Michael Caine credited as playing...
Jack Carter
- Cliff Brumby: [blocking Carter's path] Listen, I don't like it when some tough nut comes pushin' his way in and out of my house in the middle of the night! Bloody well tell me who sent you!
- Jack Carter: You're a big man, but you're in bad shape. With me it's a full time job. Now behave yourself.
- [Brumby takes a swing at Carter, who grabs his hand, punches him, and then slaps him in the face for good measure]
- Jack Carter: [as he's leaving] Goodnight, Mrs. Brumby.
- Jack Carter: You know, I'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Pissholes in the snow.
- Jack Carter: A pint of bitter
- [snaps fingers as bartender walks away]
- Jack Carter: ...in a thin glass!
- Jack Carter: [naked, pointing a shotgun] Out!
- Con McCarty: Come on Jack, put it away. You know you're not going to use it.
- Peter: The gun he means!
- Jack Carter: What happened to you, then?
- Keith: [laying on a bed, bloodied and beaten up] How did you find me?
- Jack Carter: They give you a rough time?
- Keith: No... you bastard. You knew they'd come back!
- Jack Carter: No, I didn't. Does Albert Swift still live across the ferry?
- Keith: Get knotted!
- Jack Carter: Alright, alright, alright. I wanna square things with you, first.
- Keith: Oh, yeah? How?
- [Jack holds up a handful of pounds]
- Keith: Stuff it! My girlfriend's comin' from Liverpool tonight! Nice surprise, isn't it?
- Jack Carter: I'm sorry. Here. Get yourself a course in karate.
- [throws the money on the bed, then turns to leave]
- Keith: [groans in pain] Frank said you were a shit, and he wa' bloody well right! You even screwed his wife, didn't you? The poor bastard didn't even know if the kid was his!
- Jack Carter: I'm off tomorrow, so I don't suppose I'll be seeing you again.
- Jack Carter: [Pulls out some large banknotes, giving some to Doreen] Here. Go and get your hair done.
- Doreen Carter: Thanks!
- Jack Carter: Be good... And don't trust boys.
- Eric: So, what're you doing then? On your holidays?
- Jack Carter: No, I'm visiting relatives.
- Eric: Oh, that's nice.
- Jack Carter: It would be... if they were still living.
- [Harry, who's playing poker, is disturbed by Carter's presence in the room]
- Harry: Thought you were going soon.
- Jack Carter: Soon. When you've lost your money. Won't take long.
- Harry: Clever sod, aren't you?
- Jack Carter: Only comparatively.
- Edna: [Pointing to a small wooden box that contains Frank's cremated remains] That was left for you this evening... What is it?
- Jack Carter: My brother Frank.
- Edna: Is he staying the night?
- Jack Carter: [not amused] Funny.
- Albert: [as Jack trains a knife on him] For Christ's sake, Jack!
- Jack Carter: You knew what I'd do. Didn't you, Albert?
- Albert: I didn't kill him!
- Jack Carter: [stabs Albert] I *KNOW* YOU DIDN'T KILL HIM! I *KNOW*!
- [Albert slumps over dead]
- Edna: What are you going to do?
- Jack Carter: I'm going to sit in the car and whistle "Rule Britannia".
- [last lines]
- Jack Carter: [having chased Eric to a beach until they are both worn out] I'll bet... you could use a drink.
- [throws him a bottle of whisky]
- Jack Carter: Couldn't you, Eric? Eh? Have a drink.
- Eric: You've still got your sense of humour.
- Jack Carter: Drink up.
- [Eric starts drinking from the bottle]
- Jack Carter: Drink up. There.
- [Eric falls down and keeps drinking]
- Jack Carter: [angrily] I want you... to drink all o' that. D'ya understand? Drink it all.
- [forces Eric to keep drinking]
- Jack Carter: Just like it was... with my brother Frank. Go on, son! Drink up!
- [Eric drinks until he starts coughing]
- Jack Carter: Drink it up, Eric.
- [forces him to drink again]
- Jack Carter: It was you! It was you 'ho poured it down him, wa'n't it? Eh, Eric?
- [Eric struggles to speak over his violent retching as Jack forces him to keep drinking]
- Jack Carter: What? What, eh? Did you all have a good laugh, eh? Did you 'ave a good laugh when he was spewing it up? EH? Drink up. Drink it. DRINK IT! DID YOU PASS THE BOTTLE 'ROUND... WHEN THE CAR WENT OVER THE TOP? EH?
- [Eric finally finishes the bottle]
- Jack Carter: GOODBYE, ERIC!
- [Jack brings the butt of his shotgun down on top of Eric's head]
- Edna: What's that gun doing in your room? Suppose I phone the police, told them there's a bloke in my hotel... who's planning to shoot somebody?
- Jack Carter: You wouldn't do that.
- Edna: How do you know I wouldn't?
- Jack Carter: 'Cause I know you wear purple underwear.
- Edna: What's that supposed to mean?
- Jack Carter: Think about it.