75 of 143 found this mild
You can possibly see a shadow of a girl's nipple as she's being bathed by a doctor. Done rather sexually.
Elaine says "I wanna slide my tongue around you like a snake" as a joke. The whole episode revolves around the fact that there is a woman recording sexy and erotic messages on Jerry's tape recorder.
Sexual references, innuendo, and jokes.
In the original resolution of 'The Fusilli Jerry', Elaine can be seen getting her right breast held and squeezed by Puddy as she is kissing him.
In the end of one episode, we can see Newman and Kramer's mom briefly having sex.
George jokes about how a story must be good or else it's "simply just masturbation."
An entire plot is how the main characters have a contest to see who can go the longest without masturbating, although the word "masturbate" or one of its variations is never used. A nude woman across the street from one of the main character's apartments makes someone the first to lose the contest. The woman is never shown, though. References are made to JFK's "butt."
An entire sub-plot revolving around orgasms, including multiple uses of the word "orgasm."
Rachel sees George naked and giggles and he tries to convince her that it was just temporary shrinkage because he had been in the pool.
There are few scenes implying that Elaine Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Puddy are having or are about to have sexual intercourse with each other. All of the action is offscreen, but Elaine can be seen kissing, heard breathing heavily and moaning as she gets overwhelmed with sexual passion. It is also implied that Elaine has become naked for Puddy, as her arms and shoulders are bare and her body is covered with sheets.
75 of 114 found this to have none
There are a few rather dark episodes revolving violence. Kramer, pretending to be someone, if he's ever killed someone before. We also see a nightmare where an FBI agent shoots Jerry. Fairly graphic. There is also a scene where George and Jerry visit a slaughter house. Dead corpses shown. It's mostly slapstick comedy. Nothing serious.
68 of 118 found this mild
An episode revolves around Jerry accidentally teaching a kid the f-word the kid uses it many times but it is bleeped.
Many uses of "Oh my God" in every episode.
"Suck," "god," "crap," "hell," "damn," an entire episode uses of "ass" in the episode "The Fusilli Jerry," "bitch," "bastard," "shit," on-screen uses of "the middle finger," an entire episode censored uses of the "f-word" in the episode "The Non-Fat Yogurt," and one notable uncensored use of "fuck" in the episode "The Busboy" respectively.
"Son of a bitch", "bastard", "hell", and "damn" are sometimes said. "Bitch" is infrequently said. "Crap" is also used and the word "Shit" is used in the TV show.
There is occasional swearing in this show. There is a moment where one character says "jerk-off" (non-sexual) and another which revolves around the middle finger (which is flipped - uncensored - several times, in comical ways). Another episode revolves around use of the word "ass" (in its literal meaning) because of a license plate that says "assman."
There are also bleeped uses of fuck in episodes, but this is not a usual occurence.
76 of 105 found this mild
The character Kramer smokes in some episodes
Kramer smokes constantly after season 2 and it's a recurring joke. It's not that bad and its played for laughs.
Occasional bar/club scenes, complete with on-screen alcohol consumption. Characters frequently drink and smoke in other places and scenes as well.
98 of 110 found this to have none
Most of the time the show is only trying to be intense in a way that's meant to be fun and comical.
Overall, goofy, witty and humorous show.
For tweens/teens & adults.