Nashville (TV Series 2012–2018) Poster


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So Impressive!
lasherxl17 October 2012
Now lets just start off by saying I had already expected to like this show. I'm a big fan of the 2 female leads and reading and hearing all the buzz and what i'd seen in previews I had a feeling we were in for something special.

Then the first episode debuts and I'm left completely stunned, not only is the acting and story top notch, but the songs are completely ace, and I am no country music fan so that definitely is saying something. That last song "If I Didn't Know Better" blew me away and was a perfect end to the evening, it was soulful, deeply profound, and evocative.

As leads Hayden and Connie drive the story so wonderfully as strong women and musicians with clear and definitive points of view, oddly enough some of them are the same *cough* Deacon *cough*. Let me just briefly mention Charles (Chip) Esten who I have not really seen since the old skool Brit Who's Line is it Anyway, but this time instead of improv comedy he's doing full blown drama and music, very impressive.

If you haven't yet watch this and you won't be disappointed.
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Early seasons are amazing
raptorshark11 January 2022
Similar to Lost the first seasons are the best then it falls apart. The music, acting, drama, so good it's so addicting!!! I can't remember if it's season 4 or 5 where it turns to garbage, I think 5. Once a major character leaves the show the plot gets weird and the characters you know and love become weak, and it becomes less musically centered. There are some highlights still though.. But at least the first 3-4 seasons are magnificent!!!
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If You Love Music
Lewis01-228-45855019 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen the first two episodes and in each I was mesmerized by the music. While I deeply enjoy all kinds of music from classical to heavy metal, truth be known that I have never really followed country. That is until this show grabbed hold of me from its inception. At first I thought that the music was dubbed, but it is not and what amazes me is the singing talents of Connie and Hayden. The duet sung by Clare and Sam was mind blowing. Not just the singing but the camera work and the looks on the faces of the actors was as much apart of the song as the voices. If you didn't feel anything from viewing and listening to it you must be on the slab at the coroners.

This is a show that will take time to gain a footing with the audiences. ABC needs to give it a full season to reach out to the viewers. It is a unique piece of art within a gallery of the same old things. If you haven't watched it, than start from the beginning. When you do view it, don't do anything else. You must give it your undivided attention. If you love music, you will love this show. I wish it the best.
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Expectations: Surpassed!
koltinthompson14 October 2012
A few months ago, I saw a teaser on ABC advertising this new show "Nashville." At the time, I was skeptical of the show, dismissing it as just another one season wonder. I assumed it would employ pointless sexuality, unrealistic dialogue (done in cheesy southern accents), and plot points that ventured outside of likelihood.

And then I found out that the creator was the screenwriter from "Thelma & Louise" and that most (if not all) of the actors and actresses had pristine track-records when it came to their choices (Connie Britton's work on "Friday Night Lights", Hayden Panettierre's work on "Heroes", etc. etc. etc.), not to mention having music produced by some of country music's hottest. I decided, "What the heck?" and decided to give the show a shot.

Every aspect of the show blew me away, from the opening shots of Nashville (I'm a Tennessee native myself, so it's always refreshing to see my great state shown in such a marvelous light), to the wonderful performances of Britton and Panettiere and other cast members, to the knock-your-socks off music (none of your Glee original music here; this is some high quality country!...which is saying a lot, as I am not a huge fan of country music), to the SUBTLE sexuality which--in my opinion--outdoes the blatant sexuality every time.

In all, I found this to be one of the most promising shows (if not THE most promising show!) of the 2012-2013 season, and I cannot wait to tune in each and every Wednesday.

Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic!
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Unbelievably good.
gsanders-425 October 2012
I am just blown away by every aspect of this night-time "soap." The music, the singing, the story-line, the acting; just everything is amazing.

I was in the music biz for several years, and this is exactly what it's like. Ambitions VS personal relationships; personal relationships ASSISTING ambitions, plus everything in between.

Note: These actors are doing their own singing---sort of like GLEE---only it's really real, truly emotional and they're original songs; not over-produced covers.

I believe this show will give country music a big revival, and country music is not even my favorite.
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Absolutely Needed Television
golson4007-506-86583218 October 2012
This show makes you FEEL.

It's been SO long--TOO long--since there has been any 'good' t.v.--as in years-- that actually seeing and being able to absorb this show in its entirety is beyond what I could have hoped for in its plot lines, the actor's singing abilities and the DEEP emotional connections and REAL LIFE stories that you WANT to follow and be part of is just too much. I can't believe they actually take the time to sing an entire song in each episode--I LOVE THAT! They say so much during the time that song is being sung!

I am so happy with this show it makes waiting an entire week just to see the next episode too long a wait. This is what television is supposed to show--a non-sensationalized storyline allowing the audience in to becoming part of what the characters are feeling in following where their lives have come from, what that has produced, and where they are going; developing empathy, compassion, and understanding along the way, vs. the crap and fake "reality" shows that are not asked for, but are overproduced and overcrowd the air time.

I will be watching this show--a drama that pulls you IN--in to all the missing-for-too-long-aspects-of-humanity found in the characters, story lines, songs, lyrics, melodies, and relationships--back to what I want from t.v. to show--every single week. And EVERY actor is perfectly cast and pulls you into their character's storyline with absolute perfection.

Thanks ABC for actually putting on a show worth watching. Finally a show without some agenda the studio is trying to shove down the audiences throat--finally a show for the rest of us who want shows like this but are never asked what we want.
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brucedent11 October 2012
Connie Britton lives up to her terrific work on Friday Night Lights, and is very impressive for her work as this series' producer. The Nashville location filmed long shots are absolutely breath taking, and prompts an interest to visit Nashville. The great music is worth the time in itself, thanks in part to the Executive Music credit work by music legend T Bone Burnett. The show has a great working cast on several levels from several TV veterans (Connie Britton, Eric Close & Powers Boothe etc) coupled with a glitzy locale; strong story lines; humour; great music and a "new look for TV" at the music industry. I can't wait to see how this series' plot develops.
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Great original TV show
mtzakowich2 November 2012
This is a great TV show with great actors and great music!!! By far one of the best new shows of the season!!!!! The story lines have tonnes of potential and the music gets better and better!!!! Its different than a lot of the TV out there, it's not the same old, same old. People watch this show and stop with all the reality crap!!! I am tired of good television shows getting cancelled before they are ever given a chance. You don't have to be a country music fan to watch this show, I'm not and I've already downloaded some of the songs they were that good. You just have to like good TV with good stories and appreciate good music. And this is good TV
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4 out of 6 seasons
kollma-372-59981916 August 2018
I'll keep it simple. First four seasons are fun and interesting with lots of stories and twists and aha moments. CMT took over in season 5 and you can instantly feel a difference in the show. Characters are dropped, less focus on the music, poor character development, boring plot lines and a bit of political correctness is thrown in. To sum up. Season 1-4, I would give 9 stars. Season 5-6, 3 stars
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This Show is a Winner! Can't wait to next week!
Sylviastel11 October 2012
I can't say enough about this drama. Connie Britton also produces plays Rayna James, a veteran country music star. She does a fabulous job in the role and should be getting an Emmy for it. Hayden Panetterie whom I watched when she was on Guiding Light years ago is fantastic as Juliet Barnes, a rising star. She does a fantastic job in her role. Powers Boothe plays Rayna's father and is brilliant in his supporting role. Eric Close is fine as Teddy Conrad, Rayna's husband. The best part of the show is that it is filmed on location in Nashville, Tennessee and it shows with landmark sites like the Ryman Auditorium, the Grand Ole Opry, the Bluebird Cafe, and others. The series shows light on the country music set, politics, and the relationships and dynamics among them. Can't wait for the next episode! This show is a winner!
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It started out well enough...
wickedlittlesaint9 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I just binged the entires series. Season 1 was great. Hell, the first episode had me hooked. Season 2-4 was good (ish). Season 5...I only watched after THAT episode (9) to see how it all ended. To my horror, a sixth season was made. I watched it with many jumps, as it dragged so painfully slow. I was happy with how the final scene played out. And by happy, I mean relieved.
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Total (enjoyable) surprise
martinj91831 October 2012
I'm not particularly a fan of country music so I watched this first out of simple curiosity. Now I'm hooked. Why? The MUSIC in this show is terrific. I have actually bought two of the songs from i Tunes. And, like I said, I'm not a fan of country music. The plot is FUN. It's interesting. Some reviewer said that it was an obvious plot, but my god, this is TV and if the plot is obvious then so is the on button on your remote. The plot is FUN and it moves -- fast. When some character acts like a jerk his retribution is swift. When two young people look lovingly at each other in the next scene they are bonded. If the rich guy has a reputation for buying his way into politics in the next scene he DOES IT. It's TV and it's fun. The music in the show is amazing to me. I'm a classical music kind of guy but I melted over the performances of "Fade Into You" and "If I didn't know better". Also, the talent who sings these songs is new to me and they have intriguing voices. Surprisingly, one is an Australian and the other is English but they know how to do lovely singing.
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Absolutely perfect show
mariajoaou2727 January 2013
I should begin by saying that I'm not usually a fan of dramas. If a show doesn't make me laugh, then most likely, I won't keep up with it. I am, however, a big country music lover so I decided to give this show a shot. I ended up watching three episodes in a row and had to stop myself or else I would just forget about my real life obligations.

There is a lot of story in this show. Nashville is not one of those TV shows that keep you wishing something would happen, but it never does. This show is fast-paced, but not so much that you'll lose track of what's happening.

The music on the show is superb, even for those who don't like country music. They sing about love, freedom, loneliness, not drinking a beer on a Friday night like you'd probably expect.

The characters are well-written and well-performed; you're going to be left wishing some characters developed faster, but truth is that it is what it is and, at the end of the day, it makes sense that they don't develop faster than they do.

Give this show a shot. It's not a coincidence that it is one of the best critically acclaimed shows this season. This is a show worth watching and worth following. It always keeps you wishing the episode didn't end.
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Nashville: Dallas, country edition
Platypuschow3 October 2024

Follows the lives and tragedies of rising and fading country music stars in Nashville, Tennessee.


Too many to list but it's the ladies who really shine namely Hayden Panettiere, Clare Bowen, Connie Britton and the Stella girls.


I don't like soap operas and let's not kid ourselves here, Nashville is a soap opera. A high budget soap opera, but a soap opera all the same and as such it suffers with all the expected tropes and cliches it just does so looking a tad shinier.

With a cast of "Young hot things" and being able to cash in on lots and lots of soundtrack albums, Nashville was an inevitable gold mine and with 6 seasons and consistent popularity it exceeded most folks expectations.

The only reason this guy watched it? It was one of my ex's favorite shows and sadly lots of songs off the show also wound up in her playlist.

Now credit where credit is due, some were catchy but this guy really doesn't like country (Cowboy emo) so most was like nails down a chalkboard. Some of the cast were very engaging, but for every one who was three were not. And the plots? Well as I said, it's a soap opera so what do you expect.

Nashville is a tacky cheesy mess of guitar twanging, love triangles and Jerry Springer-esque moments but as far as this genre is concerned it's one of the best.


There's just something deeply unlikable about country music. It harks of the lunatic excessive patriotism you see from certain areas of the United States, it goes hand in hand with some truly despicable political policies and reeks of hypocrisy with millionaires trying to present themselves as grass roots.

The Good

Some of the music is enjoyable Many of the girls are fantastic here Hell of a budget behind it all

The Bad

Many of the actors/characters are dreadful Most of the music is just ear cancer Ultimately, just a soap opera.
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Started great...
khessen-3494914 September 2021
Great show until season five... then the same old dragged out story in every episode. Season 1-4 were very entertaining. Five just awful... not doing 6. Would rather poke myself with a hot nail.
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Charles Esten, best actor
TV_Gourmet23 April 2023
I'm motivated to write this review by the performance of Charles Esten who plays the character of Deacon Claybourne in Nashville. Originally, I tuned in for Connie Britton who plays country music star Rayna James and who is a tremendous actress and slays every role she plays. She was bomb in Friday Night Lights. In Nashville, from the first duet between her and Esten, I was bowled over by the chemistry between them. The love Esten's Deacon radiates at Briton's Rayna onscreen is incomparable to any chemistry I've see between actors. She's the frontman of the band, and he is the guitarist. As such, he plays the "humble" guy so convincingly. He is all love and no jealousy professionally. But since Rayna is married to another man, Teddy Conrad, Deacon's heart is broken, and he wears it on his sleeve. In one scene where a back up singer is hitting on Deacon he says to her, "you must be the only person in the world who doesn't know I'm I live with Rayna James. And he really suffers. The writers do a great job of making us viewers wait for any satisfaction for Deacon's character. He's a tortured souls and we are on the journey with him. Oh and there's music and a lot of good supporting characters. I have to give kudos to Hayden Pannatierre and Powers Booth, who are stand out actors, and Hayden also sings and performs her songs fantastically. Also, Oliver Hudson plays a sleazy record label executive, Jeff Fordham, we love to hate.
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Great Music set in a Country Soap Opera format
atlasmb5 March 2014
Nashville is a country soap opera filled with big talents and big sounds. You can come to it because you like soap operas. You can come to it because you like country/folk music. Or you can come to it because the show is the perfect fusion of the two.

Just look at the cast and those who do the work behind the scenes. This show has a blue ribbon pedigree. I am amazed they could line up this much talent for one series. Everyone can act and most of them also sing amazingly well. Those who are responsible for the music (musical directors, songwriters, musicians) are top notch and they fill each episode with hummable hits that will have you searching for them online.

I read other reviews of the show that really reached in trying to find something wrong with it. One person even wrote that they don't show enough cowboy hats, for heaven's sake.

The show is set in the city of Nashville, so scenes often show locations that are Nashville institutions, like The Bluebird and Ryman Auditorium. I hope the residents of Nashville are embracing this show, because it is the best PR scheme ever.

Even in a series that does everything right, there are always standouts that deserve mentioning. Here are my favorites:

*Clare Bowen plays the character Scarlett. I just love the tender purity of her voice.

*Charles Esten plays the part of Deacon. He is the perfect blend of vocal talent and acting chops. Who knew, when he was on "Whose Line is it Anyway?", that his talents are so diverse.

*Lennon Stella and Maisy Stella. These lovable sisters light up the show whenever they sing. They have big successes waiting for them in singing and/or acting, if that is what they want.

I almost feel guilty singling out these few, because everyone is so talented, so easy on the eyes and ears. Congratulations to everyone involved.
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Surprisingly Good Country Show
cortesjsv27 March 2021
Along with the fact that I listen to country music, this show is also one of the reasons why I want to visit Nashville! Not every show or movie is filmed in the location it claims to be in so who knows if a lot of the scenic scenes were in Tennessee, but if they were- breathtaking. Now to the actors- amazing. Such great actors as well as music artists. Overall, the show has great dialogue, music, acting. I was so sad to see it go. I never watched it while it was on tv, but when I finished the series I CRIED HARD (because of what happens). But I was sad that there was no longer anymore seasons!
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I think it's a fading star....
Togmonity4 November 2012
I loved this show initially. Sadly, I can now hardly get through an episode. I really want to like it, so I'm hoping that it gets back to what it once was. My main objections are:

1. Rayna's character is so annoying. ALL she ever does is stomp around, act huffy, give annoyed speeches, or look confused. I would love if she had less screen time, but I know she's the star, so maybe she'll just start being a little more cool and likable.

2. Not enough of Juliette!! She is so much more interesting than Rayna. And a better singer with better songs. Please give me more Hayden!!

3. Nashville has lost its nuanced touch. I feel like it has dumbed itself down so much since the pilot, which was surefooted and well planned. Now the show is just a mess. There are no good guys, it moves so quickly, all of the plot lines are very transparent, one note, and straightforward...

I still watch it, but just to see Hayden. I even think Scarlett has gotten completely annoying and dramatic. Please, I hope this show doesn't just become another dumb drama.
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Great show!
l-iizzy9 February 2020
I love this show. First of all because the music is real and it's not a show with a million already super famous people who's voices get autotuned to make it sound good. Second of all, I think the acting is great by most of the actors and the storylines are very moving and make you want to keep watching to find out the whole story.

I do get the comments that it get's worse at/after season 3. You know the characters by then, they don't add a lot of new and interesting characters. Those that are added, are mostly added for drama.

But still, I think it's very worth it. Because the events the characters go trough, are very real daily life issues. Hayden actually went trough post partum depression in real life and they added it to the show. She was recovering in real life, when she wasn't starring in the show for a while. They also add miscarriage, PTSD and other mental health issues to the mix. It might make for a lot of drama, but they are very important subjects people hardly talk about.

I think they did a great job with this show!
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Beserkerdude21 September 2022
Good show, and loved 1st 4 seasons, then it became obvious they would never let rayna be happy and sort of fell off. The acting was great and the songs and performances on stage were convincing. One guy was miscast, Oliver Hudson as Jeff, he is so typecast as lovable goof Adam on rules of engagement. Seeing him as the evil rather manipulative record exec was really had to buy, kind of like Alan Alda as anyone but Hawkeye Pierce from MASH.

Hayden was great as Juliette and loved Clare Bowen as Scarlett , her lipstick game was always strong. Connie Britton was really good as Rayna, though maybe 20 years too old for the part .

Definitely worth watching !
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d-9880713 July 2018
Why is Nashville ending??? I think it's one of the BEST series and it's so sad it's ending only after a few years. Was it canceled???
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Good writing
zacharia9423 May 2013
As many have pointed out, the show is a soap opera, though an unusually deft one. Largely due to excellent writing, the characters are convincingly complex and fallible, and the actors--particularly those playing musicians--do a good job of displaying the necessary onstage charisma while dealing with offstage tendencies and problems that are much less glamorous. What these actors don't do very well is sing. Both Connie Britton and Hayden Panettiere have sweet but small voices with no dynamics, and, though I can believe that teen and tween fans have put Panettiere's Juliette on the charts, I cannot believe that Britton's Rayna has stayed on top for a generation, especially as an interpreter of other people's songs. But, as the production of the show's songs is very slick, most viewers will like them, unaware that modern technology can make anyone sound okay. I just wish Callie Khouri had opted to hire a great country singer for Rayna's performances; then I wouldn't have such a hard time appreciating the difference between her "storied career" and Juliette's "flash in the pan." As it is, they sound more alike than different; Rayna is merely older
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Wow. It all started out so good
donamscott-105993 August 2021
I fell in LOVE with this show and binge watched season after season...until season 5 hit. Dang CMT destroyed something so promising. It turned into trash.
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Will miss you
smcadamsa5 September 2018
I can't believe this show has ended I've watched it from the very beginning and absolutely loved it. I will miss seeing all the character that after a while you feel you know. Best of lucky to all.
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