Robert J. Wilke credited as playing...
- Cassidy: Well, gents. It's the same thing as a year ago. We need extra hands for the roundup and drive to Abilene. Who likes Mr. Kilgore's money? Owney Stewart?
- [Owney spits]
- Cassidy: Spanish Charlie? This town must be gettin' deep. I said I'm hiring for Reece Kilgore. Any of you got a case against him or me, holler out now and I'll hear it.
- Powder: Looks like we ain't so popular, Cassidy.
- Cassidy: They don't speak up, I'll pick the ones I want.
- Cassidy: Are you loco?
- Sheriff Sam Kimberley: Could be, but I'm wearing the star.
- Cassidy: Pin it on your britches. You're bustin' out of them.
- John Muller: What proof do you have they were Indians?
- Cassidy: You wouldn't believe an Indian was bad if he scalped you. You'd say it was cooler that way.