Ghostbusters (2016)
One of the worst remakes of all-time? Yeah, pretty much. Check out my review below to find out why!
25 October 2022
"Ghostbusters" (2016), for those of you that might have missed any of my previous reviews, I'm a really big fan of "Ghostbusters" (1984). It's one of my top ten all-time favorite comedy films! However, the ones that came after it were the epitome of unnecessary. That being said, this "movie" is a whole different league. For all the wrong reasons! I've seen some pretty bad reboots and remakes in my life. But, this "film" is easily one of the top ten, if not top five, worst remakes I have ever seen in my life. Just typing about it is enough to make me cringe painfully! I remember when I saw the first teaser trailer. For a second, I thought: "cool! Are they going to bring back the original cast? It's more than likely not going to be as good as the original movie." But then, as soon as I saw the main characters, I said to myself: "wait, who are these people? Where are the Ghostbusters?" Yeah, you can probably already see where this is going. Just from seeing the trailer and knowing that it was going to be a remake, I could tell it was going to be a pile of filthy slime. However, that would be an insult to slime! "Ghostbusters" has a boring and cliched storyline, standard to terrible acting, and an abysmal soundtrack to try and tie this diarrhea stain together. The plot is, ghosts invade New York City and it's up to paranormal enthusiasts Erin Gilbert and Abby Yates, nuclear engineer Jillian Holtzmann, and subway worker Patty Tolan to team up and save the day. Yep, it's about as redundant as it sounds. Seen it! Seriously, if you've seen the original "Ghostbusters" film, then you've seen this one already. It's the exact same story, except the lead characters are played by women. Now, before you get all riled up about me saying that, I'm not going to debate that fact about this "movie", I'm just sticking with the storyline for now. I'll go into more details about the acting in a minute. Any way, the writing and pacing for this "film" is absolutely juvenile and embarrassing. Did no one proof-read the screenplay? It's like they were thinking: "how obnoxious can we make this movie?" Well, they more than succeeded on that fact. There are bad films out there where I cringe while I watch them, and this one is no exception. No more than five minutes went by where I didn't cringe once. I just sat there in depressed silence and awaited the glorious end credits. That's how much I hate this "movie"! It angers me, just as much as it bores me, which are the two worst things any film can do, in my opinion. I did not smile, let alone laugh one single time. Not one time! Bottom line, the people who wrote this script, and the people who green-lit production should really take a brain exam. Come up with some fresh new ideas already! As for the acting, it's overall terrible from the whole cast. Let me just say this, I have nothing against an all-female cast in any movie or TV show. As long as it has a purpose and is entertaining, that's all that matters. Now that being said, casting women as the Ghostbusters was a huge mistake. Their performances do nothing but insult the original film! The sad thing is, this "movie" has a decent cast lineup. I've seen the majority of these actors and actresses in other films, where they do a much better job. They can act, and a lot of them can be funny. So, what happened to them here? It's like director Paul Feig told them to forget about being funny, or putting on a good performance. He just ran the cameras for 116 minutes, and attempted to make a movie out of it. Don't even get me started on the cameos in this "film"! Wow, I can only imagine how humiliated they were when they had to subject themselves to this pile of garbage of a movie. I'm not going to mention their names at all, because I don't want to embarrass them at all. Thankfully, it appears that this "film" didn't ruin their reputations in the movie industry. As far as the soundtrack goes, it's about as abysmal as you can possibly get. There is nothing redeemable about this film score whatsoever. It's about as forgettable as music can be. Congratulations, Theodore Shapiro. You have successfully created one of the most dull soundtracks I've ever heard. To add insult to injury, there are multiple cover versions of the "Ghostbusters" theme. But, the worst one here, is easily the horrible "Ghostbusters" cover version by Fall Out Boy. That song is about as bad as it is pointless. The fact that I can even barely stand this unbearable excuse for a song, is a miracle. Although to be honest, even though the Ray Parker Jr. Version is used here, it still doesn't redeem a thing. If I were to rate film scores, this one would easily be on my top ten worst list, I'm not joking. Any way, why don't we go ahead and move on to the only two good elements in this piece of crap. The only good things are the sets/locations and the special effects. All of the sets/locations are great and give this "film" a decent atmosphere. You can't go wrong with filming your movie in New York City! Finally, as far as the special effects go, they are well-done and still hold up today. Which is no surprise, being released in 2016! "Ghostbusters" is yet another pointless reboot film that nobody asked for. I know I didn't! It's completely unnecessary in every sense of the word. I'm struggling to give this "movie" 2 out of 5 stars on my personal scale, which equates to 4 out of 10 IMDB stars. Just stick with the original "Ghostbusters" film. Even "Ghostbusters II" (1989) is better than this worthless reboot! Beware of this horrible "movie", and all that's affiliated with it. Otherwise, you might turn into a ghost yourself!
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