10 Reviews
An above average Lifetime offering
TheLifetimeLounge11 July 2020
As an avid Lifetime movie fan I had high expectations for the first installment in this Obsession Thrillogy. It followed the basic Lifetime template but the acting, directing, and score were better than average. Celeste Desjardins was terrific in the leading role as a stalking victim perpetrated by the hunky and charismatic Blake, played by Travis Nelson. This movie would be great as a stand alone movie but the fact that its Part 1 in a "thrillogy" (typical cheesy Lifetime marketing) has me ready for more.
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Character name mix-up
schneiderpeterj8 September 2020
In the movie Travis Nelson's character is named Blake Connors throughout, but he's named Blake Collins in the credits. Am I missing something?
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better lifetime movie
NijazBaBs16 June 2021
This is one better Lifetime movie because it is modern, appropriate for most audience (ages) and filled with realistic problems like crime, scam, lies. It warns us of possible common crimes that can be performed by anybody. Includes lots of content like security, cameras, relationships, cars, buildings, mysteries. Very similar to real life and funny a bit. Just not completely convincing, looks bit like acting, and amateur. But still higher presence of weapons, vehicles, police than in most non-Lifetime movies. Reminds me of most personal and current problems in my environment. Bad that it is too negative.
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Usual sexist crap
haroot_azarian17 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I disliked the Madison character from the word go! Poor Dillon who by the way showed no signs of being a terrible boyfriend, was nothing but caring who saw sicko Blake for what he was. Instead Madison egged on and encouraged by her friend (something which is pretty regular in LMN movies, where supposed good friends give bad advice) starts off a fling with her tenant Blake while still Dillon. And after Dillon's death she's quick in explaining that she was going to dump him but didn't get the chance! Oh and her whining about her sister abandoning her, please give me a break! Her sister should have B-slapped her for being stupid and indirectly getting Dillon killed. Give me a break! Frankly I am glad what she went through in installments 2 and 3! She totally deserved it.
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alysonlee-922347 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This Lifetime movie baits you and you get reeled in almost from the get-go. Madison takes during a roomie named Blake who is up to no good and unfortunately, falls crazy with a killer. Later, she discovers it and he gets sent to prison. Celeste Desjardins and Travis Nelson, 2 young Canadian actors, are very strong leads against a superb script and really strong plot, so far. Can't wait to ascertain what happens next!!!
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This is awful.
jjkearney-2435126 December 2020
This is utter rubbish. Poor acting. Terrible script. Avoid like the plague. 81 minutes of garbage.
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The fall of Blake
chris-j-chuba20 July 2020
This is the weakest of the trilogy. In one, Blake started out as a good guy caught in a bad situation who was forced to do bad things. I was hoping for a redemption ark but that would have killed off any chance for a trilogy. He ends up becoming a delusional, lovesick puppy who does bad things without giving it a second thought. The only good thing I can say about this movie is that it sets up and excellent finale by introducing more of his sister for, 'Her Final Revenge'. She is brilliant in the last movie of this trilogy.
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Obsession: stalked by my lover
coltras355 June 2023
Now suddenly left without a roommate, photography student Madison Turner (Celeste Desjardins) is scrambling to find a new one so she can keep up with the rent. Through a roommate finder app, Madison settles on Blake Collins (Travis Nelson), a handsome and charming older man who Madison finds herself getting along well with--despite the objections of her boyfriend Dylan (James Hicks) to her having a male roommate.

While Madison dismisses Dylan's concerns as jealousy, it turns out he's more right than he realizes. As it turns out, Blake is a serial con artist on the run after a botched robbery left his partner dead--and he's now set his sights on Madison and her wealthy estranged sister Evie (Kelly Hope Taylor) for his next scheme. Along the way, though, Blake has also become enamored with Madison...and is now prepared to do whatever it takes to keep her.

The formulaic "young girl falls for a man who doesn't appear app what it seems" is a routine affair with some flat moments, however it has its moments of a compelling nature, especially in the past hour. Displaying a good mix of menace and charisma as the villain is Travis Nelson, and Celeste Desjardins brings a likable energy as Madison, the girl who stupidly falls for the charm of her criminal roommate.
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Wonderful thriller!
Chartreuse112 July 2020
This Lifetime movie baits you and you get reeled in almost from the get-go. Madison takes in a roomie named Blake who is up to no good and unfortunately, falls in love with a killer. Later, she discovers it and he gets sent to prison. Celeste Desjardins and Travis Nelson, 2 young Canadian actors, are very strong leads against an excellent script and very strong plot, so far. Can't wait to see what happens next!!!
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Good LMN movie - take a look if you hadn't seen it before
mja586 April 2021
This first installment of the "Obsession" trilogy was actually fun to watch. Some dumb decisions on the part of the main characters, but the story did hold up.

Don't expect the usual LMN movie - this is a notch above. Have a drink handy.
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