- 'Doc' - Passenger on Yacht: I was thinking of the inconsistency of civilization. The beast of the jungle, killing just for his existence, is called savage. The man, killing just for sport, is called civilized... It's a bit contradictory, isn't it?
- Bob: Now just a minute... What makes you think it isn't just as much sport for the animal, as it is for the man? Now take that fellow right there, for instance. There never was a time when he couldn't have gotten away, but he didn't want to. He got interested in hunting me. He didn't hate me for stalking him, anymore than I hated him for trying to charge me. As a matter of fact, we admired each other.
- 'Doc' - Passenger on Yacht: Perhaps, but would you change places with the tiger?
- Bob: Well... not now.
- Bob: This world's divided into two kinds of people: the hunter and the hunted. Luckily, I'm the hunter. Nothing can change that.
- Zaroff: God made some men kings, some beggars. Me, he made a hunter. My hand was made for the trigger.
- [first lines]
- Captain: The channel's here on the chart, all right, and so are the marking lights.
- First Mate on Yacht: Then what's wrong with them?
- Captain: Those lights don't seem to be in just the right place. They're both a bit out of position according to this.
- First Mate on Yacht: Two light buoys means a safe channel between the world over!
- Captain: "Safe between the world over" doesn't go in these waters.
- Eve: The Count is worse than a family governess. Every night he sends us off to bed like naughty children.