- Miles Evans: For pay, I got a room at a hundred dollars a month, which you can work down to nothing if you'll help with cleaning.
- Manuel Jordan: What makes you think I need a room?
- Miles Evans: God told me. You're carrying your damn suitcase, man.
- Miles Evans: You think God talks to me? We argue maybe, but He don't participate. It's all right. I'll see Him one day. When I do, I'm gonna whip His holy ass.
- Miles Evans: You know, you could get lucky. God might decide to grade you on the curve.
- Manuel Jordan: It wouldn't matter either way.
- Miles Evans: You don't know what the hell you talking about, do you? Why be afraid of a God that you don't believe in? Oh, I know, it seems like people are making up shit so they can feel good about all the pain, all the cruelty, loss, violence, suffering, death. Famine, bigotry, small-mindedness, repression, depression, oppression. Want me to keep talking? 'Cause I can go on forever with this shit.
- Manuel Jordan: No, I get the point.
- Miles Evans: The point is: I believe in the lie. Never underestimate its power. Now, as for me, well, I'm lying through my teeth. I'll see you soon.
- Manuel Jordan: I read a book that was written in the 11th century. A man said that there was five steps toward making amends. The first involved acknowledging what you did. The second involved remorse. The third involved making right with your neighbor. Like if you stole his chicken, you'd have to go and bring him another. Only then were you able to go to step four, which was making it right with God. But it wasn't until step five that you could really get redeemed. It had to do with being at the same place and the same situtation. That as it goes, you'd go and do something different. Only I can't bring Abner Easely back like he was some stolen chicken. Certainly made sure of that 23 years ago. And I don't believe in some God that's gonna open His arms to me even if I did. So there goes steps three and four. And as for step five, time makes sure we're never in the same place twice, no matter how much we wish it. Which is why, for me, I know I'll never be redeemed.
- [Manuel notices a photo of Adele's brother]
- Adele Easley: My brother. He's a statistic.
- Manuel Jordan: I'm sorry.
- Adele Easley: I know. Everybody is.
- Miles Evans: It just helps me forget.
- Manuel Jordan: Forget what?
- Miles Evans: You know, I don't remember. See, it's working.
- Manuel Jordan: Abner, put the gun down.
- Abner Easley: What the fuck are you doing? Get the fuck out of here.
- Manuel Jordan: Is there justice?
- Adele Easley: For criminals, yes. But for the rest of us? Not unless there's a God.
- Manuel Jordan: Do you think there is?
- Adele Easley: No. Thank God.