Thriller. Thanks to Commissioner Yarrick for recommending this, already quite old thriller, from which I was pleased to watch. I will note that I watched the color version in an amateur one-voice voice-over translation, since there are simply no other versions for our compatriots. Who cares - I will give a link to the picture itself After the video of Commissioner Yarrik, I decided to personally evaluate this picture and make my own opinion about it - and here's a short one - Welcome to Hell! I will write with pleasure both the pros and cons. Since it is no longer worth stretching the introductory part (and there is nothing), so let your humble servant get down to the point.
So the pros:
1. Scenario - after a shipwreck in the Pacific Ocean, the main character, the famous hunter Bob, finds himself on an island that bypasses all ships. Its owner is Count Zarov, who fled after the revolution in Russia, who behaves very politely with him and several other guests. But the count only has one hobby, or rather a passion - hunting, but unusual - he hunts people. Now the hero has to outwit the clever and cunning count and escape from this damned place. The ending is predictable, the scenario is as simple as two logs, but why does it catch on? Despite the simplicity, it is interesting to observe the unfolding events, and in part even to worry about the heroes.
2. An interesting villain - Count Zarov - this decoration and almost the only reason to watch this picture. The fact is, he's a classic movie villain. He laughs viciously, plays the piano, adores classical music, loves to chat, considers himself almost God, despises all people except the main character, and then because of his profession. Brutal killer and maniac. A typical representative of social Darwinism. Which was brilliantly performed by Leslie Banks. No wonder Roger Ebert (American film critic) said "A film is only as good as its villain." With this I can agree. It was in this picture that the very classic movie villain appeared, which is now used only as a parody. But here he is a real threat. Zarov is a cruel killer and maniac who can predict the further moves of his victim, since he is experienced in such matters. To beat him is a real achievement, if not a feat.
3. Ivan - you will never guess who played the main henchman of Zarov - the Negro. And it is not striking! My compliments to make-up artists and designers, Noble Johnson is so good as a Russian Cossack that I am still surprised by this. Even in the color version of the picture, there is not a hint of the actor's true skin color.
4. Russian - since the count is from Russia, he speaks Russian with his henchmen - and here again I must praise Leslie Banks, who, for an Englishman, pronounced remarks quite well in Russian, albeit with an accent, but you can close your eyes to this ... Of course, there was a mention of the "barbarism" of our compatriots, which could be expected in the American picture.
And the film also has quite good and intense music that perfectly drives the viewer into the atmosphere of this thriller.
So the cons:
1. One phrase about Russia - but here it was insulting. The phrase is absolutely unfair and even cruel. Immoral and even inhuman. This is not a personal grievance, but an objective fact. Look at the picture and you will understand everything.
2. Timing - it was cut in the film distribution version, and almost a third of the filmed material was cut out. And all because of the "outrageous cruelty" that was there. But here it is about the audience, in those years the people were still not scared, and at the test screenings the audience left the cinema, so they decided to cut the picture. I would like to see the full version, but this is simply not possible. It's a pity!
A little about the main characters:
1. Bob performed by Joel McCree is a famous American hunter who got to the island of Count Zarov and got into a real human safari, from which only one will emerge as the winner. A typical hero who is not remembered in any way, alas. Joel played it well, albeit without revelation.
2. Count Zarov performed by Leslie Banks - the owner of the island and the most memorable character in the whole picture. I have already described it in detail, so I see no reason to repeat it. Dialogue, character, behavior and manners - all betray in him a maniac and sociopath who hates and despises people outside his circle and profession. Leslie - Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!
The picture is certainly not a masterpiece for all time, and is interesting from the point of view of the presentation of the villain and the Negro Ivan, well, and also a simple script without intrigue, but it is definitely worth your attention.
As a result, we have a good thriller, with a good and simple script, a great and memorable villain, intense music, and good acting.
My rating is 7 out of 10 and my recommendation for viewing!