William Frawley credited as playing...
Tom Moore
- Tom Moore: [handing Sam a drink at the bar] People are all alike, Sam. I know what you mean. I wish I could help you but I had a bookmaker in here taking bets and it was only last month that he ran away with all the cash I had.
- Sam Clayton: Must have been quite a blow to your wife.
- Tom Moore: No, she ran with him.
- Sam Clayton: Maybe I should buy *you* a drink.
- Tom Moore: Well, I could stand one right now, thanks.
- Sam Clayton: [having one drink too many] Do you know what Confucius says about helping people?
- Tom Moore: [also tipsy] Yeah, he said so many things he gets me mixed up.
- Sam Clayton: Well, he said...
- Tom Moore: Confucius fills me with confusion.