Sat, Apr 27, 1985
Un ex-flic recyclé dans le journalisme à scandale est sur un coup. Il a retrouvé à Paris un sergent américain de retour du Viet-Nam, un peu trop bavard et, seul rescapé d'un groupe de G.I.S. . Celui-ci, manipulé par la C.I.A., a été responsable d'un massacre d'un village du Sud-Est asiatique. Mais, le monde est petit... Loin du Viet-Nam, la Seine se met à ressembler étrangement au Mékong, surtout quand elle charrie des cadavres.
Sat, Sep 28, 1985
Three gangsters make an holdup in a small bank and before leaving one of them kills a security guard.They go away : as they drive very dangerously ,their car twists and turns.Near the road Papy was fishing with his grandson ,the lawyer Delcroix.Pay comes back to his car to look for a landing net.The three men get out off the car ,Pappy appears and one of them, Orlando shot down the old man.Delcroix listens to the shot and when he comes at the road the three went away.He says that he will revenge the death of his grandfather,but the commissioner answers him that this is the duty of the police.
Sat, May 24, 1986
Filmmaker Gaspard Bazin is preparing a new feature film, so he urgently needs to find funding. And, although he asked for help from a fashion producer, Bazin is now in the lurch, because of how complicated the money has become. His wife, Eurydice, dreams of being a movie star, so, between the producer and the director will create a game to please the woman.
Sat, Mar 21, 1987
In this made-for-television thriller, the race is on to save the life of a major soccer star who has been kidnapped. Reviewers found the pace hectic, and the acting by former soccer star Istvan Bubik energetic but not particularly good. However, the scenic town of Pest is shown to very good effect.