We see Mona's real arm under her blouse when she walks away from the roses toward Jack who is on the bed.
As Jack is touching Mona for the first time, Mona is holding a cigarette in her right hand. The cigarette disappears in the next scene where Mona puts her arms around Jack.
Candle during the dinner scene.
When Jack and Natalie enter their kitchen near the beginning of the film, there is a large cloud of cigarette smoke in the air; in the next shot, the smoke is gone and Natalie is just lighting a cigarette.
Curtains inside/outside the window of the apartment building where the first (Dennis Farina) witness is staying.
A lot is made in the film of the dates May 1 and December 1 being on a cycle of every six months, but the dates are not evenly spaced. December is seven months after May, leaving only five months until the next May 1.
In the wedding invitation for Natalie and Jack. The date of the wedding is written as Saturday June 27 1983 in the invitation. June 27th 1983 was a Monday.
When Jack is talking with Natalie in their living-room, reflected behind him you can see a technician passing by.
When Jack shoots Mona, after discarding the weapon, the camera pans out and we see two cops atop the stairs just standing as if nothing took place.