James Staley credited as playing...
Vice President Merck
- Vice President Merck: Sunny, what are your plans?
- Sunny Davis: I don't have any. I mean, well, I have a job at the Safari club and Lou, well, he's my boss and he's really a nice guy and everything, but business hasn't been so hot and I was kind of hoping for an advancement, you know, but the problem is that Lou's aunt works the cash register and his sister's the hostess so I'm just gonna have to wait around until one of 'em quits or drops dead. I guess you know what that's like, hmm?
- Vice President Merck: Hmm!
- Mr. Davis: If you'd like, after dinner, I'll take you down to the basement and I'll show you something that'll knock your socks off.
- Vice President Merck: Really? And what might that be?
- Mrs. Davis: Not now, dear.
- Mr. Davis: It could save our country 50% of its water bills.
- Sunny Davis: After dinner, Dad.
- Vice President Merck: 50% of its water bills? Yes, I'd be interested in hearing about that.
- Mr. Davis: It's an electric toilet. You won't forget the experience. I guarantee it.
- Sunny Davis: Well, exactly, um, where would I be working?
- Vice President Merck: The State Department.
- Sunny Davis: And I was wondering, does a job like that pay by the hour, or the week or what?
- Vice President Merck: Well, for a start, about $35,000 a year.
- Sunny Davis: Well, oh, my gosh, what would I be doing?
- Vice President Merck: Well, you'd be acting as a special assistant to Ambassador St. John. You know who that is?
- Sunny Davis: Um, I don't know. No, I don't think so. No, I know I don't know. Who is he?
- Vice President Merck: She.
- Sunny Davis: She? She's a she?
- Vice President Merck: And she's the head of a department of government that we think you'd be particularly well-suited for.
- Sunny Davis: And what department is that?
- Vice President Merck: Protocol.
- Sunny Davis: Protocol? That's - gosh - that's - I don't believe it. Protocol? Protocol!