Duncan Watson credited as playing...
Charlie Brown
- Franklin: I've never made a bed in my life. Do I have directions? By the way, it's a little chilly in here. Where's the thermostat?
- Charlie Brown: Hey! We're supposed to be roughing it. There's no thermostat in a tent!
- Linus Van Pelt: Are we dead?
- Lucy Van Pelt: Thanks to old Charlie Brown.
- Sally Brown: I'm not dead.
- Patricia "Peppermint Patty" Reichardt: Of course you're not dead!
- Lucy Van Pelt: No thanks to old Charlie Brown!
- Charlie Brown: All right, all right, let's go to the river!
- [last lines]
- Charlie Brown: Well, lots of things have happened to me, and I'm glad I did what I did. You know, I was never sure how I'd be able to stand up under pressure and how I'd make decisions, and I feel good about myself for the first time in my life! I think now that dumb things won't happen to me anymore. I feel like I'm more in control!
- [after he finishes, he turns to look at the bus as if to enter, but the door closes on him and it takes off]
- Charlie Brown: [Yelling at the bus] HEY! DON'T FORGET - ME!
- [He sighs, but then Snoopy rolls up on his motorcycle]
- Charlie Brown: Snoopy, the bus took off, and they forgot me! Can you give me a lift?
- [Snoopy hops down, gets his spare helmet, gives it to Charlie who puts it on, then he hops back up in the saddle, then after gesturing for him to hop on, Charlie does. Then Snoopy revs up the bike, and they peel off down the road, away from the campgrounds. The closing credits start soon after]
- Patricia "Peppermint Patty" Reichardt: [to Charlie Brown, about his registration form] Hey Chuck. Give us a hint. What did you write?
- Charlie Brown: Well, I'm not quite sure. It's kind of personal, you know.
- Patricia "Peppermint Patty" Reichardt: [Chucks "Chuck" playfully in the arm] Oh, come on, Chuck. We're close friends, you know.
- Charlie Brown: [Thinks for a second] Well, okay.
- [Reads from his paper]
- Charlie Brown: I decided to come to camp, because I've never been much of a person. I thought maybe coming to camp would help me grow up, and maybe make me into a leader. I could use leadership qualities.
- Patricia "Peppermint Patty" Reichardt: You could say that again, Chuck. You couldn't lead a dog on a leash.
- Franklin: What's 0500? Noon time?
- Charlie Brown: Nope, it's 5 in the morning.
- Franklin: 5 in the morning? I don't get up at 5 in the morning! Maybe I should resign.
- Charlie Brown: [he and the rest of the gang are stuck on top of a water wheel while everybody else shouts for help] Well, I'm the leader, so I guess it's up to me to climb down and free this wheel.
- [the kids take a wrong turn to a channel and see a sign: "Danger, Blasting on Tuesdays and Thursdays"]
- Charlie Brown: That's funny. Did you see that sign?
- Patricia "Peppermint Patty" Reichardt: Hey, Chuck, did you see that sign? What day is this?
- Charlie Brown: That's right, today is Tuesday!
- [the kids pass by a group of bulldozers and tractors and see another sign: "Danger, Blasting on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 am"]
- Patricia "Peppermint Patty" Reichardt: Chuck, did you see that sign? What time is it, Chuck?
- Charlie Brown: [checks his watch] It's almost...
- [a huge explosion occurs and a bunch of rocks fall on the screaming kids as the channel goes wavy separating the kids from Snoopy and Woodstock]
- Charlie Brown: ...10 AM!
- [the rocks stop falling and the channel goes calm again]
- Patricia "Peppermint Patty" Reichardt: [angrily points at Charlie Brown] Okay, Chuck! *Another* fine mess you've gotten us into! Look at that! The channel is all blocked!
- Lucy Van Pelt: Yeah, just like his head!
- [Charlie Brown nervously blushes]
- Patricia "Peppermint Patty" Reichardt: [as Charlie Brown prepares breakfast for everyone, which are just bowls of Corn Pow] Well, Chuck, you've done it again, cold cereal! We need a hot breakfast! Where are the hotcakes? Where are the bacon and eggs? Where are the huevos rancheros?
- Charlie Brown: Now just a minute! Nobody's asked for your opinion! If you don't like what we've got, you don't have to eat it!
- Patricia "Peppermint Patty" Reichardt: No offense, Chuck. Just a natural feminine reaction to a most deplorable situation.
- [proceeds to eat the cereal]