Brendan Gleeson credited as playing...
Desmond McKay
- Desmond McKay: [Glances at the crucifix on the wall] What are you lookin' at?
- [sitting on side of hospital bed]
- Desmond McKay: Don't look too bad up there. Oh, no, looks peaceful... nice and quiet.
- Desmond McKay: No disappointed wife, no kids driving you up the wall... ah, people admire you. How bout we switch? I'll go up on the cross, and you come down here and live in South Boston.
- Officer: [Desmond has taken his son out of the station] Be easy on the boy. You don't want a second Terry.
- Desmond McKay: [Angry and sarcastic] Right. Thanks for that enlightenment!
- Desmond McKay: [home from his date] That was quick. You should have chewed your food slower.
- Cole McKay: It didn't go too well.
- Desmond McKay: Didn't get any, huh?
- Cole McKay: No... I killed her bird.
- Desmond McKay: That's a new expression on me. That's not exactly a good thing, is it?
- Cole McKay: No dad, I literally killed her bird.
- Desmond McKay: How long we talking?
- Doctor: It's hard to say. Have you put your affairs in order?
- Desmond McKay: My affairs?
- [sarcastically]
- Desmond McKay: Oh sure, doc, sure. Taxes all paid up, college fund all set up for all the kids. Margaret, she's a beneficiary on a huge insurance policy I've been contributing to since day one. Everything's squared away.
- Doctor: You given any consideration to quitting drinking?
- Desmond McKay: Why? So when I'm putting my affairs in order I can see how fucked up they are?
- Desmond McKay: Baseball is exactly like life. The majority of the time absolutely nothing happens. And then, certain moments and certain days, you get all the glory in the world, or all the shit.