Review of Day 5

Day 5 (2016–2017)
Brilliant concept more than makes up for flaws
21 August 2021
Tired of zombies? Me too. Day 5 is a unique and inspired post-apocalypse, its characters slowly tweaking out as they go longer and longer without sleep. Production values are so-so, but much, *much* better than you'd generally see on Youtube; I'd say it's somewhere between Sci-Fi Channel and network TV. The concept is more than enough to make up for the occasional deficits. Sometimes I'm not sure whether something is bad acting or great acting, because people tend to act pretty weird when they've gone without sleep for five days. (Other times, like dream sequences, no, it's just bad acting.) Main characters are all good though.

Part drama, part comedy, but mostly The Odyssey. Infrequent gratuitous boobs, swearing that usually feels natural, some on-screen violence but only when called for.

First season *is* better than the second season, which sometimes felt formulaic. 8 stars for first season, only 6 for the second.
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