Corrupt (1999) Poster


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Why oh why?
simodred16 February 2000
The most positive points in this film were the credits (text style) and some moments in Ice-T's acting. The story-line; two rival gangs having to fight it out, with the sub-plots of betrayal, power and change are well worn plots but in this case painful(very) to wade through. The decrepit scenery, which added slight believability in places, and questionable lighting, constantly distracted from any interest/identification with the characters (the shine off of the actress's forehead/nose was blinding, not to mention other scenes with the same problem.) Not even half way into the film I wanted to know more about how and why it came about as opposed to what was going on on screen. A disappointment if you have seen Ice-T in other roles. Kudos to other actors/actresses who seemed to get into their roles despite the weak direction; Corrupt's side kick and the other restaurant worker.
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rbgunner-110 September 2003
I can't believe Ice-T, who is a decent actor, took part in this trash. Silkk the Shocker proved that not only does he NOT have any musical talent, he sucks at acting too. From the direction, to the camera work, to the acting, to the story, to the casting...this is THE WORST FILM I HAVE EVER SEEN! Several moments in the film where they don't have any dialogue, they just maintain random city shots while jazz music plays in the background. One time for at least a minute and it has NOTHING to do with the story. The highlight is when Silk gets stabbed. OMG. I looked out for that scence after reading a review here on imdb. There was nothing I do though because my wife bought this crap from Wal-mart cause it was only 5 bucks. I would not take this dvd if it were free. I would rather watch a workplace safety video. Even Ice comes off cheesy. There is nothing good about this movie. I give this garbage a -10 out of 10. If u have a copy, burn it!!!!!1
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lucifer2 April 2006
I quite enjoyed The Wrecking Crew (1999), which was the last of the three films in this series (the first being Urban Menace (1999) which I've yet to see). I know it was baaaaad, but the three leads did a pretty decent job, all things considered.

This, however, was truly atrocious. Ice-T was dreadful, and he's the producer! Can't say I've ever heard of Silkk The Shocker (who apparently never learnt how to spell), but his performance was one of the worst I've ever seen in a movie.

Miss Jones did pretty well in her small role, though she later went on to make some atrocious, racist "jokes" on her radio show after the SE Asian tsunami (plus other occasions sadly). Way to go, girl...

No-one else comes out with any credit. Strangely, TJ Storm and Ernie Hudson (who are both pretty bad here) are far better in The Wrecking Crew, which was made, along with Urban Menace, at the same time as Corrupt. How that works, I don't know.

I'm going to try the Ice-T commentary now, to see whether he apologises for the film, or tries to make us think it's a great piece of film-making.
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worst film ever!
mattyovashton0912 July 2009
this film has no plot, no good acting, to be honest it has nothing, the same songs play over and over awful acting and if you can actually sit there and watch the whole thing and enjoy it there is something wrong with you. I wish i could give this 0 out of 10 but i cant so it has to be a 1 which is generous! ice-t isn't even a good rapper and even worse at acting, every bit of the film is rubbish, i got this film on DVD without knowing what it was for the price of £1.99 and thought that i had picked up a bargain, i then looked at the IMDb rating and didn't take it into consideration but after watching it found out that the DVD i had bought was a complete waste of time, money and electricity. if you have this film there are two things you can do sell it to someone who doesn't know about it or burn it!
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Man, This Was More Cheddar than Velveeta...
Sundown3054 October 2000
No wonder this movie was a $6.44 bargain-bin vid at Wal-Mart. This movie should've stayed on that store rack!

Ice-T must've needed money, because this movie was such as waste of time. The camera and lighting was some stuff from the '70s, and the plot (if you could find some inkling of a plot) was not only overused, but stretched to the max...

The characters were stereotypical, two-dimensional idiots trying to be gangsters. Now I have mad respect for Ice-T and Silkk the Shocker, but they could've done a helluva lot better than this. Ice-T has done better than this on "Players" and "Law and Order: SVU." And that was TV!

The only good part? The music. The beats was tight, and though there weren't a lot of tracks, the ones that were in there had your head bobbin', and it made you forget about the deplorable movie that you were watching...

So to wrap it up, don't expect "New Jack City 2" here. Hell, don't even expect a low-grade gangsta flick. This was lower than that...
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Come On Give Me A Break!
slimm29 December 2002
I must say of all the films i have seen in the past few years this definately tops the charts as one of the worst. OK, Well let's start with the goodpoints Ice T and Silk The Shocker (Vyshonne Miller) did both deliver quite good performances but they were about the only people in the entire flick that come anywhere close to delivering a "decent" perfomance for instance when some of the characters got shot there was a 10 second delay before they fell to the ground and some of the people reading their lines looked as if they were reading it straight from a piece of paper which they have never seen before. another up side was the soundtrack the main track "Always Want Ta Be A Ho" by Ice T was an excellent track and i honestly mean that i love that track but i really have no compliments for the film at all besides those two things. The only thing i can say is your mind must be "Corrupt" if you enjoyed this film.
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