened.
- James Donovan: Well, look, Bob. May I? Bob?
- Bates: "Jim."
- James Donovan: If I go bowling and I throw a strike, one thing happened. 10 things didn't happen.
- Bates: Jim, my guys aren't bowling pins, as much as your guy may have treated them as such.
- James Donovan: Let me finish. If your house is insured for $100,000 and a tornado carries it away, it carried away one house. It didn't pick up every stick of furniture and destroy it in a separate incident. If that is what you're saying, well then there is never any limit to our liability, and that is the end of the insurance business. And then, Bob, nobody is safe.