Paul Walker credited as playing...
Dean Sampson
- Dean Sampson: His dad owns Harrison Ford.
- Laney Boggs: The actor?
- Dean Sampson: No, the car dealership.
- Dean Sampson: I mean, the girl's an institution in this place. Every girl wants to be her, and every guy wants to nail her.
- Preston: Basically she's you, with tits.
- Dean Sampson: Alright boys, check it out. Room number 409 is about to become a historical landmark.
- Preston: [chuckles] Why, are you getting murdered there later?
- Zach Siler: Has anyone see Taylor?
- Chandler: What?
- Zach Siler: You know, Taylor, my girlfriend.
- Dean Sampson: Kinda tall, yells at everyone?
- Dean Sampson: One second, you're Zach Siler, class president, stand-out athlete, all-around bad-ass mamba-jahamba; the next thing you know, you're Zach Siler, bitch-boy.
- [last lines]
- Principal Stickley: [at graduation] Dean Sampson, Jr.!
- Dean Sampson: [being tapped by girl] What?
- Girl: They are calling you.
- Dean Sampson: Huh?
- Principal Stickley: Dean Sampson, Jr.?... Alex Chason Sawyer, Rainwater Skies Sebastian, Pacey Constance Shea... Zachary Siler.
- [cheering heard]