A shot from inside a sedan that Annie is driving shows a nameplate logo on the dashboard that says "Kaiser", but the only cars they are seen driving are the stolen Cadillac, a Packard convertible, a Chevy convertible, what appears to be an old Ford or Mercury convertible, a Ford sedan, and a 1930's Plymouth sedan.
While trying (unsuccessfully) to escape capture in the mountains, Annie maintains possession of her purse, which she drops in the stream they're stumbling through. Immediately thereafter, she has it back.
The Cadillac stolen from the Illinois man that is used in the bank robbery (featuring the single take) has a chrome ashtray at the top back of the front seat, visible when the car is first seen at the hitch-hiker pickup. In the hold-up, it's not there.
In the opening shot, Bart's collar changes positions between cuts.
After shooting bottles, Bart opens a can of beer. His arm changes position.
Anyone who has done even a little mountain hiking knows that alpine marshes and swamps are quite common, especially in California. All it takes is a shallow depression that fills seasonally with snow melt. Many (not all) alpine lakes have adjacent marshy areas. There is no suggestion in the film that the protagonists are at an altitude sufficient for permanent snow cover. Consequently, movement into a marshy area for the final scene is not a goof in any sense.
When Annie slugs the Hampton policeman during the bank robbery, the cop flinches and begins to fall before she actually strikes him, and Annie barely grazed his ear with the gun.
When Annie shoots out the front left tire of their car, her line of sight and the bullet would have gone through the car's front bumper.
After crashing through the gates where the park rangers are trying to stop them, the couple spins the car out in the rough terrain. As it spins, it can be seen that there is no rear window in the car.
When Bart and Annie rob the Travelers Aid, the cash he takes from the box clearly is not real money.
When Bart and Annie Laurie are looking in the jewelry shop window, the bus seen in the reflection carries the brand 'Chicago Motor Coach Company' in large letters - which does not tally with the story's location in SW USA. Also, the 'reflected road' in the window is at a peculiar angle, such that the vehicles on the road would likely be set on colliding with the shopfronts where the window is. Both facts show that the scene was shot in the studio with projected stock footage being reflected in the window. A similar pawn-shop-window scene later on was evidently done the same way.
During the police chase just before the meat packing robber Annie is driving and Bart is in the middle of the back seat. He aims his gun and shoots out the tire on the police car, but at his position he would have shot out the back window of their getaway car,
The shadows of the cameraman, camera, and tripod are visible when the car cuts through the canyon in final chase.
When Bart grabs Annie's arm to prevent her from shooting an employee of the bank as the alarm sounds, they run to their getaway car, and the cameraman's reflection is visible for a moment as he rides past the window on a dolly.
A shadow is visible on Bart as he walks through the meat packing plant.
A shadow is visible on Ruby after she goes into the kitchen and tells the kids to go away.